Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Remember man , as you walk by .

As you are now , so once was I .
As I am know , so shall you be .
Remember this , thus you shall follow me .

What's written above is a split between a riddle and a quote .

There is a story behind this quote . Based on a true story , actually .

A ridiculously rich business man who lives during the 1900's has everything in his life ; money , power , fame , fortune and much much more . He figures problems out easily and suggests solutions like no other . Therefore , he fears nothing .

As the key figure in society , he has garnered quite an amount of enemies who sends death threats weekly . However , that does not scare him as he sends them all to prison .

Because of his lust , he had an affair while in a marriage . Condamned by everyone and sued by his wife , he fears nothing as he pushes this issue aside to be with his lover .

One fine morning , he walks through a desolate city park not far from his mansion . As he strolled around the beautifully landscaped area wondering the ever existence of this area , he noticed a small brick wall at a distance . As he went closer , to his surprise the small brick wall was actually a tombstone .

The tombstone had no name nor date written on it . All that's written on the tombstone was

" Remember man , as you walk by . As you are know , so once was I .
As I am know so shall you be . Remember this , thus you shall follow me . "

Not knowing what to think , he walked home wondering what that was all about .

The next morning , he decided to pay a visit to the tombstone right in the heart of the city park . Once he got there , much to his surprise , the tombstone was in fact .. gone .

He was never the same man as he once was since than .


Here are some Whose Line Is It Anyway videos starring none other than the masters of improvisation , Ryan and Colin !

This time , the game they are playing is called Whose Line .

The aim of the game is that they will be given lines that they have never seen before and they have to use those lines in a scene given .

If you do not understand what I'm trying to say , watch on and you'll definitely will .

This two videos are the ones I find quite interesting .

Enjoy !

" I love it when you talk poultry "

" Why I , have not got long left .. "

Loved it ?

If you are browsing for more Whose Line videos , try the one with the title Buffy the Vampire Slayer .

That one is a brilliant work . A masterpiece of geniuses .


Oh yes , on the 27th May 2010 ( Thursday ) is '' a day which will live in infamy '' .

On that particular day , my mid year examinations are not-officially over ! This is because we still have TWO papers to sit for next week on Monday but , who cares actually ?

It's only Physics and Chemistry , it ain't that hard isn't it ?

Anyways . After suffering for so long , the day we Science stream students are freed from the evil clutches of school tests are here !

And boy , do we love that sweet taste of freedom .

It's a mixture of drinking iced tea and stabbing Justin Beaver on his back with a spiked sledgehammer . (:

Oh , how wonderous this feeling can be !

Anyways . Now that the examinations are over , I am concentrating more on my tennis prowess and of course , preparing myself for the trip back to my hometown .

( 28th May 2010 )

Today ! Is a very special day .

Particularly for most Buddhists around Malaysia because today is ,

Wesak Day !

Oh how I love Wesak Day so much that I would wake up earlier than my mother on that day , eagerly waiting to begin the exodus to the temple .

What makes Wesak Day so special is that it's encompasses the birth of Buddha , achieved enlightenment and also the day of his passing .

But this year it's no ordinary year for me .

I'm feeling very generous when it comes to donations this year . Yes ladies and gentlemen , I donated quite a sum of money to the temple and it's monks .

Why , we only do this once a year .

Why not leave the place knowing that we've made a difference ?

I will not reveal how much I have donated as it is supposed to be kept a secret . However , you will not see notes left in my wallet .

Only petty change and small notes are what's left in my wallet .

But I'm not complaining . Heck , I feel much better after contributing so much to the temple . Besides , they also provided free food for all of it's followers . So , might as well give something back .

Anyways . This year's Wesak Day was pretty much like all the others .

Fun , enjoyable and full of merits earned .


Oh well , I guess I'll stop here .

Till next time guys .

- Jaden -

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