Monday, May 9, 2011

Muertos En Mazorra

Muertos En Mazorra. NUNCA FUE A MAZORRA Y SE

  • Popeye206
    Apr 8, 08:20 AM
    It's about time. Best Buy does not deserve the time of day - their employees are low, their service stinks, and their whole philosophy is unethical. Looks like it's starting to come back to haunt them now...

    They were caught here on the east coast with a separate web site that hey would use when you came into the store to jack up prices. So you'd see a product on the web site for $X and go into the store and it's 10% higher, then they would show you on the fake site that it's the right price. A bait and switch routine.

    I never heard any more about this and have been surprised. I would have thought that would have been their death with consumers. I know I won't buy from them if I can help it. Although I love to look there. :)

    Muertos En Mazorra. gorlim, Mazorra+cuba
  • gorlim, Mazorra+cuba

  • amin
    Sep 14, 10:53 PM
    I have noticed this emphasis as well; not being an expert on this issue myself though, would you care to shed light on how their coverage is an exaggeration and why we shouldn't be worried about it?

    I am no expert, and I am not denying that this issue matters. However, I see no cause for concern unless someone provides some decent evidence that it matters. It strikes me as odd that they (at AnandTech) put so much emphasis on explaining the theory behind a "problem" without making any competent effort at illustrating an example of the problem. When you go to configure a Mac Pro, the Apple page says the following about memory: "Mac Pro uses 667MHz DDR2 fully buffered ECC memory, a new industry-standard memory technology that allows for more memory capacity, higher speeds, and better reliability. To take full advantage of the 256-bit wide memory architecture, four or more FB-DIMMs should be installed in Mac Pro." Yet AnandTech chose a 1GB x 2 RAM arrangement to compare the Core 2 Extreme and Xeon processors. Using this setup, which effectively cripples the Mac Pro memory system, they find it to be at worst 10% slower than the Conroe Extreme (in a single non real world usage benchmark). Meanwhile in any comparison that utilizes the four cores, the quad Xeon whoops ass by a large margin.

    Muertos En Mazorra. gorlim, Mazorra+cuba
  • gorlim, Mazorra+cuba

  • dicklacara
    Apr 19, 02:56 PM
    One of the three basics that must be proven in order to win a trade dress case, is the likelihood of confusion.

    In other words, would someone think they're buying one thing but really getting another, such as might happen with shoes or pills or whatever.

    Does anyone think that a normal person would actually confuse a Samsung Galaxy (especially with that huge "Samsung" on it) with an Apple iPhone when they're buying it?

    I mean, is Apple going to claim that they're losing sales because the Galaxy is so close to the iPhone that people can't tell the difference? If so, that sure doesn't say much for the iPhone. Or it says a lot for the Galaxy.

    Yes! Some people will think they are buying a Samsung iPhone.

    Muertos En Mazorra. Recuerdos de Mazorra. 31.
  • Recuerdos de Mazorra. 31.

  • yoak
    Apr 6, 06:59 AM
    Hmm we have a Blu Ray burner in our duplication bay in 3 years and approx 1500 hrs of Broadcast HD TV it has only been used so editors can take home personal projects to screen them.

    Really do not see the need for Blu Ray at all there are so many other better suited formats.

    It all depends on what you do for a living I suppose. I can see wedding video makers would want to deliver blu-ray.

    I don�t do weddings, but I would at least like to have the option to easily make a Blu-Ray longer than 20min . Now every time we give people a HD format of what we have done, we usually end up with an Apple TV HD file and that�s a very compressed HD file IMHO.

    Muertos En Mazorra. Mazorra+cuba
  • Mazorra+cuba

  • 8CoreWhore
    Mar 22, 02:55 PM
    Why do they call their tablet a "book". Just stupid.

    Muertos En Mazorra. conocido como Mazorra,
  • conocido como Mazorra,

  • Stellarola
    Apr 14, 01:54 AM
    My fianc� and I have been holding out since our first gen iPhones. This is a true bummer. I feels it's true. :(

    Muertos En Mazorra. Logros en la salud
  • Logros en la salud

  • iMikeT
    Aug 25, 03:48 PM
    I tell you, I've had nothing but trouble with Apple. I'm young, I'm a medical student (so relatively affluent), and I'm a "switcher." That switching part, that was a mistake. Mac OS X is beautiful software, I love it. Unfortunately I've had a lot of problems with the hardware. These days it's enough I wish I still had my IBM/Lenovo laptop--that never gave me problems.

