and rest under the shade of the trees .
- Last words of General Stonewall Jackson ,
Confederate Commander .
Greetings !
Before I continue , I would like to give you guys a warm thanks and congratulations for being able to return to this old and messy blog .
Your loyal-ness means a lot to me , which is something very few people can get by easily these days . It's something like not double crossing your friend or visits to your favorite restaurant that sells most likely your favorite foods . It's more or less on that scale .
The man above is in fact General Stonewall Jackson of the Confederate Army who fought during the American Civil War to gain independence for their people . General Stonewall Jackson is most probably the most well-known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee .
Military historians consider Jackson to be one of the most gifted tactical commanders in United States history . His Valley Campaign and his envelopment of the Union Army right wing at Chancellorsville are studied worldwide even today as examples of innovative and bold leadership . And although his many success in war like the First Battle of Manassas , Antietam and Fredricksburg , Jackson was not universally successful as a commander as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the Seven Days Battles around Richmond in 1862.
Confederate pickets accidentally shot him at the Battle of Chancellorsville , which the general survived , albeit with the loss of an arm to amputation . However , he died of complications of pneumonia eight days late . His death was a severe setback for the Confederacy , affecting not only its military prospects , but also the morale of its army and of the general public .
Upon hearing of Jackson's death General Robert E. Lee mourned the loss of both a friend and a trusted commander . The night Lee learned of Jackson's death , he told his cook ,
- Last words of General Stonewall Jackson ,
Confederate Commander .
Greetings !
Before I continue , I would like to give you guys a warm thanks and congratulations for being able to return to this old and messy blog .
Your loyal-ness means a lot to me , which is something very few people can get by easily these days . It's something like not double crossing your friend or visits to your favorite restaurant that sells most likely your favorite foods . It's more or less on that scale .
The man above is in fact General Stonewall Jackson of the Confederate Army who fought during the American Civil War to gain independence for their people . General Stonewall Jackson is most probably the most well-known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee .
Military historians consider Jackson to be one of the most gifted tactical commanders in United States history . His Valley Campaign and his envelopment of the Union Army right wing at Chancellorsville are studied worldwide even today as examples of innovative and bold leadership . And although his many success in war like the First Battle of Manassas , Antietam and Fredricksburg , Jackson was not universally successful as a commander as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the Seven Days Battles around Richmond in 1862.
Confederate pickets accidentally shot him at the Battle of Chancellorsville , which the general survived , albeit with the loss of an arm to amputation . However , he died of complications of pneumonia eight days late . His death was a severe setback for the Confederacy , affecting not only its military prospects , but also the morale of its army and of the general public .
Upon hearing of Jackson's death General Robert E. Lee mourned the loss of both a friend and a trusted commander . The night Lee learned of Jackson's death , he told his cook ,
" William , I have lost my right arm "
( deliberately in contrast to Jackson's left arm ) and
" I'm bleeding at the heart . "
( deliberately in contrast to Jackson's left arm ) and
" I'm bleeding at the heart . "
As Jackson lay dying, General Robert E. Lee sent a message to Jackson through Chaplain Lacy, saying .
"Give General Jackson my affectionate regards , and say to him :
he has lost his left arm but I my right . "
General Robert E. Lee's last visit to
Stonewall Jackson's grave in 1872 .
Okay good . We learn't a few things about the great American History to which I find it much more interesting compared to Malaysian history . And now , let's have something more entertaining instead .
What you are about to watch are clips from the movie " Get Smart " which stars Steve Carell and Anna Hathaway as secret agents .
Enjoy !
" Makes sense . "
" I don't think we're on the same page here .. "
And there is one more video that you guys just have to watch . Unfortunately it's embedding request has been disabled therefore you have to watch it on YouTube yourself . And it's not hard finding the funny line of the video .. You just have to finish watching it .
Here's the link :
So what's new with my life ?
Well . I've made new friends online to which is quite surprising to me as I do not really agree with the idea of making friends online . They might turn out to be stalkers who are interested in only one thing .. some fine ass .
But still , they turn out to be quite a person as I've already investigated their backgrounds in private . Don't ask me how .
Other than that , I recently bought the phone of my dreams . It's got everything in it , 8.1 megapixel camera , HD video recording/watching , 8GB memory , YouTube and Facebook application ( not that I use Facebook that often but still it's nice to have an application like that ) , GoogleMaps , Wisepilot and , well ... pretty much everything you don't have .
I didn't manage to grab a photo of the phone as I have already inserted the simcard into the new one and I am too darn lazy to use my mum's camera to snap a photo of it .
But it roughly looks something like this

he has lost his left arm but I my right . "

