Sunday, June 13, 2010

I want to swim in both directions at once.
Desire success, court failure.

- Alan Rickman


Hello , my dear readers .

I apologize for being on hiatus for such a long time . My computer miraculously broke down on the day I wanted to start blogging . Had to send the damn contraption to the computer guy who lives not far from here .

Anyways . As foretold , the holidays are about to come to a screeching stop . Yes , a very , loud screeching end . You can literally hear some kids at the end of your neighborhood block already crying their eyes out . And with such noise , it'll make your ears bleed .

You would rather want to hear the incredible noise emitted from some cheapskate asshole who modified his Proton car into some ' other ' car he would like to call a '' Subaru '' .

But , it's actually a good thing our schooling days are about to start all over . Gives us the chance to piss the teachers off , fight with our friends and of course , piss all over the walls of the teacher's lounge . An extra yellow ' strip ' here and there would really bring out the colors of the room , wouldn't you say ?

And of course , like all other students who's brain has not accepted the fact that school is about to re-open , I try my best to fill up what's remainder of my time with useful , fun and exciting activities like tennis . Tennis feels a whole lot different during school holidays . It's much more fun . And besides that , shopping most likely would do the trick !

I went to Pyramid yesterday with Aaron and Adrian . With only 2 people as my companions , one would think that it will turn out to be a boring outing . But on the contrary , it really was quite fun . I talked , Aaron whined about something and Adrian .. well .. he had to go to the bathroom . So , yeah ! It was quite fun .

We plan to return to Pyramid again tomorrow to really do some shopping business . I mean , serious shopping . I told them both , no one leaves Pyramid until everyone of us spends at least RM 500 or more . And we agreed . But hey , I need not fear much .

I need to buy myself a tennis shoe which most likely will cost me RM 250- 350 already . Add in a brilliant formal-like shirt from Sub which costs like RM140 each , and there you have it . Mission to spend RM 500 , achieved .

I am completely aware that money is a precious item , and must be used wisely . It's just that I have been keeping so much of them that my piggy bank just won't fit anymore of those green stuffs . Maybe , a little shopping would do the trick ? I mean , I even bought Aaron some of Starbucks's produce ! But still , deep down inside of me I do feel the pain of handing over so much money to some idiot who works behind a counter in an attires outlet . The horror !

On a cool Wednesday (16th June ) afternoon , Aaron brought over the nerd-herd from all classes of our school and shoved them into a oblivion-filled house . My , house to be exact .

There were the inseparable Joel and Chia Yung , the mighty Terence and of course Aaron , the one who got really high after drinking Mighty Terence's cocktail of death .

Yes , we feasted on some food courtesy of Chia Yung and myself and drank Terence's liquids of doom . And when I say liquids of doom , I mean't the ever toxic carbonated drinks . And after that , Aaron went to super high mode accompanied by Terence's addicting laughter .

I thank God that the house was left all to myself or there might be casualties afflicted by Aaron towards my family members . Phew , disaster avoided .

Oh yes , not to mention . Aaron was taken for a walk by my little yet adorable puppie . And so was Terence .

We did gamble a little , but not too much as there were too few people around . Aaron's cards are still with me , come to think of it .


She , is known simply as Enya .

Her actual name is Eithne Ni Bhraonain but let's call her Enya , shall we?

Enya here is an Irish vocalist , instrumentalist and composer . She is responsible for all of the great songs like Orinoco Flow and Only Time to which I have enjoyed during my childhood era . She became known for her unique sound , characterised by voice-layering , folk melodies , synthesised backdrops and ethereal reverberations .

I will post here a video of one of her best songs , Only Time .

In September 2001 , after the 9/11 terrorist attacks , an anonymous New Yorker released a
Macromedia Flash presentation with a collection of news photos from the attacks and their victims , and " Only Time " was incorporated to this flash . The Flash presentation spread rapidly over the Internet as a chain e-mail , and became something of an unofficial theme of peace and remembrance of the attacks .

This song , besides Orinoco Flow , have played a major part of my childhood as it was the hit-song during which time . And I love it . It keeps me thinking about my past , which is a good thing .

If one doesn't remember the past , they are condamned to repeat it in the future .

Turn up the volume and sing along if you know about this song !

Enjoy !


Instead of the ordinary Whose Line Is It Anyway videos I put up here , let's explore to other comedic senses of one of the most naturally funny persons of all time , Rowan Atkinson .

A million dollar face .

Yes , to some you might come to know him as Mr Bean .

However , acting as a retard is not his only specialty . If I am not mistaken , way before his Mr Bean times was his stand up career . Usually with legends like John Cleese .

Here is one of his extraordinarily funny videos of him acting out a scene " What Not To Do On A Date " . Or , better yet , let's call this .. " Elementary Dating " .

I don't know where he gets so much of this humor .

A brilliant man who uses his brilliance in favor of himself .


Okay . I'll see you all again soon .

Time to go eat my lunch and continue being stupid .
I hope none of you caught the Bieber madness , I would hate to have to cut off your head and stuff it underground like what the residents of Pennsylvania used to do .

- Jaden -

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