Monday, May 31, 2010

Dusting-off Corley: Is this the official response to the discovery of energetic materials in the WTC dust?

Comments have been added throughout the article and noted in red.

Dusting-off Corley: Is this the official response to the discovery of energetic materials in the WTC dust?

Kevin Ryan


Pat Curley posted a blog regarding Ryan's letter and used the talking point I thought he would, so he was pre-debunked. :) As to the possible tampering with of the samples he just sees paranoia, I agree, the difference being that I think it's justified.

It has been over a year since the most recent peer-reviewed scientific article was published on the finding of energetic materials in the WTC dust.[i] During this time, the article was personally delivered to members of Congress and others in positions of power.[ii] Some of those leaders, like 9/11 Commission co-chairman Lee Hamilton, have repeatedly declined invitations to discuss the evidence.[iii] But ultimately, there has been no official response by the U.S. government, and we have seen only apathy or feigned ignorance in response to these explosive findings. In the last few months, however, one of the people who did the most to cover-up the crimes of 9/11 has surfaced again, and is requesting samples.


As Ryan noted, it has been over a year since the paper was published, here are three articles from this blog which break down all that has ensued since that time:

Super Duper Thermite: A Year in Review

Thermite Denial - A Year in Review

Put up or Shut up: A Year in Review

Here are two videos I put together which showcase the findings of the paper, as well as the fact that Vice President Joe Biden and White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan were also given the paper:

Immediately after the article was published, it appeared that a response might be forthcoming due to inexplicable damage to several packages sent, via the US Postal Service, between some of the investigators who were involved. When my colleague Steven Jones sent a sample of the red-gray chips to my post office box in late April 2009, the samples had been removed from the double envelope package through a series of slits just barely big enough to slide the small vial out. The postal inspector never responded to my complaint. But when I later mailed something to my colleague James Gourley, the envelope arrived with a corner ripped out, in a gross kind of damage that neither of us had ever seen.[iv]


So it turns out that when Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog asserted that independent researcher Frédéric Henry-Couannier said his samples might have been "deactivated to prevent my independent corroboration of a crucial proof," that it wasn't just because he was a "Troofer." This is not to suggest that this was the case, but just to point out that it wasn't completely baseless. I debunked Pat's other points here.

Over the next few months we saw unprecedented attacks levied on the journal that published the paper. The editors of the journal were pummeled with email and blog attacks and one of them, who had not been involved in review of the paper, resigned. Some attackers even sought to discredit the Bentham Science family of journals, of which the Open Chemical Physics journal was one member, by submitting phony articles to see if they could get published. Discrediting Bentham Science would not have fully removed the threat to the official story, however, because the evidence for energetic materials at the WTC is supported by peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals other than just Bentham.[v],[vi]


Here is a video by one of this blog's contributors which breaks down the attacks levied upon the paper:

It is not certain if the mail tampering or the attacks against Bentham Science were responses from those who created the official reports. More recent events, however, suggest that our corporate-funded politicians might have decided to produce an official response to the article after all.

In January of this year, one of the independent sample collectors who provided WTC dust to our investigative team wrote to me about an inquiry.

“I got a call last night from a guy named Jay Levin, the founder of the LA Weekly. …He recently interviewed a Gene Corley…[who] is a forensic engineer and was hired by FEMA to look for (certain) things in the dust. Evidence of explosives wasn't one of them. …apparently, he now wants to have another look. If this is potentially a whistle-blower scenario, it could be a wonderful thing…”

Jay Levin is an editor and writer who has done a few articles on the 9/11 Truth movement and, in doing so, has earned the trust of some of the movement’s leaders.[vii],[viii] Although Levin’s articles have been more fair to the cause of truth than the average mainstream media hit pieces have been, that’s not saying much. And according to one of these articles, Levin is also writing a book about the “WTC scientific dispute.”

Levin’s former company, LA Weekly, is now owned by Village Voice Media, a conglomeration of weekly newspapers. This conglomeration includes the Phoenix New Times, which has published some of the most abysmal attacks against the 9/11 Truth movement.[ix],[x],[xi] The current New Times executive editor and Village Voice majority owner is Michael Lacey, who has run rough-shod over the organization and worked to dumb-down the news products since he took over the organization in 2005.[xii],[xiii] Levin is apparently not associated with that company any longer.