Stonewall Jackson's grave in 1872 .
Okay good . We learn't a few things about the great American History to which I find it much more interesting compared to Malaysian history . And now , let's have something more entertaining instead .
What you are about to watch are clips from the movie " Get Smart " which stars Steve Carell and Anna Hathaway as secret agents .
Enjoy !
" Makes sense . "
" I don't think we're on the same page here .. "
And there is one more video that you guys just have to watch . Unfortunately it's embedding request has been disabled therefore you have to watch it on YouTube yourself . And it's not hard finding the funny line of the video .. You just have to finish watching it .
Here's the link :
So what's new with my life ?
Well . I've made new friends online to which is quite surprising to me as I do not really agree with the idea of making friends online . They might turn out to be stalkers who are interested in only one thing .. some fine ass .
But still , they turn out to be quite a person as I've already investigated their backgrounds in private . Don't ask me how .
Other than that , I recently bought the phone of my dreams . It's got everything in it , 8.1 megapixel camera , HD video recording/watching , 8GB memory , YouTube and Facebook application ( not that I use Facebook that often but still it's nice to have an application like that ) , GoogleMaps , Wisepilot and , well ... pretty much everything you don't have .
I didn't manage to grab a photo of the phone as I have already inserted the simcard into the new one and I am too darn lazy to use my mum's camera to snap a photo of it .
But it roughly looks something like this

It might look blueish in colour but that's the side of the handphone only . The front and back is in fact black . The odd thing about this phone is with all the fancy-shmancy gadgets in store , there are no game applications in it whatsoever .
Perhaps I require to download some or this phone just does not have games in it , whichever the reason may be , it sucks . I mean , what the hell am I supposed to do during tuition where all the work has been completed and there's nothing else better to do ?
Oh , I just forgot . I have YouTube . (:
Other than that , I'm pretty nervous about the upcoming examinations .
I've already started with my studies and yet I feel so .. insecure . Maybe it's the fact that there are lots of gay people in my school who would love to take a piece of me back with them but I don't think that's the point .
Maybe I'm just thinking too much of it . I mean , if everyone else does it , why can't I ? And besides , I'm pretty sure that if I study hard enough I will be blessed with good marks , God willing .
And lastly , tennis .
The US Open is just a few weeks away !

And top players like Roger Federer will stroke their way to madness , in order to gain back what's rightfully his . On the contrary , the King of Clay , Rafael Nadal will attempt to take back home the only GrandSlam that he has not won before , the US Open trophy .
So , do expect for the best/worst of many players as they try to go as far out as they can at their last GrandSlam of the year ! And besides that , the Malaysian Open is just around the corner too !
God I wish I could go . Regular players like last year's champion here , Nikolay Davydenko , Fernando Verdasco , Alisa Kleybanova , Zheng Jie , Anastasia and Arina Rodionova , Kei Nishikori and many more will rock the Bukit Jalil Sport's Stadium like they do every year , blowing Malaysian tennis noobs away on the first round .
It's gonna be an awesome month I guess !
Perhaps I require to download some or this phone just does not have games in it , whichever the reason may be , it sucks . I mean , what the hell am I supposed to do during tuition where all the work has been completed and there's nothing else better to do ?
Oh , I just forgot . I have YouTube . (:
Other than that , I'm pretty nervous about the upcoming examinations .
I've already started with my studies and yet I feel so .. insecure . Maybe it's the fact that there are lots of gay people in my school who would love to take a piece of me back with them but I don't think that's the point .
Maybe I'm just thinking too much of it . I mean , if everyone else does it , why can't I ? And besides , I'm pretty sure that if I study hard enough I will be blessed with good marks , God willing .
And lastly , tennis .
The US Open is just a few weeks away !

And top players like Roger Federer will stroke their way to madness , in order to gain back what's rightfully his . On the contrary , the King of Clay , Rafael Nadal will attempt to take back home the only GrandSlam that he has not won before , the US Open trophy .
So , do expect for the best/worst of many players as they try to go as far out as they can at their last GrandSlam of the year ! And besides that , the Malaysian Open is just around the corner too !
God I wish I could go . Regular players like last year's champion here , Nikolay Davydenko , Fernando Verdasco , Alisa Kleybanova , Zheng Jie , Anastasia and Arina Rodionova , Kei Nishikori and many more will rock the Bukit Jalil Sport's Stadium like they do every year , blowing Malaysian tennis noobs away on the first round .
It's gonna be an awesome month I guess !
Well , I think that' pretty much it for today .
Stay in touch for more shit , if you are brave enough to go head on head with it .
Other than that , stay away from Bieber Fever . You can't recover once you start humming the chorus lines ..
Carpe diem ,
- Jaden -
Stay in touch for more shit , if you are brave enough to go head on head with it .
Other than that , stay away from Bieber Fever . You can't recover once you start humming the chorus lines ..
Carpe diem ,
- Jaden -
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