Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some serious WTF moments

There are a lot of stories out there that make me wonder what the hell was going on in peoples' minds. There are a lot of stories that make me ask...

Honestly, I just have to throw this out there – if all parents killed their kids because they were mouthy, the human race would have died off long ago. God knows I never would have made it to seven, if I was lucky.

I am sure it’s not easy being an officer’s wife, while he’s in Qatar and you’re handling the teenagers in all their splendor by yourself. But come on, really?

Did this woman not have any friends? Did no one notice she was acting strange? I mean, come on, you cannot go out and buy a gun out of the blue and plan to use it to kill your children without showing some signs of weirdness. Why did no one try to help her? Why didn’t her kids notice she was weird? Surely there was some sign.

Seriously, what kind of heartless bitch do you have to be to pick your son up from soccer practice, turn around and shoot him in the face? I mean, seriously? And then, in true ironic fashion, shoot the daughter in the back of the head. Was she trying to make a point? Why didn’t she just shoot the two execution-style in the backyard?

I really feel for the dad. How on Earth do you not fall off the deep end when you’re in Qatar and get a phone call, “Umm, yeah, we just wanted to let you know that both of your kids are dead, and your wife did it. You’re shipping out in the morning to go handle things.” I really, honestly, hope he stops at the office of a good divorce attorney on his way from the airport. Having planned a funeral before, I know that can wait a couple hours – the attorney is more important in this case.

My mom worked in corrections for awhile and she told me, and this is a well-known fact, that inmates don’t take kindly to people who commit crimes against children. Which means, I have a feeling this nutjob is going to have to spend a lot of time in solitary (a rubber room suits her well, if you ask me), or she won’t last in prison for long. Someone’s going to shove a broomstick up her butt and then eat her as a midnight snack.

I, for one, want her to answer to her children sooner rather than later. I want her to go to St. Peter’s gates and have him flanked by each one of the kids. I want them to ask questions, get answers, and then, I want them to push the button, opening the trapdoor for her to fall into hell. Because, seriously, these kids deserve some sort of justice, and that’s the only way they are going to get it.

This one has been in the news for a long time. In Texas they were searching landfills for the body of this poor 8-month-old kid.

Apparently, in December, the kid's mom was recorded as saying:
"You left me with no choice," says Johnson. "You'd be surprised what a person will do if you push them enough."
"You made me kill my baby boy," she says. "I suffocated him, he turned blue and that's when I put him in his diaper bag and put him in the trash can." 
Are you freakin' kidding me? 

First of all, what kind of psycho-heartless bitch do you have to be to suffocate an 8-month-old? Moreover, why do you do it because the kid's dad "pushed you"? You take it out on the kid's dad, not the kid, you moron. (Okay, that sounded like I was advocating violence against the kid's dad - no so. Especially because the crime this guy committed was talking to other women on Facebook. Oh the horror. News flash, that's what Facebook is for, to talk to people. That's why it's called "social networking.")

So, then, apparently, after she says this, she changes her story to this:
She later changed her story and said she gave the baby to a random couple she met in a San Antonio park.
What the hell? You gave your baby to a random couple you met in a park? They seemed legit because they brought their own carseat? Are you kidding me? This doesn't make her sound any more sane than the previous scenario. No one just "gives" their child to a "random" person. That's like the makings for a really bad horror movie.

One of the more depressing things, at least to me (aside from the fact this poor innocent child suffered because his mom was a moron), is that the mother's name is Elizabeth Johnson. I mean, hardly a unique name, but I happen to know an Elizabeth Johnson who is the sweetest, most amazing person on this planet. It really has no bearing on anything, but it's just one of those things that just does not compute in my head.

This is another one who deserves justice. Let's hope there's a diaper bag big enough for her somewhere.

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