In any case, Gene Corley was not hired by FEMA to examine the WTC dust. He was hired by FEMA to lead the entire WTC investigation, which at the time was termed an “assessment.” Six years earlier, Corley had also led the investigation into what happened at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, and the resulting report was found to have been very poorly done.[xiv]

For years after 9/11, Corley was the voice of the ever-changing, but always non-explosive, story for what happened at the WTC.

  • He led the FEMA investigation which gave us the now defunct “pancake theory"

  • Five months later he was a member of the Silverstein-Weidlinger insurance claim team that produced the "columns only" theory (opposite of the pancake theory).

  • He was the primary official theory spokesman in all the mainstream media video programs, including those produced by NOVA and the AE/History Channel, that were for years used as the major vehicles for public consumption.

  • Leftist commentators like Matthew Rothschild turned to Corley to provide “independent” confirmation of the official story.[xv]

  • He provided "public comments" in support of the NIST investigation.

  • And last but not least, he posed as a reporter during NIST media sessions, lobbing softball questions to kill the time.[xvi]
Considering these facts, promoting Corley as an independent scientist for a new WTC investigation is like promoting 9/11 Commission director Phillip Zelikow, or suspect Osama Bin Laden, for the same job.

I wrote back to the sampler and suggested to him that Corley could probably obtain his own WTC dust samples. After all, Corley had supposedly waded through WTC dust for months. Why was he asking for our samples?

Mr. Levin replied to our sampler saying that he understood the hesitation to send samples to Corley, because, “to be honest,” Corley was a supporter of the official “collapse” theory. Levin went on,

“I have found a lot of good and knowledgeable people with no connection to the government, just as there are many similar people who argue with it. NIST's behavior re the testing might be atrocious but whether you want to believe it or not, not everyone who examines the world trade data and concludes the collapse happened without explosives is covering up something. There is a genuine disagreement among independent experts.”

But Gene Corley is not a good person with “no connection to the government”, and he is certainly not an “independent expert.” On the contrary, he represented the government as he created a false engineering report for what happened at OKC, and later several false and contradictory engineering reports for the WTC.


Here is a blog I put together which complies evidence of government involvement the in OKC bombing, including a rebuttal to the television program "Conspiracy Test: Oklahoma City Bombing," which purported to debunk the idea that secondary devices were detonated in the building.

Corley is also an alumnus of the military establishment at Fort Belvoir[xvii], which has many connections to 9/11 including the Able Danger[xviii], al Qaeda[xix], and Ali Muhammed.[xx] Others who have served as 9/11 debunkers are Fort Belvoir alumni as well, like John Fisher, who was one of the few actual engineering experts for Popular Mechanics, and apparently, Frank Greening.[xxi]

In his attempt to promote Corley’s involvement, Levin went on to explain to our sampler how it would not be of any risk to the independent investigators.

“To my way of thinking if Corley tests and says he came up with nothing, it will change nothing. Steve Jones and everyone else will still maintain that NIST has to test in a manner credible to outsiders. And if Jones does come up with something and announces it, that is a potential game changer - and a hell of a story for a journalist.”

Oddly enough, Mr. Levin forgot to mention what would happen if Gene Corley tested our samples and “found” something quite the opposite of what we found.


As I pointed out before, it is bunk to claim that a sample of their material is required to confirm their work.

In an exchange of emails with Robert Erickson, producer of the September 2009 National Geographic special on 9/11, Steven Jones suggested that he attempt independent confirmation and gave recommendations as to how this could be achieved, Jones states:

"I urge you to contact Los Alamos National Laboratory and request at least three 'prototype' samples of super-thermite matches.

Ask two independent laboratories to do SEM/EDS and DSC analyses as described in our paper on the super-thermite material contained in these matches. The results would then be compared carefully with those already obtained on red chips found in the WTC dust.

Such analyses are worthy of scientific publication in a peer-reviewed journal (unlike placing bags of commercial thermite next to steel columns)."

This and the above comments by Ryan should make clear, besides scarcity of samples, why these instigators are hesitant to give up their dust, or to do tests for materials that they do not think are present.

