Sunday, November 23, 2008


Once the winds had passed, leaving behind destruction,
It began.
A student shared his humor with a boy in need of joy.
A friend, shared his friendship with others, only to get betrayed later.
A teen, was reunited at long last, by a friend, with her lifelong partner.
It's time like these, where people start doing things.
They perform simple acts of kindness to the victims of the winds.
Although deep down they know, it won't be enough.
Yes. In the wake of a great tragedy, people do what they can to help others.
Although they know, it just won't be enough.

It has been four months since the winds arrived, and changed everything forever.
And in these four months, the people started to gather and pick up on what's left in their lives.
For some, they salvaged broken friendships.
Some, may even uncover colorful histories.
Others, find challenges they haven't expected.
And there's one boy,
Whom he stumbled upon the truth he had long been looking for.
Only,that it would be better,
If he hadn't found out about it, at all.

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