Sunday, April 4, 2010

The time is always right
to do the right thing .

- Martin Luther King Jr ,
civil rights activist .


Hello peeps !

It's has been a crazy weekend . Stuff filled with sight-seeing and laughs .

It's one of those weekends where there are some many things that occur at the same time . Although it was little bit funny , it still was hectic , and weird .

And to top that off , it's been fuckin' hot , humid and dry these days .

I bet that there are witches in caves that are so hot that they are dipping their breasts in cold coffee .

Anyways . I took some pictures of the place I've went to .


Land of the elites .

No , I'm serious . Anything and everything at Starhill costs a bundle of cash . There were practically nobody at that shopping mall . Why ?

That's because almost none of us here at Subang Jaya can afford any shit they are selling there. I mean , all they have there are branded labels sold in Europe . So , imagine this .

150 pounds ( euros ) of clothes .
And convert them into ringgits .

Need I say more ?

Anyways . I'm just gonna post up a few pictures and let them do the talking. After all , a picture is worth a thousand words .

And I have 27 !

At Lot 10 ( not Starhill )

Lot 10

Here comes Starhill ..

So , yeah .That's pretty much about it .

And there's many more shops available there I can tell you that . Shops like ,

Sincere , Gucci , Mont Blanc ,
Ganali , Armani and Ralph Lauren .

And yes , let me repeat the fact that all of the shops there can tear a hole in your wallet right down to your sneakers . Most of these shops have big , scary bouncers at the entrance to prevent some skinny thief from stealing hundreds of thousands worth of designer handbags , clothings and gadgets .

I made a joke to my sisters that the moment we step one foot into the shopping mall paradise , a strong gust of wind will sweep through us and empty our wallets immediately . Of course , I was referring to the items sold there that are highly priced . Way more then something us ordinary Subang Jaya-nians can afford .

A simple lunch there , and your entirely weekly expense budget goes through the roof , out of the atmosphere , out of the planetary orbits and off to the other universe .

I mean it .


On Sunday , my sister and I went shopping for groceries at Cold Storage .

We wanted to make tacos .

What are tacos ? They are a type of Mexican delicacy whereby you wrap ground beef , some vegetables , cheese , salsa sauce and olives onto a taco wrap . And then , you place it in the oven for a few minutes and there you have it !

I think I must mention the fact that I did all the preparations by myself . And I think I've really outdone myself (:

And here's the end product , ladies and gentlemen !

I know it's hard for you to understand even with the slightest bit , of how delicious these tacos turn out to be . Well , they are .

And boy , was I tired after doing all the work . The hardest part was when I had to cut the onions . I literally wept uncontrollably like a baby for no particular reason . One would think of me as a psychopath after watching me weep like that .

To solve this problem , I put on my sister's sunglasses and continued chopping them onions .

LoL .


Well , I hope you guys find this post as interesting as it sounds .

My fingers are extremely tired after all the constant tipping and tapping of the keyboard . My eyes feel like heavy sacks of potatoes and I have a feeling that my buttocks are already cramped up .

So , I'll leave you guys to your thoughts and I will take my leave .

But before you guys go , I need you to take a look at this picture . And for your information , all I have to say is that I JUST HAD TO TAKE THIS PICTURE . And probably take a look at the occupants inside ( unfortunately , there aren't any ) .

Wheeee ~

Signing off ,

- Jaden -

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