Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wonderful World of the Circus

English-Spanish Glossary: The Circus

acrobat: acróbata

bearded lady: mujer barbuda

big top: carpa de circo

clown: payaso

conjurer (Brit. E) / magician (Am. E): mago

contortionist: contorsionista

dwarf: enano

fire eater: lanzallamas

hooper: gimnasta rítmica con aros

juggler: malabarista

knife thrower: lanzador de cuchillos

lion tamer: domador de leones

magic tricks: trucos de magia

plate spinning: malabarismo con platos

ring: pista del circo

ringmaster: maestro de ceremonies

stilt walker: acróbata en zancos

sword swallower: tragasables

tightrope: cuerda floja

tightrope walker: equilibrista

trapeze: trapecio

trampoline: trampolín

unicyclist: monociclista

Sad Clowns: Myth or Reality?

A clown is an entertainer, especially in the circus, who wears funny clothes and special make-up, often with a large painted smile and a red plastic nose. A clown tries to make people laugh by jokes, tricks or actions. However, it is often said that people who work as clowns are really sad persons, underneath all that make-up and acting.

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