    Muertos En Mazorra. campo tumular de quot;la Mazorraquot;
  • campo tumular de quot;la Mazorraquot;

  • guzhogi
    Jul 15, 09:58 AM
    I kind of miss the B&W G3 and the Power Mac G4's enclusure where all you needed to do to open it was lift the latch and open it and �voila! All the components right there! W/ the G5/ you have to take off the side and isn't there a clear side panel you have to take off, too?

    Muertos En Mazorra. sábado 23 de enero de 2010
  • sábado 23 de enero de 2010

  • guzhogi
    Jul 20, 10:07 AM
    First of all, you assume that it is possible to make "one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores". I don't think it is possible to do this (at least not with the x86 architecture using today's technology.)

    But assuming such a chip exists, the answer depends on what kind of efficiency you're thinking of.

    If you mean computational efficiency (meaning the most useful processing per clock-tick), then a single big core will do better. This is because single-threaded apps will be able to use the full power (whereas multiple threads are needed to take advantagte of multiple cores.) Also, the operating system can get rid of the overhead that is needed to keep software running on the multiple cores from stepping on each other.

    If you mean energy efficiency (amount of processing per watt of electricity consumed), then it could go either way, depending on how the chips are made. But given today's manufacturing processes and the non-linear power curve that we see as clock speeds are increased, the multiple-core solution will almost definitely use less power.
    I remember hearing about how it is possible to make multiple cores act like one (Idon't remember where I heard this). Anyways, whether 8 cores acting separately or together like 1 big processor has an advantage depends on the program you use. If the program is multi-threaded, then the cores acting separately might have the advantage while single threaded apps will have an advantage if the cores are acting like one. However, many apps today won't see that much improvement either way (like a simple calculator, or solitare and word processing).

    Muertos En Mazorra. ello.
  • ello.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 02:58 PM
    You are explicitly asked if you want Google to collect this information.
    You can say NO. It does reduce the accuracy of some programs when you opt out, but YOU have the choice.

    You do have the option to enable this feature at any time if you feel you need too.

    Same on the iPhone... this is not what we're talking about here. Application tracking has always been opt in or out.

    This is just a database of cell tower pings. That's all. it's shared with NO ONE and goes nowhere except on your phone. It's like your web browser cache.

    Muertos En Mazorra. además de Mazorra,
  • además de Mazorra,

  • Ivabign
    Apr 6, 03:58 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think if you were told you could only use unpaved roads in your BMW - you'd beat a path to your Honda dealer.

    Muertos En Mazorra. fotos obtenidad pro mega tv de la muerte en mazorra. Maria elvira y las fotos de mazorra, fuertes imagenes 9:43
  • fotos obtenidad pro mega tv de la muerte en mazorra. Maria elvira y las fotos de mazorra, fuertes imagenes 9:43

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 6, 05:21 PM
    Based on the heat being generated by the new MB pros I hope Apple issues a fire extinguisher with each Air. :eek:

    Muertos En Mazorra. Update 1-19-11 Show Trials
  • Update 1-19-11 Show Trials

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 10, 10:25 AM
    *sexy pics*

    Did you take those yourself? I've only played with photo mode a little and i have trouble keeping my car in focus unless i use a huge f-stop. If i shorted the DoF it always ends up focusing on my rear bumper or something stupid.
    I probably just need to use it more, but i just get impatient and start another race.

    Muertos En Mazorra. Mazorra Cuba - Page 2
  • Mazorra Cuba - Page 2

  • Daremo
    Apr 19, 01:28 PM
    The sales numbers are impressive, but not surprising.

    Muertos En Mazorra. Mazorra
  • Mazorra

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 10:28 AM
    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

    Apple identified it? No. Check your history. It was brought TO Apple's attention over a year ago.

    It was again brought TO Apple's attention via various reports and articles.

    THEN Apple looked into the matter.

    I commend Apple for taking action (now).

