I know, I am. I can't help it. I just have so many things on my mind and to do. And there is this annoying thing called university. To be honest, only some 30 per cent are fun - the rest totally point- and useless. Politics, Grammar and Translation are fine, since the profs are pretty funny and involved into our education, they heart students! ( .. and they are all foreigners...)Norwegian is fine, but se
The rest is... well dull, I am not the person for these very courses..we shall see. Since I have more or less to take care of my courses I take, I picked Law for the next term ( International Law) and politics of course!
Apart from that I have some pretty difficult days behind me. I had a series of arguments with my flatmate and friends concerning my behaviour, which was according to them (and in some points I do agree) shit. Though to be honest, they exaggerated a lot! They committed the cardinal mistake of comparing me, which is just wrong. I am me, myself and maybe I. But never will I be anyone else. When I love, I love with all my heart. And when I chose to spend my time (or as much as I can)with my hunk, it is because I need and do want it. It's not an easy matter to explain someone what love is, when he or she never really loved with all their hearts.. Anyways, I hope it's solved and sealed forever- since I do not have the nerves and do not want to loose power for something as stupid as this!
My Love finishes (F-I-N-A-L-L-Y) work on Friday morning. This is going to be my lucky day, believe me! Tomorrow is gonna be tough, I am more or less 12 h at University, which sucks a big deal!I have courses in 4 different languages! Last week on that day I was confused, when someone spoke German with me ( I was actually asking myself which language it was...).
We are gonna finally move the last stuff from my flatmate's old home, including a writing desk for me, which is wonderful, since I am done with completing my papers in bed .
Apart from that?! Was at two parties last Saturday- one was dull the second one gorgeous (at my bf's corporation..).
I think this is all for now. I am soooo tired ( getting up at six to get my Love from the station...), I am just gonna finish the book I am reading now ( " Viva Polonia" ) and off to zzzzzz....
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