Our sampler reported these comments from Levin with “a growing sense of dread.”

Steven Jones took the liberty of responding to Mr. Levin at this point, suggesting that Corley use his influence to get some samples from an “official” source.

“Jay, Here is my recommendation: request that Mr. Corley acquire several ‘official’ WTC dust samples directly from the USGS, and scrutinize these for red/gray chips as defined in our paper. Based on our scientific team's experience, those samplings taken nearer to ‘ground zero’ will be more likely to contain larger numbers of these red/gray particles, so the ‘nearest samples’ should be sought.”

Apparently Corley did not like that suggestion, because although Mr. Levin did not respond for several weeks, he approached our sampler again. This is how it went as reported by the sampler.

“Now, the strange news: Jay Levin, who first called me as Janette was about to go in for her biopsy, called me again just minutes after she came out of surgery last night, claiming that he came across my email, but couldn't remember who I was (apologies for his uncharacteristic lack of organization), so I "reminded" him of our last emails and that I'm not giving up any dust to Dr. Corley. Once the phony formalities were out of the way, he bent my ear for about 20 minutes as my Indian food got cold. He was saying that if his findings were to corroborate your findings, that would be big news! I won't bore you with all the details, but will say that I came away with a bad feeling not only about Gene Corley, but about him as well. He did say that Corley would follow up on Steven's advice, if he can, but isn't sure that he can get his hands on the necessary equipment. This too seems a little odd..”

Needless to say, the samples were not sent to Mr. Corley or Mr. Levin. However it does seem unlikely that Levin couldn’t remember the earlier conversation about what would have been “a hell of a story for a journalist.”

Three months later, Levin approached Steven Jones again. He appeared to have found another independent analyst to test the WTC dust and confirm our findings. Unlike Corley, this one seemed to have read our paper but was skeptical.

“I spoke to Don Broton again at the CTL lab about what he needs to test with an xray defraction cross section. He said a piece that was a few millimeters and referenced the 4 millimeters he said was mentioned in your research report. And he added "of course the bigger piece the better" for the purposes of the cross-section.

As to the specifics, he said he can find "striklingly (sic) similar" element compositions in fly ash where the "map scans are kind of similar in their peak indentifications (sic)" to yours. .

He said the reason your tests are not definitive is that virtually all the elements were present in the WTC and various element bondings may have occurred. (By the way he is the third chemist I know of who has said this.) He said man made nano-thermite would have a very distinct pattern would likely be revealed by x-ray defraction which I told him I gather you understood as you had sent some dust to another lab for the test.”

What Mr. Levin didn’t say is that the independent analyst he found worked for Gene Corley’s company, CTL Group. Gene Corley is the Senior Vice President of CTL Group,[xxii] and the new independent analyst, Don Broton, works for Gene Corley.

The “fly ash” statement was also interesting. This was the exact same “debunker” response to the microspheres found in the WTC dust, long before the red-gray chips had been found. Perhaps Corley and Broton had their stories mixed up.


As Jim Hoffman pointed out in his essay "
Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust - Scientists Discover Both Residues And Unignited Fragments Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics In Debris From the Twin Towers.":

"'Debunkers' have proposed that the iron-rich spheres were fly ash residues embedded in the Towers' concrete, ignoring that the iron constituents in fly ash are oxides rather than elemental iron. How will they explain away the bi-layered chips, whose red layers have iron oxide and elemental aluminum in the ratio of Fe2O3 thermite as nano-sized particles of uniform shape?"

Apparently with the same explanation!

In any case, Gene Corley, someone who for years was the leading spokesman for the official engineering reports on the WTC, is now intent on getting samples from the independent investigators leading the scientific investigation into what happened at the WTC. This suggests that Corley will be providing the official response to the discovery of energetic materials in the WTC dust.

Additionally, the fact that Jay Levin doesn't appear to know who Gene Corley is suggests that Levin might not be the best person to write additional articles and a book on the “WTC scientific dispute.” We can hope, however, that he is honest enough to admit that.

[i] Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol 2, 2009, doi: 10.2174/1874412500902010007,

[ii] This article has been hand delivered to Vice President Biden, Senator John Kerry, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, Representative Barney Frank,, Senator JD Rockefeller, Senator Richard Lugar, Senator Lindsay Graham, and Senator John Kyl. The article has been confirmed to be delivered through email to Senator Evan Bayh. Senator Harry Reid was handed the article and refused to take it, as occurred with Newt Gingrich.

