I'm old school (or just plain old) and i like my buttons. Touch screen is here and it will dominate in future, but there is something to be said for the arcade buttons. Finally, someone has answered my prayers.
iPhone Game Pad is an iPhone case that slides on over the iPhone and lets you play arcade style games on your iphone. It has "four control buttons along with select, start and a pair of shoulder-buttons". It is the perfect thing for playing old Super Nintendo games. Now it is a prototype compatible with the first-gen iPhone, you can watch it in action after more.
"Enter the gPod, an iPhone case with integrated gaming control pad. Interfacing with the Apple 30 pin connector and providing tactile buttons in the conventional game pad layout, the iPhone Game Pad allows a massive library of arcade and console games to be ported to the iPhone and not lose that old school interface that people who grew up in the 80′s and 90′s enjoyed so much."
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