Sunday, August 9, 2009

It was such a lovely day

Yesterday started out with a rude awakening at around 3am with what sounded like water gushing in the boat! After some frantic searching we identified the source as being a water outlet in the side of the moorings - right by the side hatch. Fortunately it was below the opening and the hatch was closed. As gallons of water were outpouring for a good hour our good fortune was not unrealised! I notified the people at Hampton Court that a warning sign might be a good idea as we could have sunk! Whether it gets to the right person or not only time will tell. Otherwise the day started really well. I managed to do 2 sketches first thing. The first was very rushed as the boat I was drawing decided to move closer, the second was less rushed.CIMG4130
We then went around Hampton Court Palace taking lots of photographs before setting off down the Thames to join the Grand Union Canal at Brentford. I was just about to start my shift at the helm when my vision went strange - the sign I'm about to have a migraine - and I did! So no more drawing yesterday and why I'm posting now! I'm hoping to draw a bit tonight but I'm still struggling with concentrating visually for long.

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