Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Back from Heaven

Hello , my fellow readers !

I'm well pleased that everyone of you either cares about the bullcrap I write in my blog or you've been reading the newspaper .

Both , to which , are great !

I have been in the neighbouring state of Pahang on a vacation in one of the most beautiful place I have ever known . Well , I did not take that much pictures as I thought to myself ,

" To really know and feel the beauty and tranquility
of this place , one must only experience it himself . ''

Therefore , I did not take that many pictures . But that did not stop my cousins from taking few pictures of me playing tennis and such .

It was very misty up there . There was a point where we were playing tennis with visibility of 0 .

The mist up there and the haze down here are two completely different scenarios . Mist up there , is something that you can actually inhale it without burning your trachea and melting your lungs.

It was a beautiful and peaceful time . But , there were more people then I've expected up there considering this week is a holiday week . I think , I saw 2 people from my school up there . Unfortunately , I did not have the chance to say hello or what sort as I was in the car speeding off the the tennis courts .

Me and my family had a delightful time stuffing ourselves silly with steamboat ! Ahh , a hot home-cooked meal on a cool breezy night . This , is something you must do at least once in your life . If not , then your a sucker . =D

Up there , there were days where the sun shines brightly . But I did not sweat much as the cool air up there was heavenly . I visited the upgraded Paddock , where several of my family members rode on horses . We even decided to pay RM 8 for 10 arrows at the archery and boy , was my fingers aching .

Besides all that , there was one thing ( perhaps , more then once ) that I managed to witness which is most precious to me and is even more valuable the money itself ( because money cannot buy you this ). The view of the valley below was spectacular !
Even if you had a million dollars , you can never buy a view of the Ttitwangsa Valley like what I saw several times up there . It was , all groovy green with curvy hilltops that seemed to be covered with snow ( they were clouds , actually ) . A view that just , took my breath away in an instant .
I did not take a picture of that valley of lush green hills . Because this is also something you must experience at least once in your lifetime (if not , you suck terribly) . Besides , the camera won't fit the ENTIRE view of the hills ( you must actually take in the full picture of the valley as THAT is what makes it so , special ) .

My uncle taught me a topspin serve up there . I quickly learnt his technique and he told me this , and I quote ,

" Your basics are strong . You understand well ,
that's why you can perform the serve in one day " .

I was so happy as my serves are much better now . They are capable of turning into another angle as soon as it bounces at the service box.
Don't believe me ? Watch me then . (;

From the room of my apartment , there's another spectacular view of lush , green forests with cloud-filled hills as backgrounds . I can still remember , I woke up one morning at about , 7.30 , where the sun was just rising above the horizon . The sun was covered partially by some clouds , and there it was ..
Rays of white , transparent light beaming down on the hills . Ever seen a scene where God talks to a person and white light shines down on him ?
Same thing . Go figure .

Up there , I am constantly drinking something outside at the balcony where its quiet . One night , while everyone's asleep , I sneaked out to the balcony and watched the stars shine (what that could be seen) . Nothing but , pitch black darkness and of course my favorite , cool winds that tickle the very pores of your face .

One night , my mum shouted in a light manner ,

" Wild boar ! Who wants to see ?"

I was like ,

" Oh fuck ! I've gotta see this . "

There really was a wild boar , going through rubbish . All of my family members went to the kitchen to watch that tapir-look-a-like wild boar eat rubbish .

Me and my sister named that fat thing , well ..

Rubbish !

So we were making jokes like ,

" Rubbish has come to eat our rubbish "


" Don't scream ! Or you'll scare our rubbish away "

We even took some photos and videos of that wild boar . We know it's a male as there were fangs on the side of his nose .
I tell you , that animal known as ' rubbish ' was HUGE !

It's so big , that it might almost be as tall as me if it stood on two legs ! And , if it starts to charge towards you , I don't think you can outrun him unless you climb onto something tall . It was very , very agile ! For a pig , it does run I tell you .
Suddenly , I'm starting to think about Barathrum , the Spiritbreaker . LoL .

Bottom line , if you want to be the lucky few that is able to witness the beauty of God's creation , go to Fraser's for at least 3 days (3 days seem to go by very quickly) . You will not regret it , I bet my bottom dollar on it .

Oh ! I did some naughty stuff up there too ... :D

I'm bad .. real bad ,

Lve ,

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