cooking apple
an apple that one eats cooked.
eating apple
an apple that one eats raw.
crab apple
a small sour apple, often used to make jelly.
green apple
an apple of this colour, when young or unripe.
bright red winter apple, very good in quality, and easily shipped.
Golden Delicious
a large, yellow skinned apple and very sweet to the taste.
Granny Smith
a sour tasting green apple.
a sour tasting green apple.
McIntosh Red (or McIntosh, colloquially "Mac")
apple with red and green skin, a tart flavour, and tender white flesh.
apple with red and green skin, a tart flavour, and tender white flesh.
Royal Gala
a pink-red dessert apple and is therefore usually eaten fresh.
Red Delicious
a deep-red type of apple.
apple butter
a highly concentrated form of apple sauce, produced by long, slow cooking of apples with cider or water to a point where the sugar in the apples caramelizes, turning the apple butter a deep brown.
apple crumble (Am. E. apple crisp)
a dessert consisting of baked apples topped with a crispy crust.
apple dumpling
a sweet food made of pastry with fruit inside it.
a sweet food made of pastry with fruit inside it.
Am. E. a spirit (a strong alcoholic drink) made from apples.
apple jelly
a clear, quite solid jam containing no pieces of fruit, seeds, etc.
apple pie
apples cooked in pastry.
apples cooked in pastry.
applesauce (or apple sauce)
a sauce that is made from stewed and mashed apples.
apple strudel
a sort of cake of Austrian origin, made of light pastry, with fruit inside.
a sort of cake of Austrian origin, made of light pastry, with fruit inside.
a beverage made from apple juice.
stewed apple
cooked slowly and gently in liquid.
cooked slowly and gently in liquid.
* Apples and art
René Magritte (1898-1967) was a Belgian surrealist painter known for combining in his pictures familiar objects that do not usually belong together. His pictures often involve apples, hats and windows.
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