Acquaintances 'shocked' at film student's arrest in Muslim stabbing
Really, if you know me at all, I can't skip the New-York-Taxi-Cab-Driver-Stabbing incident. Especially because the irony is just too much for a sarcastic person like me to ignore.
A film student suspected of stabbing a New York cab driver after learning the driver was Muslim was described Thursday as someone who worked to build bridges across religious and ethnic boundaries.
Yeah, it’s always the ones you least expect…
The New York-based organization is aimed at promoting peace across faith and racial boundaries.
Well, maybe they should take a better look at the membership requirements. I’m just saying.
"Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded because of the nature of the crime and because of our experience with him here," Chase said. "It is sadly ironic."
Really, are they going to actually come out and say, “It was just a matter of time, he hated Muslims, especially ones who drove cabs. In fact, I’m surprised it took this long.”
Honestly, this is the only reaction anyone could have. If I got arrested for attacking someone, would any of you say you weren’t shocked and dumbfounded? (Okay, maybe I’m not the best example here.)
He said Enright volunteered on Intersections International's Veteran-Civilian Dialogue program, which addresses trauma faced by returning veterans and encourages them to share their stories with civilians as well as each other.
Well, the guy he stabbed wasn’t a veteran. Now, if the guy had been a veteran who was a cab driver, then I would have been a bit more surprised.
"He was intrigued by the concept and started participating and then volunteering. Enright became involved in the work we do -- building bridges across race, culture and religion and forging common ground for reconciliation and peace," Chase said.
He’s also intrigued by the notion of tearing down those bridges. What good is building something if you can’t enjoy tearing it back down?
"The whole thing is unfathomable. He's a good guy. His work has been responsible. He's been diligent and hardworking."
He’s been diligent and hardworking – at learning Arabic so he can lull them into a false sense of security before attempting to kill them. Hey, you have to do your homework before committing any sort of crime.
Meanwhile, the cab driver, Ahmed Sharif, is scheduled to hold a news conference on the steps of City Hall. Beforehand, he is to meet with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to the mayor's schedule.
Fifteen seconds of fame, here we come. And now he’ll get some sort of huge payout from the city of New York just because some guy who got in his cab is a moron. Wow. Welcome to America.
"I feel very sad," Sharif said in a statement released by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. "I have been here more than 25 years. I have been driving a taxi more than 15 years. All my four kids were born here. I never [felt] this hopeless and insecure before."
You lived in New York and didn’t feel hopeless and insecure? Are we talking about the same place? I feel hopeless and insecure just thinking about New York.
Enright is facing charges of second-degree attempted murder as a hate crime, second-degree assault as a hate crime, second-degree aggravated harassment as a hate crime and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon…
And one count of being a racist prick.
The suspect "started out friendly, asking Mr. Sharif about where he was from, how long he had been in America, if he was Muslim and if he was observing fast during Ramadan," Desai said.
Wow, is a Ramadan already? I’m out of the loop. That’s what happens when your only Muslim friend moves an hour away and you never see her.
Then, after a few minutes of silence, Desai said Enright started cursing at Sharif and shouted "Assalamu Alaikum, consider this a checkpoint," before slashing him. Assalamu Alaikum is an Arabic greeting that means "peace be upon you."
Yeah, I got nothing here. It speaks for itself.
Bleeding heavily, Sharif was able to escape and flag down a police officer who arrested Enright, Desai said.
I’m quite surprised he didn’t try to stab the cop. Or at least shout obscenities at him. It so would have made for a better story. (My faith in humanity is shot, of this I am aware. I blame Mel Gibson.)
"I must take this opportunity to remind New Yorkers that we cannot and will not allow bias and ignorance to infect our communities and deny our hard-working, innocent residents the respect they deserve," New York Gov. David Paterson said in a statement.
It bothers me just a bit that New Yorkers have to be reminded about this. Sounds like David Paterson has lost his faith in humanity too. I still blame Mel Gibson.
At the news conference, Sharif plans to call for an end to anti-Muslim rhetoric that has followed the proposed construction of an Islamic cultural center and mosque.
I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
“I really think you need to attack all the Muslims. Let us know how you really feel. I mean, after all, we are jackasses and deserve it.” I mean, really? Did they really have to point this out?
The center is planned two blocks from the site of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.
"Right now, the public sentiment is very serious because of the ground zero mosque debate," Sharif said.
Actually, I think this is a perfect argument against the Ground Zero mosque, myself. After all, let’s not build a huge, attention-getting central location for all of the Muslims to meet up – and all of the Muslim-haters to easily find them. It’s not rocket science people.
All joking aside – this country was founded on religious freedom and tolerance. That is all.
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