Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kate Middleton and dignified celebrity.

It says a lot when, in a quest to find a topical "celebrity" for this weeks post.
The Best I could find is Stacey Soloman who won I'm a celebrity get me out of here. A show whose ethos is to humiliate "celebrities" and make them do unspeakable things in the name of "entertainment".
I understand Nigel Havers walked off in disgust. Can't say I blame him!
One of the worst is Big Brother! Has no-one read 1984? Oh the irony!
Popular as these shows are, I question the mob mentality that's allowed to prevail.
And it's all skillfully manipulated by the production teams to maximise profits. I doubt any of it's "real" despite the term "Reality TV"!
Fights seem to be carefully choreographed to appear on camera. Feeding misinformation. There are many ways this can be achieved!
Whatever the method, the results are not pretty!

Maybe it's the cynic in me, that won't let myself be manipulated tries not to let myself be manipulated by them.
But it's the same with soaps. They manipulate, always ending on a cliffhanger. To keep people hanging on.
So they'll come back for more.
And steadily they waste their lives watching other people's misery and  humiliation in the process. Is this really entertainments?
I don't think so! There's so much more to life!

Anyway, I decided not to do Stacey, mainly because my printer's out of ink and sketching from a computer screen makes my eyes hurt. But also because she epitomises the desperation to be noticed which dominates our culture.
Flicking through a magazine I found an engagement photo of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Well they do seem to live their lives like a soap opera! Well in front of a camera, same thing isn't it?

But neither of them has necessarily chosen celebrity, it has chosen them. They haven't exposed  themselves to ridicule by going on every "no holds barred" television show available.

Anyway, I thought I might do Kate this week and William next week!
I wish them well but would not want to be in their shoes, for all the privilege they enjoy. A cage is still a cage, even a diamond encrusted one!
Would you want to live in the limelight constantly? Is Big Brother your idea of heaven or hell? Let me know in the comments.

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