[iii] Kevin R. Ryan, Will Lee Hamilton Examine the evidence?,, 3/13/2010,

[iv] Was someone looking for samples in the US mail?,,

[v] Kevin R. Ryan, et al, Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials, The Environmentalist, Volume 29, Number 1 / March, 2009,

[vi] Steven E. Jones et al, Extremely High Temperatures During the World Trade Center Destruction, Journal of 9/11 Studies, January 2008

[vii] Jay Levin and Tom McKenzie, Twin Towers, Twin Myths?, Santa Barbara Independent, September 17, 2009,

[viii] Jay Levin and Tom McKenzie, Explosive Theory: Eight years after 9/11, a growing organization of building trades professionals suspect that there was more to the event than the government will admit, MetroActive, September 9, 2009,

[ix] Stephen Lemons, The Yoda of 9/11: Pat Curley slices through the loony conspiracy theories at his influential "Screw Loose Change" Web site, Phoenix New Times, Aug 9 2007,

[x] Stephen Lemons,, Noam Chomsky and the 9/11 nutbars: Why they suck and he doesn't., Phoenix New Times, Aug 15 2007,

[xi] Stephen Lemons, 9/11 "Troof," Ed Begley, Jr., and Why Van Jones Needed to Go, September 11, 2009,

[xii] Mark Jacobsen, The Voice from beyond the grave, New York Magazine, November 6, 2005,

[xiv] Oklahoma Bombing Committee, Final Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building,

[xv] Kevin R. Ryan, Looking for Truth in Credentials: The Peculiar WTC “Experts”,, March 13, 2007,

[xvi] Archived webcast video of NIST press briefing, NIST News Release website, June 23, 2005 (, 01:15:10.

[xvii] Testimony of Gene Corley before the House Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards, March 6, 2002, p 10,

[xviii] Wayne Madsen, Able Danger and DIA had advanced knowledge of 9/11, Online Journal, Sept 11th, 2009,

[xix] J.M. Berger, Al Qaeda Recruited U.S. Servicemen: Testimony Links Plot To Saudi Gov't,, July 01, 2004,

[xx] Peter Dale Scott, 9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events, Journal of 9/11 Studies,,911,andWar.pdf

[xxi] Did Frank Greening attend the US Army's engineer officer candidate school at Fort Belvoir?,,

[xxii] SkokieNet, Interview with Dr. Gene Corley - Internationally Renowned Structural Engineer Based in Skokie, April 22 2007,

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA

[Language warning]

The two points being made here are vital ones:

1.) Think for yourselves- believe in scientific facts and common sense,
2.) Don't get brainwashed by trivial entertainment and miss out on what's really going on out there.

The country has been taken way from you, and it's time to wake up and start thinking independently.

Related Info:

Alex Jones interviews Jim Marrs about JFK, the parallels to 911, JFK the Directors cut, and what went into the making of the movie

The Kennedy Assassination - Jim Marrs Interviews Doug Horne

Debunk This! Part 6: J.F.K Conspiracy - Second Shooter

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 5 (JFK) 4 PARTS - Bill Hicks

The History Channel: JFK and 9/11

Jim Garrison's (Kevin Costner's) Closing Argument / Final Speech - JFK

The JFK Assassination Autopsy Cover-up; Only One Picture is telling the Real story here:

This should be a laugh...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lionel Messi argentina wallpaper

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Lionel Messi WallpaperLionel Messi Wallpaper

New Kanye!

Last night I just heard Kanye's latest (and leaked) single "Power". Damn, I am addicted to this song! Kanye West at his best ( as always ).

Friday, May 28, 2010

Chelsea FC Logo Wallpaper

Chelsea FC Logo Wallpaper

Chelsea Football ClubChelsea Football Club

Chelsea FCChelsea FC

Chelsea football wallpaperChelsea football wallpaper

Chelsea soccer teamChelsea soccer team

Memories of old school days...

