Monday, May 9, 2011

Chancellor Lee Adams

Chancellor Lee Adams. CHANCELLOR LEE ADAMS - Page 6

  • tdmac
    Apr 25, 04:15 PM
    I think most people are missing this key bit of info - Location Services was turned off and the database was purged, and it still made a new database with new data...

    No one is missing anything here. You as well as the Wall Street Journal are confusing "Location Services" with this database.

    Location Services are those that provide data from 3rd party providers based on your location. Your date "IS" passed to them of where you are currently located so that they can provide you results on things in your area. i.e. Movie Schedules, Four Square, etc.

    This database "locally" stores your proximity to cell towers and wifi antenna's.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • Soura2112
    Apr 10, 03:10 PM
    I really think Apple will be brining out a great product here. They have had a lot of time to hear what people want and don't want. I'm being very optimistic, sure no one will get everything they want since that never happens but will get great things (I hope!).
    My only problem is I'm in the market for a new camera and want to make sure I know what's up with FCP before I get my camera mainly because I don't want to wait for any updates for the camera I decide to buy since it won't be VERY high end.
    Can't wait to hear this news.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • Multimedia
    Jul 27, 11:48 PM
    Ahh so many announcments !!! Kill me now ! I'm waiting for the end of august then I'm buying whatever I can get.You might want to make that til Tuesday September 12 when the Paris Apple Expo opens with an Apple keynote.

    "Otellini said the company expects to ship its 1 millionth Core 2 Duo processor in a little less than seven weeks after launch. In comparison, it took Pentium a year to reach that level of ramp-up. ("

    Two million cores shipped by this time in September. Wow!

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:08 PM
    When someone speaks about "smartphone marketshare" he usually means world wide and not only for Botswana. But nice try. :rolleyes:

    Are you real? How is that understood?

    Most of the times when marketshare is discussed, its discussed for the US only. I reside in England and I know its stupid to neglect the world; but every other sale means much more to US than to the world.

    Talk about CD's/DVD's/Vinyls/MobilePhones/Computers etc.

    I am not saying the world doesn't count; but US is supposed to be a big benchmark. You could have at least mentioned which marketshare you were talking about.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • Macnoviz
    Apr 12, 11:36 AM
    There have been live streams in the past but last I heard Apple killed it for this meeting.


    well, if they were planning on doing a livestream, and all of the sudden they make it into a semi-stevenote, the extra traffic would probably kill the stream anyway

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • eb6
    Sep 19, 09:50 AM
    Can't we stop all this Mac on Mac hate and just get along?:)

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    You accuse every 'liberal' in this forum of being blinded by their bias. I suppose all of the 'conservatives' see clearly and are willing to consider all reasonable alternatives. Lol. And then the debate becomes what is reasonable? :p

    If he can't stand the heat, he knows where the kitchen door is.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • yac_moda
    Jul 20, 10:25 PM
    I just applied to a job at MS, its not the first time either last time they emailed me and asked for more information concerning the position -- had to answer questions on line :eek: :mad: :p

    This time I had to create a new profile though and in the profile where the resume was everything worked fine ACCEPT !!!

    I could not enter ANY text in the field for the RESUME !!

    I could only put 0 text in the RESUME FIELD !

    So I submitted for the job, a resume name, but NO resume !!!!!!!

    That's .NET technology for you ...

    Don't you LOVE Microsoft ;) :D

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 04:28 PM
    Well he's obviously American! Just look at him! ;)

    Yeah, I wanna know why he is "obviously" born in the US, and Obama isn't/couldn't be.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 06:30 AM
    It goes to court and the 'Pirate' successfully argues that he/she has already compensated UMG by buying the iPod/Zune. The judge agrees and piracy of Universal music becomes legal so long as it's for the 'UMG taxed' iPod or Zune.
    Only if all the lawyers and judges in the room are asleep at the wheel, and even then only if that mass narcolepsy extends to all appellate and supreme courts above that one for the several months it would take to shut down any of the major labels.

