Fox News ^ | March 30, 2011 | Michael Yon
Seldom do I waste time with rebutting articles, and especially not from publications like Rolling Stone. Tuesday, numerous people sent links to me of the latest Rolling Stone tripe. The story is titled “The Kill Team, The Full Story.” It should be titled: “BULLS**T, from Rolling Stone.”
The story—not really an “article”—covers soldiers from 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) in Afghanistan. A handful of soldiers were accused of murder. It does in fact appear that a tiny group of rogues committed premeditated murder. I was embedded with the 5/2 SBCT and was afforded incredible access to the brigade by the Commander, Colonel Harry Tunnell, and the brigade Command Sergeant Major, Robb Prosser. I know Robb from Iraq. Colonel Tunnell had been shot in Iraq.
The brigade gave me open access. I could go anywhere, anytime, so long as I could find a ride, which never was a problem beyond normal combat problems. If they had something to hide, it was limited and I didn’t find it. I was not with the soldiers accused of murder and had no knowledge of this. It is important to note that the murder allegations were not discovered by media vigilance, but, for instance, by at least one soldier in that tiny unit who was appalled by the behavior.
A brigade is a big place with thousands of soldiers, and in Afghanistan they were spread thinly across several provinces because we decided to wage war with too few troops. Those soldiers accused of being involved in (or who should have been knowledgeable of) the murders could fit into a minivan. You would need ten 747s for the rest of the Brigade who did their duty.
I was with many other soldiers from 5/2 SBCT. My overall impression was very positive. After scratching my memory...
(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...
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