Team Brazil World Cup 2010 Kaka

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world cup,world cup 2010, South Africa, football, soccer, Juventus Wallpaper vWorld Cup 2010
Juventus Wallpaper vWorld Cup 2010

NORAD and NORTHCOM proudly display their token

This is so sickening...

NORAD, U.S. NORTHCOM dedicate 9/11 memorial
The North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command commemorated a new 9/11 memorial during a ceremony at the commands' headquarters May 18.

The memorial, featuring a steel beam recovered from the World Trade Center donated by the National Homeland Defense Foundation, stands near the entrance of the NORAD and U.S. NORTHCOM headquarters building.
This is like building a giant statue outside the Rockefeller Foundation headquarters of Hitler doing this ...

... as an Auschwitz memorial!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

9/11 - Ground Zero Molten Metal Confirmed

Jeff Hill - shure911
May 27, 2010


Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog says:

"Here's a clue for Jeff: Molten metal does not equal molten steel."

Here's a clue for Pat: This does equal molten steel:

In what The New York Times dubbed as "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation," Appendix C of the WTC Building Performance Study documented "intergranular melting capable of turning a solid steel girder into Swiss cheese."
Appendix C states:

"The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified."

As points out:

The "deep mystery" of the melted steel may be yielding its secrets to investigators not beholden to the federal government. Professor Steven Jones has pointed out that the severe corrosion, intergranular melting, and abundance of sulfur are consistent with the theory of thermite arson.
Pat adds in an update:

Some particularly moronic Truthers want to talk about the thermal images taken by NASA on 9/16/01. They're archived here, on Jim Hoffman's site. Notice the temperatures recorded go as high as 1377 degrees fahrenheit. Which is about half the temperature required to melt steel.
"All morons hate it when you call them a moron."
J. D. Salinger

Well I'm sure these truthers could care less if Pat goes around calling them moronic, but when we put the boot on the other foot ... hey Pat, what do you think of these FACTS, moron?

The images below represent surface temperatures, the 'optical depth' is at the most a few millimeters. (ACS919)

The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF., May issue 2002 cached copy
Related Info:

Molten STEEL Flowed Under Ground Zero for Months After 9/11

Washington's Blog
April 28, 2008

In response to the numerous reports of molten metal under ground zero, defenders of the official version of 9/11 have tried to argue that it was not steel, but some other kind of metal with a lower melting point.

Well, here are what top experts who eyewitnessed the molten metal say...

Molten Steel in the Rubble of the World Trade Centre Collapse = Inside Job

The Un-Debunkable Molten Metal

Bald female and beautiful? Sinead O'Connor, Britney Spears or Natalie Portman!

Baldness is not a state associated with beautiful women.
I start with Sinead O’Connor here. The trouble with a name like Sinead –or any name beginning with S I imagine- is, if you shave your head, you’re going to get called “Skinhead” O’Connor, Like it or not. She certainly was tagged that in our household. Sorry Sinead!
Sinead OConnor
I’ve been trying to find a clip where Ross’s girlfriend in friends shaves her head – so, if anyone can find it can you send me the link, please.
Ok, so Sinead was an obvious one, so I got to thinking who else has been bald and I remembered Britney Spears deforestation a few years back. So there was no doubt there. I thought about the school uniform theme but it felt a bit creepy. So went for the catsuit/body-stocking effect. Only slightly less creepy perhaps?!
Britney Spears 001
I really struggled to find number three. Bald female celebrities, which weren’t just photoshop efforts, seem to be defeating the object. I eventually found Natalie Portman here.
Natalie Portman

Bolton Logo wallpapers

Bolton Logo Wallpaper

Alexander Marcus

I am addicted to Alexander Marcus and his music. He is a total freak. I really wanna go and see him live, but there are only two more shows this year- in Cologne and Munich, and both are sold out.

Jestem uzależniona od muzyki Alexandra Marcusa. Jest (za przeproszeniem) totalnym pojebem. Chciałabym pójść na jego koncert, ale w tym roku będzie grał jedynie jeszcze w Kolonii i Monachium, a poza tym oba są wyprzedane.

Spring in Geramny

Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika

world cup,world cup 2010, South Africa, football, soccer, Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika
Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika

Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika

world cup,world cup 2010, South Africa, football, soccer, Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika
Image Wallpaper World Cup 2010 Afrika

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

Due to a family emergency this weeks post has been delayed. I hope to get back to normal soon.