    It would be an interesting case, and yes, it is possible.
    So is teleporation, but I'm not camping out in any lines.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • BlondeBuddhist
    Jun 8, 08:24 PM
    I kind of take offense to the statement that the radioshack employees can ruin your credit. truth is it is impossible..there is no way to touch your credit when running an activation. the used phone incident sounded like a mistake, hardly the norm. I've never heard of that happening. Radioshack is connected to the carries and in fact have their own representative for each carrier. Also, Radioshack offers a 30-day policy same as everywhere. Oh and the cell-phones sold at Walmart, target and Sam's club are owned by Radioshack BTW.

    haha.. yeah.. I dont pay much attention to the "my brothers, sisters, gardeners went to this one radio shack in ireland" stories. every store is different. period.

    I live 50 feet from a Walmart, 100 feet from a Radio Shack, 30 miles from ATT and 2 Hours from an Apple store.

    Will Walmart do pre-orders? If not I guess its another 50 feet to "The Shack" I have to pre-order at this store since I will be getting my iPhone 4 by adding a line to an existing contract.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. Lee Adams
  • Lee Adams

  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 09:21 AM
    No I think you are confused. :) I meant "Is having more cores, lets say 8, more efficient than one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores?"

    Well next time say what you mean. It makes more sense. ;)

    Chancellor Lee Adams. by Pastor Lee Adams who
  • by Pastor Lee Adams who

  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    I kinda wish Apple used regular ATX cases & power supplies, or at least have the external drive bays be ATX style. While I like Apple style, I'd also like to add multiple CD/DVD drives to my system without having to get external drives to clutter my desk. I am trying to write a program like iTunes that lets me rip multiple CDs (or tracks if only 1 cd) at once. Also, some external 3.5" bays would be nice so I could add a memory card reader or a Soundblaster X-Fi Fatal1ty if there were Mac drivers for it. More internal drive bays would be nice for those who want to have a RAID setup.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. chancellor lee adams pictures
  • chancellor lee adams pictures

  • radiohead14
    Apr 20, 01:49 PM
    These ipad clone tablets made by samsung are not worth the price.

    you forgot to say "in my opinion".. please don't speak for everyone.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. Adams, Vice-Chancellor and
  • Adams, Vice-Chancellor and

  • berkleeboy210
    Jul 28, 07:43 AM
    Looking forward to WWDC! Unfortunately I'll be returning home on a plane while the Keynote is going on.

    At MacWorld when Steve announced the MacBook Pro's I literally fell off a chair. Here's hoping that the Plane won't do the same thing if the Pilot's are Mac Nuts! :D

    Chancellor Lee Adams. CHANCELLOR LEE ADAMS - Page 6

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:25 PM
    It seems to me it would make some older versions available on your HD, but then you would want to make a copy to an external HD for space reasons and for backup in case of failure. But I'm just speculating of course

    I suspect what happens is you get to specifiy _where_ the backup copies are kept. I hear Steve say that it "could be either an external disk or a server". The "Or a server" part is the most interresting. That server could be in another building or even across the Internet. and then how is that server backed up???? I can imagine a small home system would use an external disk but a network of computers would share 2 or 3 backup servers with at least on of the backup servers in a remote location.

    Here in the office our big file server is kept sync'd of to two other servers that are each several hundred miles away. This protects against an Earthquake or building fire. This type of automated backup was not invented by Apple. It's been done for decades but it appears Apple has made is easy, cheap and universal.

    "Tinme Machine" would also have value even if there was only one disk on say a notebook. It would alow you to recover from the common problem where to make a bad edit and then saved your work and then the next day want to recover the version you maked four days ago. Now I simply make multiple copies that clutter of the folder but now Mac OSX would in effect back these for you. Then if you add an extrnal disk you are protected from a disk fairue then if you add a remote server you are protected from a house fire or theft of the system. I think it will be very configurable but have a reasonable out of the box configuration.

