Saturday, October 9, 2010

NYCC 10 - Geoff Johns Announces Two DC Comics Movies Per Year!

Good news from NYCC. Apparently Geoff Johns has announced that we will be seeing two DC comic book movies per year from now on.

We knew that DC/WB were planning to ramp up their comic book movie output once The harry Potter franchise ended next year. But it looks like those plans include quite a few more movies than we figured.
Cinema Blend  reports that DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns expects two DC properties to hit theaters every year after the end of the Harry Potter franchise. The second most successful franchise of all time, the Harry Potter films have brought in nearly $2 billion at the box office since 2001 and each averages about $285 million. Naturally, the end of the series leaves a big whole in the pocket of the studio, and, apparently, they believe that their comic book rights are the perfect remedy.

We know we have the Superman reboot on the way, Batman 3 and of course Green Lantern and its potential sequels as well as a Flash movie. But so far nothing else has really been discussed, let alone confirmed. We already heard from Johns earlier when he reiterated that a Justice League movie wouldn't seem to be on the cards anytime soon.

Via: Comic Book Movies

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