    But let's not rewrite history, shall we?


  • SPUY767
    Mar 26, 08:17 PM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    They haven't had the wow factor because they've been under the hood improvement releases rather than feature releases. Snow Leopard was the big one. Almost all the changes were under the hood. Lion is going to be a big feature release with a wow factor.

    Muertos En Mazorra. Decir Mazorra era decir el
  • Decir Mazorra era decir el

  • cmcgivern
    Jun 15, 02:51 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????


  • shamino
    Jul 14, 03:59 PM
    My PC (in a full tower case) has the PSU at the bottom. Having had a case with the PSU at the top before, it seems more stable with all that weight in the base of the case. It also makes it easier to reach around the back for cables, as I don't need to stretch as far.
    As long as you don't have liquid cooling (a-la the quad G5 systems.)

    If your radiator springs a leak, the liquid runs into your power supply, blowing it out (and usually taking out the motherboard as well.)

    With the PS on top, this doesn't happen. A leaky radiator simply means a liquid mess in the case (and a system that hits thermal-shutdown very quickly until you get it fixed, of course.)

    Muertos En Mazorra. Al menos 26 pacientes mentales fueron dejados morir de hambre y frío hace un año en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana (Mazorra)
  • Al menos 26 pacientes mentales fueron dejados morir de hambre y frío hace un año en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana (Mazorra)

  • FreeState
    Mar 2, 09:54 PM
    Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.

    Sep 19, 12:48 AM
    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    I'll tell you what irony is...spending all your time making commercials that tout your products cutting edge over the lame PC's while steadily showing how truly behind you really are.

    Try concentrating on the products instead of the gimmicks...

    As for me, they have 2 more weeks of my patience before I revert back to my PC days. I'm tired of getting made fun of by my PC Geek friends while I play on my outdated G4 PB.

    I'm beginning to believe my friends when they say that Apple pats their own backs for crap that PC makers created a year ago.

    Jul 14, 03:59 PM
    Ha, when I posted a while back that using Dell as a guide, Xeon processors were feasible, I was ignored, now it seems totally reasonable...

    Anyway, I dont see why people make sure comparisons to Windows machines now that we are running Intel hardware. Apple is not building Windows machines, they are building Apple machines that run OSX. Benchmarks will be made, and at times Apple isnt going to win them. But its the OSX experience, and its stability as a platform, that is going to be a selling point, not the all out speed of the top-of-the-top Intel processor (the highest end PC processors always carry a heavy premium; its difficult to say that the yield of what we are shown as the highest available G5 is similar to the yields intel has for their high end)

    I just have my fingers crossed that we see some cool "fast-OS switching" in Leopard with these machines.

    Mar 31, 10:56 PM
    You mean AntennaGates 1 & 2, iOS 4 on iPhone 3G, the light bleeding on the iPads before shipping, the Macbook Airs crashing when using iTunes aren't examples of Apple cutting corners to get a product to release? I will buy Mac probably for the rest of my life so long as the company is in business and putting out great products with great operating systems.

    And they didn't spin it perfectly. Steve Jobs told consumers they were holding the phone wrong and pretended the problem would go away.

    I feel like Apple fails more on the hardware front than the software front, especially with the iDevices. Regardless, both companies have flaws, but having your next gen OS NOT work on phones is a big uh-oh. Obviously they'll optimize it; perhaps they'll skip honeycomb for phones, and then come out with a unified "faster" approach for both tablets and phones.

    Aug 11, 10:26 AM
    I say it everytime they talk about this..... I'll buy one.....just go ahead and release it already

    Sep 13, 01:02 PM
    Anyone seen this?

    The real architecture changes are coming June then June then June 2012. With derivatives in the years between.

    So Merom(Merom Santa Rosa)/Conroe/Woodcrest(Clovertown) are the end of the road of separate chips. No more mobile/desktop/sever chip... all are the same (should expect mobiles to have the lowest MHz, then desktop, then toping out with server)

    And what's interesting is that each architecture change will be a leap in performance similar to Pentium D to Conroe transition. (source) (

    Screw Tigerton, Penryn's next (probably June 2007)

    Screw that, I'm not going to buy until Gesher!

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