    Next I want to see if this is integrated with software RAID

    Chancellor Lee Adams. Farewell to Dr William Adams
  • Farewell to Dr William Adams

  • SkyStudios
    Apr 25, 04:36 PM
    First things first, let Apple pay the fines becuase this is indeed a violation of our privacy, Google and facebook paid ober 300,000 dollars to Europe for it why should Apple not pay the fine?

    Lets get to the real deal, Apple was already sued for violating privacy laws last year, they where not only storing location data but collecting users political views which required fallowing personal emails, chats, web history recorded regardless of you cleaning it afterwards with some paid apps.

    Its a federal offense to not only tap someones line, stalk them with location recording but sell them a device, if people knew this they would never of purchased the device., let those poeple in Top companies who have FBI protecting them from Espionage SUE APPLE and Android companies too if they violate privacy laws becuase thats info you can topple a company with fast, especially competitors.

    As for the naive kids who claim police can use this location data to find a rapists or perpetrator at large your dead wrong kids, here is a list of proceedings which have to be met to do this,

    The cops can not at all even look into your phone, etc, unless your dumb enough to give them info, how ever a PI or detective can., cops and everyone else need warrants if they want to use this info legally, anything other then that is a personal decision and violation of someones rights, if cops had access to your phone who knows what issues we would have, they are not trained on legal matters, detectives, PIs, federal agents, Pis and detectives working under a lawyer who does, all going through the district attorneys office can, even journalists who are retired Feds, detectives, Pis or CIA agents can, they know the laws or their work is worthless in court.

    Cops can however use police jammers, eves drop on your line through the district attorneys office via the phone company, they can even turn your phone into a video camera if it has one with out software or you knowing this, so can the feds, this all is also useless unless a warrant is issued, if cuaght they lose their license or get fined,

    Maybe Apple will just pay the fine and walk away with money they made toppling other companies by spying on their employees. , but one thing is for sure, they HAVE TO CHANGE THIS GAME and also REMOVE KIDS APPS that prey on children to pay for more games with out them even knowing it.

    Chancellor Lee Adams. and Supreme Chancellor Ed
  • and Supreme Chancellor Ed

  • dhc
    Aug 11, 11:05 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


    Loving that idea..54820

    Chancellor Lee Adams. Former Chancellor Emeritus
  • Former Chancellor Emeritus

  • Reach
    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Would not excluding capture from tape be quite dumb?

    Maybe I'm the stone age man using XH A1...

    Jun 15, 10:34 AM
    are you able to reserve more than one phone on a family plan??

    Aug 11, 01:45 PM
    If Apple pick a carrier, I hope is not Cingular. But from past situations, that's very likely.
    The ideal is a carrier free phone. That way the iphone can reach many more people and make it possible to upgrade phones without asking people to terminate their contracts.

    There is no way there won't be a GSM version. Maybe you'll have to buy it in Europe or Japan, and it might not be quad band, but there will be. There are only a handful of countries besides the US where there is anything but GSM.

    I predict any Apple phone will be available at apple stores, unlocked, and for GSM/UTMS.

    Sep 13, 07:55 AM
    I'll just wait for the 16 core model.:p

    Aug 25, 04:14 PM
    The problem with the surveys that they take is that I would suspect most satisfied customers don't fill them out, and the ones that are not satisfied after make sure to fill them out.

    This is the absolute truth. People that are upset want everyone too know, while the rest of us go on loving our products. I really try too take the time to fill out surveys that I get wether the product is good or bad.

    Please take time too let companies know when they do a good thing, and when they do things that need a little work. Maybe instead of geting all pissed off about being on hold for a few minutes or not being able to talk to a person that speaks English, you could try your luck with customer service from Dell, HSBC, or any other service center that is located in another country. Then maybe you won't be so bitchy. Sorry for the rant.

    Apr 10, 01:21 AM
    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.
    It's not like they threatened anyone. They likely went to the organizers and said "We'd like to make a really cool announcement at your event but we'd need most of your presentation and sponsorship space to do it." SuperMeet said sure, Apple paid, and here we are. It's not like the other sponsors didn't get their money back (I'm assuming.)

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