Friday, October 31, 2008
Any adult will tell you that school is not the only place to find them.
Everywhere you look you can find people unconcerned, or unaware of the pain they inflict.
It might be a friend, praying on a suspision of his best friend.
Or a daughter, punishing the choices of her mother.
Or a housewife, seeking justice to her husband who cheated on her.
There are bullies everywhere.
And the worst, are the ones who take advantage of you.
Without you ever knowing..
What they've done.
Its something everyone doesn't have, but yet struggles to find them.
The people who do not have time, are the ones who seek to finish up agendas, hoping others would not find out about it.
It could be a boyfriend, who hasn't got the time to be there for his beloved.
Or a parent whose ignorance caused their child's life.
Or a thief, who just needs a little bit more time to get what he wants.
It could be a friend, who knows he ain't got much time left in this world, but still has lots to tell.
Yes. Time is a gift, a precious object that everyone needs in this world.
But we take time for granted.
And the lives of those poor souls who has lost track of their time are taken away forever.
How do we protect and find ourselves time in our lives?
Well, we start off by telling ourselves..
Time and tide waits for no man.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
In a flash , the life we once know and had are gone forever.
And we're left to ask ourselves.
How could she have left me?
When did our friendship start to fade?
Why has our friend changed?
Was I the best friend, I could have been?
Of course, there are some people who understands how quickly time passes and takes everything away from us.
That's why their so determined, to get what they want.
Before, it is too late.
The truth is, everyone breaks the rules every now and then.
Never thinking for one second they might get caught.
But if they do get caught, they simply ask for forgiveness.
And most of the time, they receive it.
But some people deserve the condamnation of their actions.
So, how do people avoid such a fate?
The trick is, to know which rule to be broken.
And which is not..
I haven't any images to post, I forgot the cable to connect the camera to the computer. I haven't drawn much over the past few days, too busy moving around and manning the boat. i'm inspired to draw at the moment though. I'm sitting in a boat looking across a field to a hill with a windmill on, there is a covering of snow which looks beautiful with a clear blue sky and sunshine. So I'll waste no more time and start drawing.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You know, the kind that helps you with the bags without complaining about how heavy they are.
The type that delivers misplaced books but doesn't point out the hell he's been through to get them.
The sort that offers to help with the homework, although he knows he doesn't have the time to study, for himself.
But if you're not sure the person you call them as friends, is nice as he would have you believed..
Do everything you can to know him better.
We are all searching for someone.
That special someone who will provide us with whats missing in our lives.
Someone who can offer companionship.
Or security.
Or assistance.
And sometimes if we search very hard, we can find us someone who can provide us with all three.
Yes. We are all searching for someone.
But what of poor souls who still can't find that someone after searching for so long?
Well, if we can't find them, we can only pray that they'll find us..
And no one knows this better, then the people who hide behind them.
Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies.
Some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling.
Some put on a cheerful smile, to keep others from knowing how sad they are.
Others wear silly grins to mask their fears.
But then there's that rare smile that is actually genuine.
It's a smile of a person, who knows his problems..
Will soon be over.
There is a certain time of morning.
It occurs after kids go to school, and husbands go to work.
It's the time where people think about the secrets they keep from their friends.
And how shock they would be if the truth was discovered.
And how they will do whatever in their power to keep that from happening.
But what of those lucky people where they do not have any secrets left to keep?
What do they think about every morning?
These people spend their mornings thinking about their friends..
And the secrets they are keeping.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Our lives are filled with questions.
Most are easily answered, and soon forgotten.
But some questions are much harder to ask.
Because we are so afraid of the answer.
Would I be around to watch her grow?
Am I making a mistake by letting her leave?
Could she ever had truly loved me?
And what happens when we ask ourselves the hard questions , and get the answer we've been hoping for?
Well, that's when happiness begins.
There is a prayer intended to give strength to people with circumstances they don't want to accept.
The power of the prayer comes from the inside of its human nature.
Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us.
Because so many are cowardly, and is afraid to stand up for what is right.
Because so many of us give in despair, when face with an impossible choice.
The good news who utter these words, is that God will hear you, and answer your prayers.
