Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shocking new report out - men want to have sex more often! *gasp*

Sex still Important for Men age 70 to 95

Remaining sexually active is important for men - even those age 70 to 95, found in a survey conducted by Australian researchers.
They are men. Men think about sex a lot, apparently 5,000 times a year according to this study. I would venture to say that, as long as the old man is capable of thought, he will still think about sex incessantly, regardless of age. I’m glad we are paying researchers to state the obvious.

The study was initiated to find out what sort of factors influence sexual activity in elderly men.
I’m sure the same as it does in younger men: naked women, porn, naked men, if he swings that way, oh, and did I say porn?

In the sampling of relatively healthy men, researchers found 43 percent would prefer to have sex more often. The survey included 3274 men aged 75 to 95 years, 85 percent of whom provided information about their sex lives.
From my experience, 100 percent of men would prefer more sex. No matter how much a man is getting, it’s never enough. And I'm sure that even if he's incapable of sex, he probably would like to have it, even if it's not possible.

Almost half (48.8%) of the respondents said sex was "somewhat important", and 30.8 percent had at least one sexual encounter in the last year.

Elitist reporter note: Someone forgot AP style there for a moment – we always spell out the word ‘percent.’ Climbing off my soapbox now.

The other 51.2 percent of respondents didn’t say sex was “somewhat important” because their wives were standing over them with a rolling pin or a cast-iron frying pan, ready to beat the crap out of them if they said sex was important.

Researchers gathered information via questionnaires from 1996 to 1999, 2001 to 2004 and again from 2008 to 2009, assessing the men's social situation and medical history.
The men again answered questions about their sex life from 2008 to 2009. The researchers evaluated hormone levels from 2001 to 2004 in an effort to garner more information about just how many elderly men are sexually active and what keeps them that way.
First of all, I have learned one thing in my (*ahem*) 21 years on this planet (shut up, it’s my story), and that’s the fact that men lie when it comes to sex. Ergo, I am not sure how reliable said data is. Case and point …

“Yeah, it’s nine inches long.” Riiiiiight. Centimeters, maybe.

“Oh, that lasted a good 15 minutes.” Riiiiight. If it was on fast-forward.

“Sounded like you enjoyed it.” Riiiight. I’ve watched ‘When Harry Met Sally’ a few too many times. Meg Ryan is my hero.

Men without health problems including diabetes, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, low testosterone levels, depression, and not on medications that might interfere with erections remained the most sexually engaged.
I’ve also learned this much about men, just because they have health problems that interfere with erections (wow, did I just say erection?), they will still have sex up until the point the Viagra doesn’t work anymore or if they die in the middle of the deed. I’m just saying.

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, scarred me worse than my dad taking me for a ride on his Goldwing, and when he reached into the “trunk” to get my helmet, I caught a glimpse of the Viagra prescription in there. Believe me, at that point in his life, he had PLENTY of health issues that should have prevented him from being sexually engaged, but obviously he heeded no mind to them.

Furthermore, I have heard it on good authority that I know someone who was in the hospital, recovering from bypass surgery and he and his wife got it on in the hospital bed. So, yeah, the health problems reason really doesn’t jive with me.

Other factors that limited sexual activity included partner's lack of interest in having sex and simply not having a partner.
Yeah, I would think those would have a big influence on it, but there are ways around that as well. Prostitutes exist for a reason. I’m just saying … because look at these dudes, who wouldn't want to get it on with them???? :)

For almost half of the elderly men surveyed, sex remained an important part of life and 43 percent reported a desire to have sex more frequently. The findings have implications for clinicians who should discuss sexual activity with elderly male patients.

Again, I contend that 100 percent will report a desire to have sex more frequently, they just weren’t being honest – which means this “scientific” study has little merit.

P.S. Jason – no comments from the “scientist peanut gallery.” It’s supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, okay??????

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