Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No matter what they tell us ,

No matter what they do .

No matter what they teach us .

What we believe is true .


I'm deeply sorry for the lack of update . I simply do not have the time as the month of February has been the month of joy and work .

When I said joy , I meant the joy we get celebrating Chinese New Year . Work , as in the things we need to do during Chinese New Year to as well as the work done in school .

It's not easy , I tell ya' that .

Anyways , here are some pictures I took during the Chinese New Year . Nothing much , just to fill you guys in on the havoc created and faced during the most important time of the month .

At Adrian's open house .

It's really ironic by the fact that this is Adrian's open house and yet , NO pictures of the man himself .

Odd .

At my open house .

Well . These were some of the pictures I managed to take . I WOULD upload them all but I rather keep it short and simple . I'm not like those kinda people who upload like 30 pictures at one go and blind their fellow readers to death by their camwhorring pictures .

Anyways . Due to the economic crisis , this year's amount of money collected wasn't that great . As a matter of fact , it wasn't good at all .

It was bad . Terrible . Awful . Unlike any other year I've experienced .

But still , I am grateful for all the good things that has happened to me so far . Let's not get greedy , shall we ?

So I guess this year's Chinese New Year post ends here . With lots of love and prosperity to go around , I bid you all a good day .

Look out for the next post .

Something out of this world has happened in my house ...

Signing off ,

- Jaden -

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