The bad news , is that sometimes..
The answer is no.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
There is nothing more important then friends.
They are the ones who show up when we're in trouble.
The ones who push us to succeed.
The ones who help us keep our secrets.
But what of those poor souls who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need?
Well, most of them learned life's road by themselves.
But a sad few of them, just simply stopped trying.
Anyone could end up a victim.
Injured by the actions of others.
But whether the damage is inflicted by a cunning ex-girlfriend.
Or a blow by the object of our affection.
The time comes where we must pick ourselves up and continue on the journey.
And if we still can't get up, all we can pray for.
Is rescue..
And once their done, they expect absolution.
But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness.
Most who unveil hidden agendas deserve the condamnation they deserve.
Most who disclose vengeful motives, bear the punishment that follows.
Only the truly repentant have any right at all, to expect a second chance.
Which is why we should think twice before we confess.
Especially if you don't know what it is, that you're confessing.
Power. It's a type of thing most people don't think about until its taken away.
Whether its the political power of the many.
Or a lover's influence of just one.
We all want some sort of power in our lives.
Yes. To be without choices, to feel utterly powerless.
What does it feel like?
Well, for starters, it's a a lot like being alone, in the dark..
Friday, October 24, 2008
Competition entry
My blog posting has gone west over the last few days. I've been focusing on a commission and my competition entry. I thought I'd post the competition entry - photo's not too good, did it in the car with my phone just before I took it to be framed. Forms have been submitted so I just need to collect it from the framers and deliver on 14th November.
I'm not going to able to post for a week but should be back by 2nd November.
It might be a shirt she despises but wears without complaint.
Perhaps some lingerie, she knows isn't hers , but refuse to discuss.
Or a dress she once loved, but she could no longer bear to look at it.
Yes. You can learn a lot about girls from what they choose to wear.
You can learn even more by what they choose to take off.
And, who they take it off for..
Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning everything will be clean again and even the most trouble states would disappear.
Like the doubts of innocents.
Or the consequences of his mistake.
Like the scars of her betrayal.
Or the memory of his kiss.
So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best.
Even though, we know in our hearts, some stains are stubborn.
Nothing can wash them away...
But some go for it more ruthlessly then others.
Like the ones who crave vengeance.
Or the ones who hunger for love.
Or the ones who are determined to burn bridges.
And then there those who simply want something.
Something that belongs to someone else..
Dangerous people walk among us. And we can't always be sure of who they are of what secrets they hide.
But once our worst's suspicion's confirmed , we can take action.
One's their agenda's revealed, we can take steps to protect ourselves and those we love.
Yes. Dangerous people can cause great harm.
But sometimes, the greatest danger they oppose.
Is to themselves..
".... I choose my friends based on their looks. I choose my acquaintance based on their character. I choose my enemies based on their intelligence... " - Oscar Wilder.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
That whose soul mates never die?
The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened.
A husband and wife who will trust each other completely.
If you haven't met the perfect couple..
Let me introduce to you.
They stand on top of a layer of butter-creamed frosted cake.
The secret to their success?
Well, for starters. They don't have to look at each other all the time..
Gossip. It's just a harmful form of recreation.
It's careless talk deal in polite fiction.
And its nasty speculation that based on not so polite facts.
How do we protect ourselves from the venomous stings of such idle gossip?
The best way, is to just tell the truth.
And wait for people to start talking about someone else..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
How do they began?
With one person desperately in need , and another willing to lend a helping hand.
When such kindness is offered, we're finally able to see the worth.
For those who have previously written off.
And before we know it, a bond has been formed.
Regardless of whether others could understand it.
Yes. Unlikely friendship starts everyday.
No one understands this, more then the lonely.
In fact, its what they count on, the most.
There's a reason why people can't wait for Christmas.
And it has little to do with family reunions.
Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.
Or that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe.
Or a present from that special someone.
No. People look forward to Christmas, because they know.
It's a time for miracles..
They distrubt us in many ways.
Some apply medicine and treatments to kill them.
Some prefer to just ignore and hope they go away.
Death seems to be the only way to remove them.
Yes. Pests can sometimes be dangerous if we leave them as be.
