Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Did you hear about the

dyslexic devil worshipper ?
He sold his soul to
Santa .


Greetings to all !

It's the last post of the year and I'm rather sad ( more like , surprised ) that I do not have anything fancy or rich in entertainment to tell you all .

Just the old and regular blogger who blogs his utterly distinguished yet interesting life that he has come to know and love .

So , what have I have in store for you guys today ?

Well .. let's start with this .


Sherlock Holmes

I only have one word for this movie .

Brilliant . Utterly and undisputedly brilliant !

I don't know if the word '' undisputedly '' even exists but nevertheless !

This movie stars Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law directed by Guy Ritchie . This movie revolved around , well ..

Sherlock Holmes of course .

YOU have to watch this while it's still available in the cinemas . I have no words to describe this brilliant and fantastically done movie . It is one of the most cleverly planned movies I have ever seen in my life . I am pretty sure that the directors and producers have dilligently done their homework about the story play .

Oh yeah , did I mention this show was BRILLIANT ?

Okay . I'll say it one more time .

Brilliant !

I have to say that Robert Downey Jr. is an excellent actor . He somehow manages to make himself look like an ordinary slop with his filthy bedroom and his out-of-control hairstyle and yet , execute his role as the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes perfectly .

And what about Jude Law ? Well . If I needed a sidekick , I'l pick him anytime , at any place .

But sadly , there wasn't the scene where Sherlock mentions his FAMOUS catch phrase ,

" It's elementary , my dear Watson ''

I mean , that's the his signature catch phrase that made him the legend he is today ! Perhaps the directors missed that part out or something o.o

Anyways .. I strongly suggest you catch this movie immediately ! Once you start watching this exciting and thrilling movie , I'm sure you'd be hooked on it as tightly as I do .

And , I smell a sequel to this movie ( God , I hope so . This movie is brilliant ! )


Lady Gaga

My dear friends .. This is perhaps one of the greatest singer/dancer I have yet seen in my life .

She's a fantastic singer/song writer and a skilled dancer . She's one heck of a kind and she might just be the one talented enough to replace Michael Jackson .

She's none other than the great , Lady Gaga !

Why am I blogging about her ?

Simple .

It's because there is not ONE song she has made that I do not like .

Unlike other singers that do not have the consistency to produce great songs ( an exception to Michael Jackson )

Back in the days , we all heard for the first time " Just Dance " by Lady Gaga . At that time , we were all mesmerized by this unheard-of singer at that time by the way her genre of song and the way she has presented it . It was , '' okay '' for a first timer .

Then , she produced another hit single " Poker Face "' that stunned the world as she gathers more and more fans from all countries world wide .
The song was " great and catchy " at that time .

After that , she once again managed to make another song called " Love Game " . I don't know about you guys but at that time I already was '' Gaga-ing '' over most of her songs , playing them over and over again on the computer .

Next , she once again made another smash hit named " Paparazzi " which is my all time favorite . Since it's release , the song is still my favorite and it is also the most-played song of the season ( more exactly , to me of course ) .
Right now , I consider her as one of the greats !

And lastly , we have " Bad Romance " .

I'm telling ya' . She is now by far one of the most recogniseable superstars of all time . And don't get me started about her videos .

Once again , WOW !

Yes , her dance moves are quite random and unseen before but that's what make her unique . She's the only one ( besides MJ ) to be able to dance THAT WAY and still be considered as a shockingly talented dancers . In other words , she's the only one that can dance THAT weird and still look so cool at the same time .

This goes to the way she dresses as well . It might look outrageous with giant shoulder ribbons or mickey mouse sunglasses or polka dotted mini dresses . But there's just something about her that doesn't make her look like a freak ( to me , of course ) . I think it's the mind-boggling , hypnotic songs and dance moves she is able to perform that just , makes everything less important .

I know a good song when I hear one . To as well as a good movie .

And I definitely know that she is , in fact , a fantastic superstar .

I know . I'm going Gaga all over her songs !

And I'm loving every moment of it .


Oh well . I think that's about enough to welcome the New Year of Jaden's rantling .

I'll just leave you all to your thoughts now .

See ya .

- Jaden -

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