We Have Moved AGAIN!

New Website, New (Second) Issue:

FC Barcelona Logo Wallpaper

FC Barcelona wallpaperFC Barcelona wallpaper

Barcelona Football ClubBarcelona Football Club

Barcelona Football wallpaperBarcelona football wallpaper

Barcelona soccer wallpaperBarcelona soccer wallpaper

Molten Steel in the Rubble of the World Trade Centre Collapse = Inside Job

The picture here shows superheated Molten Steel being pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Centre buildings weeks after the collapses.

We know this is steel because other materials such as copper or aluminium exhibiting a yellow or near white colour would be completely liquid. The melting point of copper is 1080 degrees Celsius whilst the melting point of aluminum is only 660 degrees Celsius. The metal in the picture is still plastic even though some of it is well above 1000 degrees Celsius.

You are looking at building steel that has been heated to an extraordinary temperature in a rubble pile that had neither the fuel or air requirements to do so. For instance in a forge, that heats iron to a red hot appearance, we require a sea of hot coals wherein the iron is submerged. Air is pumped in into this mass to increase the temperature. The problem here is that the rubble pile was not a sea of coals and according to official reports, it presented conditions that were described as "oxygen poor"[US DELTA Study Group].

The ONLY other way of heating steel to such a high temperature here would necessarily require the use of large quantities of explosive incendiary materials. The building fires could never cause such melting and neither could later conventional fires in the rubble pile.

The reports of superheated metals seen throughout the rubble must be taken seriously and the implications recognised. Just from this evidence alone it would appear that large sections of the World Trade Centre Buildings were subjected to the actions of incendiary devices.

Most damningly, analysis of the slag from the steel and also from previously molten iron spheres (which were found all throughout the dust) has revealed the signature of the incendiary Thermate.

This smoking gun scientific evidence shows that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were subjected to large quantities of thermite-type incendiaries confirming that the collapses were not natural fire induced events. 911 was an Inside Job.

Related Info:

9/11 - Ground Zero Molten Metal Confirmed

The Un-Debunkable Molten Metal

Remember man , as you walk by .

As you are now , so once was I .
As I am know , so shall you be .
Remember this , thus you shall follow me .

What's written above is a split between a riddle and a quote .

There is a story behind this quote . Based on a true story , actually .

A ridiculously rich business man who lives during the 1900's has everything in his life ; money , power , fame , fortune and much much more . He figures problems out easily and suggests solutions like no other . Therefore , he fears nothing .

As the key figure in society , he has garnered quite an amount of enemies who sends death threats weekly . However , that does not scare him as he sends them all to prison .

Because of his lust , he had an affair while in a marriage . Condamned by everyone and sued by his wife , he fears nothing as he pushes this issue aside to be with his lover .

One fine morning , he walks through a desolate city park not far from his mansion . As he strolled around the beautifully landscaped area wondering the ever existence of this area , he noticed a small brick wall at a distance . As he went closer , to his surprise the small brick wall was actually a tombstone .

The tombstone had no name nor date written on it . All that's written on the tombstone was

" Remember man , as you walk by . As you are know , so once was I .
As I am know so shall you be . Remember this , thus you shall follow me . "

Not knowing what to think , he walked home wondering what that was all about .

The next morning , he decided to pay a visit to the tombstone right in the heart of the city park . Once he got there , much to his surprise , the tombstone was in fact .. gone .

He was never the same man as he once was since than .


Here are some Whose Line Is It Anyway videos starring none other than the masters of improvisation , Ryan and Colin !

This time , the game they are playing is called Whose Line .

The aim of the game is that they will be given lines that they have never seen before and they have to use those lines in a scene given .

If you do not understand what I'm trying to say , watch on and you'll definitely will .

This two videos are the ones I find quite interesting .

Enjoy !

" I love it when you talk poultry "

" Why I , have not got long left .. "

Loved it ?

If you are browsing for more Whose Line videos , try the one with the title Buffy the Vampire Slayer .

That one is a brilliant work . A masterpiece of geniuses .


Oh yes , on the 27th May 2010 ( Thursday ) is '' a day which will live in infamy '' .