But the problem with pests, is that what they leave behind.
Is just as dangerous.
Sometimes we tell a lie in our lives.
Lies that can condamn the past, and destroy futures.
We sometimes tell a lie to cover up a dark secret.
Or to hide the humiliation upon us.
Some just tell a lie to protect their young ones from knowing the truth.
Yes. Lies can sometimes be used to hide and protect the ones around us.
But its their real intentions , that makes it all too evil.
Lijena sam = I am lazy....
I know, I am. I can't help it. I just have so many things on my mind and to do. And there is this annoying thing called university. To be honest, only some 30 per cent are fun - the rest totally point- and useless. Politics, Grammar and Translation are fine, since the profs are pretty funny and involved into our education, they heart students! ( .. and they are all foreigners...)Norwegian is fine, but se
The rest is... well dull, I am not the person for these very courses..we shall see. Since I have more or less to take care of my courses I take, I picked Law for the next term ( International Law) and politics of course!
Apart from that I have some pretty difficult days behind me. I had a series of arguments with my flatmate and friends concerning my behaviour, which was according to them (and in some points I do agree) shit. Though to be honest, they exaggerated a lot! They committed the cardinal mistake of comparing me, which is just wrong. I am me, myself and maybe I. But never will I be anyone else. When I love, I love with all my heart. And when I chose to spend my time (or as much as I can)with my hunk, it is because I need and do want it. It's not an easy matter to explain someone what love is, when he or she never really loved with all their hearts.. Anyways, I hope it's solved and sealed forever- since I do not have the nerves and do not want to loose power for something as stupid as this!
My Love finishes (F-I-N-A-L-L-Y) work on Friday morning. This is going to be my lucky day, believe me! Tomorrow is gonna be tough, I am more or less 12 h at University, which sucks a big deal!I have courses in 4 different languages! Last week on that day I was confused, when someone spoke German with me ( I was actually asking myself which language it was...).
We are gonna finally move the last stuff from my flatmate's old home, including a writing desk for me, which is wonderful, since I am done with completing my papers in bed .
Apart from that?! Was at two parties last Saturday- one was dull the second one gorgeous (at my bf's corporation..).
I think this is all for now. I am soooo tired ( getting up at six to get my Love from the station...), I am just gonna finish the book I am reading now ( " Viva Polonia" ) and off to zzzzzz....
But what we fear has nothing to do gruelsome masks.
Or plastic spiders.
Or lifesize monsters.
No. Its the thoughts in our head that terrifies us the most.
What if she comes to regret her decision.
What if he really is unhappy.
What if the chance for love has passed forever.
How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts?
We start by reminding ourselves, what does not kill us just makes us stronger.
We all have our reasons for rewriting history.
Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis.
Sometimes we wanna' hurt someone who has hurt us.
And then there are times where we just wanna' spare ourselves embarasment.
Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite history is just another way to lie.
But what is history anyway?
Its but a set of lies, agreed upon.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We try not to get too close with the people who live next door.
It's easier to give them a polite nod then to ask what's wrong.
It's safer to keep walking by, then to get involved.
True. We sometimes get to know the people we share a fence with and end up lifelong friends.
But mostly, we keep our distance.
Because we rather our neighbours know nothing about us, then know too much.
The past is never truly behind us.
Ghosts lurk in the shadows eager to remind us of the choices we made.
But if we look back,we might find an old friend with an open arms.
Or an old enemy with a hidden agenda.
Or a grown up son with a forgiving heart.
Sadly, some of us refuse to look back.
Never understanding that by denying the past, we are condamned to repeat it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Orlando Bloom
Another watercolour picture, the lovely Orlando Bloom. Piratey theme compulsory, well it does suit him!
Friday, October 17, 2008
My first touch of you, could move any mountains.
My first love for you, could revive the fallen.
My first break from you, could never be mend.
Life, is full of surprises. Whether you like it or not, its always surprising you in many ways.
You could get a bounced check, or you could find a cockroach in your tea. Same goes to those working for politicians. Working for them is like working on a thin line between life and death.
One minute, you're celebrating your victory. The other, you're busy complaining about the loss of a campaign.
