Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8 defeated (until the appeal) ... I propose Prop 16

* Disclaimer: This is my little piece of the world wide web, and I can use it to climb on my soapbox. That being said, for some reason, it can get a bit ... uhh, dodgy. If you're at work, or foul language offends you, stop reading now. If, however, you can stand the heat, feel free to walk into the kitchen, take a seat, eat a cookie...

Ahhhh, good ol' Prop 8. Defeated by the courts a year and a half after it was voted on by the general public. A good day, indeed.

First of all, let me just share how surprised I am that Prop 8 passed. I mean, it passed in November 2008, which is the same time Obama, a mixed-race, Kenyan-born (or something like that, I only half-paid attention to all that crap) Chicago politician was elected to the White House. Now, if this country has evolved enough to accept a black man in the White House, how the hell is it possible that this bill passed in that same election? Does not fuckin' compute.

We've come a long way, actually. In the 60s, black people couldn't even ride in the front of the bus. (Though, to be fair, why would they want to? All the "cool kids" rode in the back...) Interracial couples were the devil incarnate. And now it's commonplace.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm conservative. Though, as I have learned, I'm a very middle-of-the-road conservative. Especially in that I will not support Prop 8, and I'm glad it was overturned.

Ten years ago, yep, I would have been the biggest bigot in the world. No, they don't deserve to be married. Homosexuality is wrong. OMG, the horror!

Ten-years-ago-me was wrong. There's a big world out there, full of fascinating people that you will never get the chance to meet, get to know, and love if you have such a narrow-minded view of things. Just because I am straight and have a "traditional" marriage doesn't mean that I don't want any of my gay friends to have the same luxury. Quite the contrary - they should have to go through nasty, bitter divorces too! (Just look at Melissa Ethridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels. Who, might I add, I am pulling for Tammy in all of this.)

All that being said, I am just sickened by some of the comments I've read from narrow-minded individuals in regards to Prop 8 being overturned. From a legal standpoint, I don't know how it got passed in the first place. Marriage is not a legal institution. (Yes, there are marriage licenses and laws against polygamy, yada yada yada, but the actual notion of marriage has no basis in the court system.) The real relationship, the love, the bickering, the make-up sex ... it has nothing to do with that piece of paper or whatever is on file at the local courthouse.

Hey, I've got an idea ... Prop 16 (cause it's double 8, so why not) ... let's just eliminate the legal aspects of marriage altogether. That should keep us from the unconstitutionality of Prop 8, and save us from any potential issues, should they creep up. Plus, it means everyone gets equal treatment ... cause there's nothing there.

Eh, I've got issues with divorce and people turning into total assholes about it. If we eliminate the whole legal aspect of marriage, turning relationships into basic free-for-alls, then divorce could just be a cage match. Winner gets the TV, the house, the dog and the kids. It's that simple.

This idea is sounding better and better all the time ... because this would free up the court systems from bitter, drawn-out divorce and/or child custody proceedings. Woohoo. Make way for the real lawsuits. You know the ones I'm talking about - like when you spill hot coffee on your lap and need to sue McDonald's for all they've got because they served you the hot coffee you requested (the nerve!).

Now .... back to a serious note ... to all the haters out there, shut the fuck up. Period. End of story. You have no right to judge someone because of who they love. You deserve love, right? Why should they be any different? And why the hell should it even be "they"? We are all people. There should be no "us" and "them." No "the gays" and "the straights." Grow up and accept the fact that we are all the same. It's the differences that make us special, the differences that make the world go-round. Wouldn't life be boring if everyone shared your narrow-minded view of things? Count me out.

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