On that particular day , my mid year examinations are not-officially over ! This is because we still have TWO papers to sit for next week on Monday but , who cares actually ?

It's only Physics and Chemistry , it ain't that hard isn't it ?

Anyways . After suffering for so long , the day we Science stream students are freed from the evil clutches of school tests are here !

And boy , do we love that sweet taste of freedom .

It's a mixture of drinking iced tea and stabbing Justin Beaver on his back with a spiked sledgehammer . (:

Oh , how wonderous this feeling can be !

Anyways . Now that the examinations are over , I am concentrating more on my tennis prowess and of course , preparing myself for the trip back to my hometown .

( 28th May 2010 )

Today ! Is a very special day .

Particularly for most Buddhists around Malaysia because today is ,

Wesak Day !

Oh how I love Wesak Day so much that I would wake up earlier than my mother on that day , eagerly waiting to begin the exodus to the temple .

What makes Wesak Day so special is that it's encompasses the birth of Buddha , achieved enlightenment and also the day of his passing .

But this year it's no ordinary year for me .

I'm feeling very generous when it comes to donations this year . Yes ladies and gentlemen , I donated quite a sum of money to the temple and it's monks .

Why , we only do this once a year .

Why not leave the place knowing that we've made a difference ?

I will not reveal how much I have donated as it is supposed to be kept a secret . However , you will not see notes left in my wallet .

Only petty change and small notes are what's left in my wallet .

But I'm not complaining . Heck , I feel much better after contributing so much to the temple . Besides , they also provided free food for all of it's followers . So , might as well give something back .

Anyways . This year's Wesak Day was pretty much like all the others .

Fun , enjoyable and full of merits earned .


Oh well , I guess I'll stop here .

Till next time guys .

- Jaden -

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Debunking JayBlack12100

Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog recently posted the following two videos from "JayBlack12100".

As to the first video, here is much more in-depth review of Ryan's presentation, which debunks the notion that he is the one guilty of dishonesty.

Here is a video putting the 9/11 fires in perspective.

The second video omits the forensic evidence cited in Gage's presentation, which has now helped to convince over 40 structural engineers and 60 aerospace engineers, nearly 1,200 other architectural and engineering professionals, as well as almost 8,200 other petition signers, including metallurgists, physicists, scientists, explosives experts and demolition contractors.

But never mind all of them since Jowenko disagrees about the Towers.

As I have stated on this blog before:

He does not think the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demolition due to their unconventional nature, but as the website has pointed out:
A demolition that is planned as part of a covert operation to fit a narrative of events that attributes the total destruction of the building to a different cause (such as a jetliner crash and consequent fires) has a very different set of requirements than a demolition that is planned to legally remove a building in an urban setting.
And despite claims to the contrary, he is quite sure WTC 7 was a demolition. Perhaps the more conventional nature of WTC 7's demolition can be explained by evidence that indicates 10:45 a.m. was the originally planned demolition time.

Similarly, user "stallion4" noted:

The towers weren't conventional demolitions. They were "top down" demolitions, which are rare in the professional demolition industry.

This was achieved by strategically planting and detonating explosives beneath each tower's predetermined impact zone. This was done to create the illusion that airliner impacts caused the towers to fall.

Building 7 was a classic demolition job -- bottom up -- the type of demolition that Danny Jowenko is qualified to give his professional opinion on.
Here is why Gage doesn't include the collapse of WTC 7's penthouse in his presentation, and here are two videos that put squibs, fires, explosions, demolitions, collapses, crushdowns and the World Trade Center in perspective:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Physics of WTC 7

About a month ago I had a debate with several debunkers at once about the collapse of WTC 7. In particular, we debated about the period of free fall that occured during the collapse. Here are some of the more memorable responses I got from them:

"I'm still gonna say wiping out 30 meters of supports is too fucking obvious for a secret op." -Weirdo10o4
(Apparently it wasn't that obvious, as NIST needed a high school teacher to point it out to them.)

"consider that I can roll a bowling ball down a long flight of stairs. As it rolls down the stairs, it spends time in free fall--between each stair" -EdgemanLL2
(The very obvious difference of course is that when a ball rolls down the stairs, nothing is removed and the ball only free falls for a few inches. Building 7 was in free fall for about 100 feet, or 1/6 of its height.)

