Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sweet Chaos

Hohohoo .

You won't believe what a hectic week this has been .

And I thought my life was busy . Imagine Pn Teo's ._.

Anyways , let's start off with Tuesday ! The first day I went to school ( not Monday , hehe ) =D


Everything seems normal . Normal as in , chaotic and noisy as usual . Afiq and Asyraf playing at the back of the class . Jun Yen being mischievous like a sly , and Won Jin .. haih Won Jin .. a very funny person he turns out to be .

Pn Heng came in and started teaching us . I actually liked her teaching on that particular day . Better then having the next period , BM , with a very boring teacher . She doesn't teach you very well , and when you ask her a question , she'll give you a look as if you're a hardcore criminal .
After that , Science was a free period cause' the teacher was absent . So , we went to the library where Anton was up to no good . Usual larh . (:
I helped Terence made Jeremy '
pokai ' in chess . Hehe .

Besides that , I also got back my History paper . A whopper '83' marks for me ! Woots ! I'm definitely going to be a politician . LoL .

I was also invited to a competition . It's a traditional Malay game called , 'gondak-gendik' or something like that . Amy and Jun Kit was in my team along with Pn Ong Swee Ling , some other teachers , and two Malay boys . Since there's only two teams that want to play , even if we lose we'll be runner-up . I mean , it's pretty much a win-win game , so I might as well join . This game involves using sticks and requires tactics to which you must execute quickly for the other team not being able to catch the stick .
The whole game is pretty much about catching , throwing and hitting sticks . And guess what ?

I won !

Apparently , if you catch the opponent's throw , you instantly win 10 marks and the opponent who threw that stick , ' mati ' ( dies ) .
I , personally took out
3 Form Four students IN A ROW .
That's 30 marks for me (and my team ) in the FIRST ROUND . And , I sucessfully threw the stick back to them , touching THEIR STICK , which means another 10 marks . I can still remember them saying ,

" Eh , budak ni pandai main . "

This isn't a cat-and-mouse game by the way . You can take all the time you want , but your opponent are allowed to distract you. Our Datin and PK Ko-kurikulum were sole proof of this . When we were about to throw the stick , Datin jumped out of no where and waved their arms up and down . LoL . They joined us for a while , and played along . Oh , what laughs we've had .
Encik Abu was also there to show his talent . Apparently , he was VERY good when he was a teen and it shows ! It really , does show .
I still admire myself , as I have no clue to how the game works in the beginning , topping off as the champion in the end .

Come to a conclusion , this was a very easy way to get a certificate and/or a medal to which I might be receiving it during assembly . It almost feels like a scam . Too easy .. way too easy . (;


Oh well . Today is a shocking , yet relatively interesting day . A once in a lifetime experience ( hopefully ) .

A talk by Brand's was held at the Dataran for like , an hour or so . The speech was given by this dude , forgotten what's his name . =.=
All I can tell is he is quite funny , but very obnoxious . He is constantly describing himself as handsome and strong . LoL . He looks like a ' lain-lain ' kind of person , IF you know what I mean . Somewhat , Arabic type of a person . But apparently he even attended chinese school when he was young . So .. he is a very ' rojak' kinda person . Haha .

And after the speech , we were allowed to go back to class . And that's when it all started ..

I was walking up the stairs with Terence and I noticed Pn Heng was crying .. So , I thought to myself ,

" Maybe she's just being emotional .
She's always like that . "

In class .. some of my friends then told me that a teacher passed away . And that teacher was a friend of Pn Heng . So , it makes a little bit of sense , but I was determined to find out whether the rumour going about was true . And so , I walked out of the class to find Pn Shirley and asked her whether the rumour was true .
All she said was ,

" How did you know about this ?

I told her ,

" I overheard the teachers talking about it . "

She quietly replied ,

'' Wait for the announcement .. "

And that point , my heart stopped . There can be no doubt that this , pandemic H1N1 flu has taken the life of Miss Chai , a Mathematics teacher . I mean , why would anyone spread a rumour of her dead EVEN if she's not gone yet ? And why would Pn Heng be crying if it's not the fact that her friend was gone .

Anyways , I went back to the class but by then everyone was sure of that rumour . Even Pn Ong Swee Ling was crying ( a little ) . Lots of teachers were either crying , or making big mobs and started gossiping about the misfortunate . And when I went out of the class , the school wasn't much of itself . People were walking about , not in a slow manner but in a hurry sort of way . Pn Teo and a few other teachers were gathering downstairs ( the other teachers were very , very influential teachers ) .
I immediately knew , somewhere deep down inside of you that something was terribly wrong .

Pn Teo issued a statement and ordered those who wish to return home , by all means . Later , we were cautioned by our former Pengetua about H1N1 , and stuffs like that . Anyways , everyone seemed kinda happy about being able to back more then the fact that a teacher passed away because of this deadly flu .

It's a very sad thing , to actually feel this experience as we hardly ever do ( because our school is still declared safe , for now ) . My heart and prayers go out to Miss Chai . May she rest in peace .

This deadly virus is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly . I am concerned for all my teachers , friends and readers of all age . Therefore , I hope that all of you will taken precautionary measures to keep this flu at bay . Here's how you , can stop the spread !

1 ) Wash your hands every few hours ( just in case ) to avoid infections .
2 ) Do not sneeze , cough , breath into other people's faces . Not only it's rude and disgusting , but if your friend is having H1N1 and you do not know about it , you might easily catch the disease .
3 ) Stay indoors as much as possible . Avoid shopping at crowded areas .
4 ) Drink tonnes of water , and eat your daily dosage of vitamins . Don't be picky on food !

These are SOME of the ways you can shield yourself from being victim of this stupid flu .

P/s : By the time I have finished writing this post , I dearly HOPE that the rumour about the teacher was true ( sad to say ) . Won't want to write a false story about someone , especially about them passing on , would we ?

Pandemic , anybody ?

Lve ,

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