Saturday, October 30, 2010

TIME Magazine Fail

I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts

"Global warming is a hoax! Climate change, like autism, is actually caused by vaccines, typically administered by Apollo astronauts who didn't really land on the moon. Oh, and President Obama was born in Kenya. These, at least, are some of the core beliefs in aluminum foil hat land — the place black helicopters are always approaching to impose one-world government, and death panels are always forming to shut off grandma's oxygen."

Lol! Apparently a 'core belief' in 'aluminum foil hat land' is the belief that 'climate change is actually caused by vaccines, typically administered by Apollo astronauts who didn't really land on the moon'. Ok ... hands up ... who started that one?!

Well I don't believe in this 'core belief'. Climate change is primarily caused by natural variability, vaccines don't cause climate change but they do 'result in' a host of health problems, and are less effective at protecting you than natural vitamins, and man probably has visited the moon, which apparently is covered in water and a network of undergound habitable tunnels.

Sometimes you have to laugh at how they like to ridicule anything that challenges the establishment by lumping it all together. I question the official story of 9/11 so I must therefore believe Elvis, who is actually an alien, crashed his flying saucer into the Pentagon.

Also, I would really like to know who came up with the 'tin foil hat' stereotype ... it may have been the Simpsons... or they made it popular at least.

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