Monday, August 24, 2009

Who I am According to Other People

I saw a bio one time that stated a bio is for other people to lie about you, as opposed to an autobiography where you lie about yourself. So here's who I am according to some other people; take it with a grain of salt. :)

"John Michael Talboo has found a unique niche in the movement, monitoring, analyzing, and refuting the hollow arguments of the so called '9-11 debunkers'. I believe valuable insight can be gained by examining and critiquing the 9-11 debunking websites. John Michael and his contributors do a great job and are constantly refining their work to better 'debunk the debunkers'". - Michael Wolsey,

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunkers

"J-M is passionate, careful about the details of being factually accurate, and a helluva nice guy! I'm grateful to call him both a friend and a colleague, and appreciate his courage and energy in this search for truth in our lives and our world." - Janice Matthews, Executive Director, Debunking the '9/11 Debunkers' With John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley

"Having worked with John-Michael on projects for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth I know him to be a very determined and intelligent individual with strong research skills. He has also shown his worth time and again in other collaborative efforts.

A great asset of John Michael's is his ability to objectively consider the evidence at hand and not become attached to theories or material in the face of new hypotheses or evidence. In this way, the material he analyses and presents is sure to depict the most accurate, unbiased edition of the current research. His ongoing blog, Debunking the Debunkers, is a showcase of his talents.

Indeed, John-Michael's work against the debunkers at his webpage is a valuable contribution in the fight to inform the public of the trickery and deceptions put out in defense of the 9/11 myth." - Gregg Roberts,,

"Clearly John-Michael's work reveals himself to be one of the leading research-activists in the ongoing fight to expose the false flag terror attack we all experienced on September 11, 2001.

"From the posts I have seen it is obvious that JM has taken the time to delve into each 911 issue so that the reader can get to the heart of the matter. There is real talent shown in his excellent ability to understand and organise very complex information. Whether it is to expose subtle debunker trickery or to assemble a coherent fact-based argument, based on the best available evidence, each effort is of the highest quality. I am particularly impressed by the multitude of hyperlinked references in each article that back up everything he presents.

With an expert grasp of the 911 issues John-Michael has time and again thoroughly demolished the arguments of the best debunkers and presented clear evidence revealing that 911 must have been an inside job. For this he must be heartily commended. None of us can afford to let the debunkers get away with their dishonest spin - they are destroying our futures.

All-in-all John-Michael comes across as a very intelligent and level headed guy who understands the difference between an unproven hypothetical or speculative position verses one that is grounded on hard evidence. Not everyone has the ability to recognise the difference when faced with the propaganda, spin, and pseudo science put out by the official 911 investigation, the debunkers, and those who support them in the mainstream media.

It is a privilege to be allied to this fine individual. John-Michael Talboo must be listed as a true champion for education, truth and justice. Thomas Jefferson would be proud!" - Steve Weathers,

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