Seems like life, is full of surprises. And its something we cannot predict or change, but we try to create our own future.
We study our ass's off, hoping to have a good job, and a good life.
We stay clear from drinking tea and coffee to have longer vitality.
But for some, they prefer not to know and change their future. They prefer not to know when their getting married. Or when they might get hit by a car.
But its their past , who make what they will become in the future. Whether they like it or not..
When I knew I was about to have a huge break up, I knew life isn't going to be any easier.
I just lost the girl I deeply love and care about, I knew that she will create a scene where she puts me in a humiliating position, I knew I wouldn't be able to go through life as proper as possible knowing that she doesn't love me from the beginning.
But no matter how pain the cause, I've just got to walk through it slowly, yet patiently.
This is my future for the decision I made in the past.
There's no mending this broken heart.
Au Revoir...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thoughts of maybe she should have painted her house blue, instead of brown.
She then worried if she'll ever meet her beloved husband in heaven.
Yes. These are the many thoughts an elderly person would go through in their final days on Earth.
When asked about hows it feel like about to die, she simply replies, "Well, its not that bad. When you know your time on Earth is getting shorter, you just get the time to think and reflect back on our lives."
Most of them tried to live their lives as best as possible. And hoping God will welcome them with an open arm.
But, for those who committed crimes and hide them away hoping that time will bury all secrets, know that they are not getting any warm welcomes from God. And therefore, they make their last confessions to their loved ones - husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends, partners ,ministers.
Eventually the sinner would be forgiven. Some not.
Unfortunately, for Mrs Lilian Sims, she could not make the confession to her granddaughter about the dark deed that happened to her in her room a few years ago. This is because her daughter strictly forbid the truth to come out, and that all who knew the dark past must die with it.
It was against her conscience, as she can't go to her grave knowing that she still has one last secret to confess.
Her daughter told her on her death bed, "Even if your life is over, it doesn't mean you can go around ruining others."
It soon came to Mrs Lilian Sims mind. That her death could not come any sooner.
This same goes to her niece, as well.
John Travolta
As I started with a picture of John Travolta I thought it was about time I did one in colour. Had to do the plane, the picture I used was one of those with him posing by some sleek and beautiful plane -no idea what for any plane spotters out there. It looked nothing like this one.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sendhil Ramamurthy aka Mohinder Suresh in "Heroes"
I fancied doing something a bit different last night. So I thought I'd try a 2 tone picture. I used one of the papers that I'd tried watercolour technique experiments on. I quite like it. Not sure I'm happy with the likeness but I'll definitely try the style again. It has a hint of the Che Guevara's about it! (not intentional)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Love Didn't Made It.
General opinion starts to make out the idea that we live in a world of hatred or greed, but I don't see that. Seems to me that love is everywhere. Often its not particularly dignified or newsworthy but, its always there. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.
The planes hit the Twin Towers as far as I know none of the phone calls made by the people on board were messages of hate, or revenge. They were all messages of , love. And if you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspision that love, actually, is all around.
These are just some of the things people go through after a havoc break-up.
They might think that they should had given more flowers and gifts to their partners to avoid getting dumped.
Some feel that they had done the right decision by leaving, little do they know that its the break ups that kill their partners the most.
Some, they prefer to hate and discriminate their partners in public , trying to cover up the humiliation of their break ups.
Yes. In life, most people do many crazy things either after of before their break ups. Which to many, it seems to be the end of an era. The dark age of your social life.
And many people do, whatever they can to hide and destroy the shame and humiliation that they have to go through every time a break up occurs.
For those people, take my case for instance, most partners play the dominating game of social life. They keep most of their best friends away from their ex-partners and try their very best to brain wash them about the so call 'evil' of their ex partners.
Therefore, causing social discrimination.
But little do they know, that the more he/she tries to keep away their friends from each other, is the more they are in a fleeting dream. A dream, which he/she shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare.
Usually, when there is a break up, mostly the guys will suffer the most. Most men are really committed in a relationship. But it is the girls who do not appreciate what the guys have truly done for them.
They spoil the girls with gifts, and joke around when she's depressed. He's always there for her, showing her love, and not to mention, tender loving care.
