Debunking the Debunkers
August 4, 2010
Over my life I've had several political awakenings. The first came at age 11, when I read a National Geographic article about GMO food, became a little freaked out over it's implications, and developed an aversion to it. For many years after it, I viewed GMO food through an anti-Corporatist lens, thinking, in the standard Chomskyite way, that Monsanto and other Agribuiss giants did this because of Greed. Then I became aware of Codex Alimentarius, and some other things that were obviously the product of a psychopathic type of cruelty. One thing led to another, and eventually I watched ENDGAME by Alex Jones, which completely blew me away.
I tried to convey this information to others, but I kept getting the message that it was "conspiracy theory crap". At the time, I was listening to Alan Watt, who linked to items proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was NOT "conspiracy theory crap", but still, I felt unsure when communicating this information. So I decided to engage in some intellectual weightlifting, and debate people at the most comprehensive "debunking" website I could find. That turned out to be
Initially, the poeple there appeared to know more than I did, having supposedly "debunked all that New World Order stuff" before. So, after fruitlessly "debating" them, I decided to debunk their "debunking" of Zeitgeist, which formed the core of that website. I quickly found out that Edward Winston, the creator of the site, misrepresented his sources, and that the evidence supporting Zeitgeist on banking, etc. was overwhelming, so I was able to complete an extremely huge amount of work fairly quickly. I also focused on other material that I felt was necessary for seeing the bigger picture. The results of my research can be viewed here:
Table of Contents (Note: Links from this table open in a new tab)
- Introduction
- Academia
- Occult/Secret Societies
- Alex Jones
- Zeitgeist pt.1/Astrotheology/Acharya S./Pseudoskepticism
- Orwell
- Dumbing Down
- Vaccines
- GMO Foods
- Cell Phones and Cell Phone Towers
- Fluoride
- Aspartame
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- DU/Gulf War Syndrome
- Laetrile
- Waco
- Oklahoma City Bombing
- New World Order
- FEMA Camps
- The idiocy of the false left/right paradigm
- Obama
- Global Warming (or, refuting Sun Deniers)
- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering/“Chemtrails”
- Why there is no economic recovery
- Margaret Sanger/Eugenics/Population Reduction
- Gun Control
Digression: - Miscellaneous Zeitgeist Addendum pt. II info
Digression: - My musings on The Venus Project
- Context
- The 9/11 Commission
- Popular Mechanics
- Highly Credible People Question 9/11
- Steven Jones/nano-thermite
Pre-911 Planning:
- Revolution in Military Affairs
- OODA Loops and Control (Note from Blissentia: This is one of my most important posts)
- More pre-911 Planning
Now, onto the rest of the 9/11 material:
- 7/7
- Pentagon
- Remote Control
- Hijackers
- NORAD/Wargames
- WTC 7
- Flight 93
- Twin Towers
- Ptech
- Conclusion
Zeitgeist pt. III: "The Men Behind the Curtain":
- Quotes
- Eustace Mullins/False Patriots
- American Revolution/Austrian Economics
- Central Banks/Money as Debt/Loaned at Interest
- Greenbacks/Hazard Circular/Illegal Consideration
- Panics/The House of Rothschild
- Jefferson vs. the Bank
- Jackson/Round Tables
- Panic of 1907/Jekyll Island
- The Federal Reserve Act
- Woodrow Wilson's Regret
- Louis McFadden/Stability
- Depressions/International Bankers
- Federal Reserve and the Gold Standard
- Federal Reserve is Private
- Income tax
- War
- Lusitania/WWI
- WWII/FDR/Pearl Harbor
- Interlude
- Vietnam
- The True Agenda
- The War on You
- Time to Wake Up
- Mass Media
- Education
- North American Union
- One World Government
- World Government Quotes
- Microchips
- Film Conclusion
- Zionism/"Antisemitism"/Religion
- My Conclusion
(Note: Interestingly, the people at Conspiracy "Science" have not acknowledged my work, even though I emailed it to the website's owner over a month ago. I agreed to never post again at that site, since I got into a rather idiotic flame war with them, so hopefully somebody else will bring my work to their attention.)
Recently I've become more aware of information operations as detailed in this particular part of the thread:
Because of that, it has become obvious that much of the alternative media deserves much of the same scrutiny that the mainstream media does. It is quite possible that much of it is just another color that is controlled via full spectrum dominance. Remember that full spectrum dominance means control over all colors, all outlooks. This means that I cannot view Alex Jones or Ron Paul with the rose tinted glasses that I viewed them with before, for if they did not engage in at least minor distortion, they would not be promoted in the mainstream media. Regardless, I have taken some of the information from them that I found useful and accurate, and combined it with information from other sources, so that I could convey what I feel to be untainted information.
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