"It wouldn't need to give up any of its energy to buckle or crush anything." -CaptMandrake360
(I almost didn't even know how to respond to that.)

The main person I was really debating with was the infamous RKOwens4, who apparently thinks that NIST actually predicted the period of free fall.

"The only point I'm trying to make is that NIST DID predict it and DOES have an explanation for the 2.25 seconds of free-fall. So don't go around saying, 'The 2.25 second free-fall came as a total surprise to NIST' or 'NIST can't explain why the building fell at free-fall for 2.25 seconds.'
As I said, the NIST report on WTC7 actually PREDICTED a 2.25 second free-fall of WTC7, due to the buckling of 8 floors near the base of the building."

I wasn't entirely sure how Mr. Owens came to this conclusion, as there was nothing about the building entering into free fall in NIST's draft report and, as mentioned above, David Chandler was the one who had to point it out to them. But perhaps he believes NIST's calculations did predict the free fall and NIST was just simply unaware of it. This seems unlikely though, when one looks at the differences between the Draft Report and the Final Report:

The Draft Report stated:
"The collapse time of the upper 18 floors of the north face of WTC 7... was 40 percent greater than the computed free fall time. This is consistent with physical principals." -NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 610

However, the Final Report states:
"The observed descent time of the upper 18 stories of the north face of WTC 7... was 40 percent greater than the computed free fall time. A more detailed analysis of the descent of the north face found three stages: (1) a slow descent with acceleration less than that of gravity that corrosponded to the buckling of the exterior columns at the lower floors, (2) a freefall descent over approximately eight stories at gravitational acceleration for approximately 2.25 seconds, and (3) a decreasing acceleration as the north face encountered resistance from the structure below." -NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (Final Report): 607

Note that the phrase "consistent with physical principals" is completely absent from NIST's newer passage. In fact, "consistent with physical principals" appears nowhere in NIST's final report. There is a "consistent with" statement in the final report, but it says nothing about physical principals. After giving its three stage analysis, NIST states: "The three stages of collapse progression described above are consistent with the results of the global collapse analyses discussed earlier in this chapter." -NCSTAR 1-9 (Final Report): 603
Basically, what NIST is saying is that its three stage analysis on this page is consistent with its three stage analyses on earlier pages! How nice of NIST to assure everyone that a later part of their report agrees with an earlier part of their report. It's apparently not consistent with physical principals, but it's consistent with their report! In any case, these facts show that there was absolutely no indication prior to publishing their final report that they had predicted free fall at all. It was one thing they said was impossible. However, this too was a detail Mr. Owens disagreed with:

"Can you provide me with a link to where they ever said that any period of free-fall would have been impossible from a fire-induced collapse?" -RKOwens4

I do wonder if Mr. Owens has actually watched NIST's technical briefing.

I also briefly discussed how the fires could not have been hot enough to cause the collapse in the first place. Mr. Owens was (not surprisingly) unconvinced.

"Now, go read the report and explain to me WHY expanding floor beams pushing the core columns out of alignment was not enough to cause the building to collapse. Tell me why, specifically." -RKOwens4

Specifically, because the fires could not possibly have been as hot as NIST stated to do that.

"raising those five floor beams to a temperature of 600°C would require an enormous amount of energy, far more than was available from the burning of the office furnishings underneath the floor beams." -Kevin Ryan

Debunkers can easily hand wave away Kevin Ryan's statement, as he is a "truther" and therefore has no credibility. But unfortunately for them, even Dr. Frank Greening, a long time debunker, agrees that the fires could not have been as hot as NIST says.

"NIST's collapse initiation hypothesis requires that structural steel temperatures on floors 12/13 significantly exceeded 300°C [570°F]--a condition that could never have been realized with NIST's postulated 32 kg/m2 fuel loading." -Dr. Frank Greening

While Dr. Greening does not believe the building was demolished, he does agree that NIST's report is false.

The above three videos are basically my response to these debunkers who feel there was nothing strange about the free fall of WTC 7.

Far from solving the mystery of WTC 7's collapse, NIST has done nothing but created more mysteries. And debunkers have certainly not solved them.