But all these goes to waste as finally the girls get bored and dumps the guys in a very humiliating way. Most girls don't realize this but, no matter how much she pretends to HATE the guys, the guys just don't resist. They just do not want to start a fight with the girl they used to love.
Girls just don't know anything about a relationship as their too young to understand. Most probably they'll have to hit their 20's to then, and only then, see what the guys have done and appreciate it. But, by that time most of us are already gone and away.
We do our best to save a relationship when we know its about to break. But most of our efforts are going to waste as girls are often not committed in a relationship. Or when the guys are just real players.
Girls seek to seduce the guys in a one last effort to save their relationship.
Men buy special gifts for the girls and seek their the girls forgiveness one last time.
These are just some of the examples of what everyone does, but truth to be told, if they have no trust and love between each other, there is no point to continue this relationship filled with lies and deceit.
Many people ask me, to where and how do I know so much about this?
Well, it's all because I've been through 2 relationships that was a failure. One , was because she was a natural player. And the second was because she was in love with my best friend, not me.
And now, she lives to put the blame on me. Taking away everything and everyone I use to know and have. I know so much about this that if I keep it in my head, I will practically explode.
Some people do not understand and take what I say for granted. Well, like I've said, you need to be in my shoes to then , and only then, truly understands the pain I'm going through.
And now,I write my story to the rest of the world. The true story, of a guy whose love never made it..
Owen Wilson
Finally got a new cartridge for the printer so I have some new people to draw!!! Here's Owen Wilson. I had more than a few disasters on this one but I've managed to redeem most of them. That stupid grey pen is still leaking. Been a bit busy with abstracts again and planning my comp entry - I need to start painting soon! I also went to a scrapbook crop yesterday, where does the time go!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Martti Ahtisaari won the Nobel Peace Prize!!!
...."Ahtisaari is an outstanding international mediator," said Ole Danbolt Mjoes, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. "Through his untiring efforts and good results, he has shown what role mediation of various kinds can play in the resolution of international conflicts."....
More here.
Ahtisaari rescued for example thousands of people from Kosovo.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The greatest thing you'll ever learn / Is to love and be loved in return.
We have literally Indian Summer here in Germany- try to picture these colours! They are simply amazing! And sunhsine all over the place! All my prayers have been answered. Just came back from a stroll with Seid, who is on his way to work now- night shift.. Just two more weeks, and he is done! Luckily. He was so bored yesterday, that I had to call him around 2 a.m!
Tomorrow I have an English Exam, which is going to test my skills ( I am starting with English Studies as well this term). I really can't wait. As if I didn't have enough exams last term.. You really never get enough...
I also got a mail from a really good friend of mine, I hadn't talked to for ages- so I am simply over the moon (though some other friends are causing trouble, and nothing more than trouble..)
Anyways- I am tired ( the only thing I mastered today was helping my Hunk and his Mommy cooking), just updating my Filofax (it's so gorgeous :P ) and than I am off Zzzzz... ( ha ha my Love is off to work, and I am sleeping in his parent's house :P.....).
Loads of love!
P.S It's getting exciting- got news from Mari (soon to be Mrs. Edhabi), that she and Youssef are getting married on the 17th.... :D . It is a pity I can't be there.. :(
Well at least I can send my thoughts there :).
Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine
I had a major disaster today, inking in the picture I posted last nigh, I'd refilled my grey pen and it leaked all down Susannah's face. Well, I think it is Susannah -They're a bit like Ant 'n' Dec really, I can never remember which one is which as they're always together. Not that they're similar in appearance. Anyway, I ended up redrawing the picture- some tracing might have been involved, I was feeling VERY depressed at the time. Trinny's left eyebrow was a bit darker than planned but I decided to keep it in, it evokes the sort of character which comes across in their TV appearances.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Trinny and Suzanna
This is a halfway stage picture. I'm not sure about the composition. Might change it. I think the likeness is there, if you know them. Trinny had to be a stick insect, she's just too skinny to be fair. Haven't done much finished work over the last few days. I went to a local art group yesterday, chap painting a portrait in acrylics, haven't used them much but might try in the future.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Euro 2008 (1280x1024)
Euro 2008 (1280x960)
Euro 2008 Mascot, White Wallpaper - (1280x960)
Colorful Euro 2008 Wallpaper - (1280x960)
Reddish Euro 2008 Background - (1280x960)
Euro Games's Crowd - (1280x960)
Euro 2008 (1024x768)
Euro 2008 Mascot, White Wallpaper - (1024x768)
Euro 2008 Background - (1024x768)
Euro 2008 Wallpaper - (1024x768)
Euro 2008 Players Wallpaper - (1024x768)
Euro 2008 Logo Wallpaper - (1024x768)
Sick ... sick... sick
Folks, never allow me to drink coffee- or anything coffeeish. It makes me sick. My stomache's just celebrating a little party at the moment, which is not really enjoyable. Was out with Assal and Isi (who brought her dog along <3 ) and had two Lattes. Afterwards it is molto disgusting!
Going to Einbeck tomorrow, again with the very first train. I must be really in love, there is no other reason for me to get up this early! But being apart for two days is inhuman! I am still asking myself how on earth it was possible for me to last these two weeks in Poland?! Maybe my Mom set me on drugs, and I just didn't notice?!
Baci, baci!
It'a all about autumn..
...and I hate it! The only positive thing is, that I have someone to lean on!That is. Apart from that- enjoying my last free days. Dividing my time between my Love and Friends. Pretty difficult.
Yesterday I bought myself a Filofax, it is so gorgeous! I love it so much. Everyone should have one! Now the three of us (Funda, Assal and me) are running around with their filo's (annoying everyone). The best is, you can order some files online!
I tried to establish some order in my papers and documents yesterday and found some missing account papers. Now I can check, where all my money is ( I have a priori statement concerning that one- H&M for example?!). Anyways, you can read everything on that little papers- who sent you money, whom you sent money to etc. I asked my boyfriend to pay a few Euros into my account while I was in Poland. He did so. And when you do this in Germany, you have to write a purpose of your action. He did so as well . He actually wrote the following (and mind, everyone could read this in the bank ) : " Thank you for the unforgettable night".
Kill him. Kill him!!!!!!!
At least it was a few hundred Euros.....
I am gonna give him a welcome today, he won't forget ;-)
I am off now, before heading out today I am gonna relish some well-earned beauty-treatment!
Peace with you all,
Monday, October 6, 2008
Kim Bassinger
I've spent some time today copying pictures and uploading them onto the yessy and saachi sites. Otherwise it's not been a productive day. I've been unable to print some new pictures off - ran out of ink and didn't feel inspired with the others I already had. Rather than publish nothing I thought I'd put this one of Kim Bassinger up. You can see from the date that it's a very old one but I've always been pleased with it, I like the looseness and freedom of movement. I've always loved the way strokes of pastels of 2 or more different colours merge when viewed from a distance. In a more vibrant way then when the same colours are blended by rubbing. Of course , I can always find flaws...
Some more good news, I've had another commission, a fantasy portrait with Robbie Williams. As it's for a Christmas present I wont be able to publish the finished pictures until then, but it's a commission. I'm also planning to enter a local art competition, got the details today and have been working on some ideas in sketch form.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Jessica Alba
I've been doing watercolours today, here is Jessica Alba. I must confess to not really knowing much about her hence there is very little in the way of background detail. I've just noticed I forgot her eyelashes on the right, whoops, will correct and repost tomorrow, hopefully with a better picture.
I've also been playing with abstract pictures, exploring textures. I've put one of them up on the Saachi site.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Marilyns

I started these pictures over a week ago and finished them today. The one below is marker pens and the right is watercolour and ink. I thought it might be worth finishing the two as a comparison. I'm not sure which I prefer. The marker pen is a better likeness but the watercolour has the subtler colouring. The masking didn't work as well on the marker pen image, the grid totally disappeared!
The rest of the day's practice was spent on an abstract picture and a watercolour of the local school.
I had a lovely email last week about the cricket caricatures with lots of very positive feedback, mentions possible future orders and recommending me to her friends. So all in all very good news!