Monday, May 9, 2011

robert pattinson twilight premiere

robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson,
  • Robert Pattinson,

  • BillyShears
    Aug 7, 09:32 PM
    all the pictures i've seen of leopard show a unified interface :D

    Safari appears to be brushed metal. Go here ( and go to about 1/6 of the way through.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson Los Angeles
  • Robert Pattinson Los Angeles

  • ciTiger
    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    It seems a good argument to me.
    But saying they are going to "issue" an update specifically for fixing related things seems fishy....

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson arrives at
  • Robert Pattinson arrives at

  • icutvideo
    Apr 6, 01:22 PM
    Blu Ray is great for the wedding shooters and cutters.

    Most corporate videos are being delivered by file or laid back to tape.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. with Robert Pattinson
  • with Robert Pattinson

  • TitoC
    Jun 9, 01:44 PM
    According to RadioShack's official Twitter account, the electronics chain will be carrying iPhone 4 as of its U.S. launch on June 24th.

    That's "THE SHACK" to you sir! Sorry, I still can't over this crappy, crappy branding decision of theirs to call themselves "The Shack." Really?

    When I watched basketball performances, it was from "The Shack." When I was 12, I had my porno hidden in "The Shack." And when I was 15 and in the Boy Scouts and I went camping/boating, I took a crap in "The Shack." But, when I was 16 and built a home-made rocket, I got my parts from "RADIO SHACK."

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Ever since the Twilight
  • Ever since the Twilight

  • dba7dba
    Mar 31, 03:44 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    I couldn't care less what problems Verizon and Motorola have if the end result is a beautiful and functional device. If not, I'll buy something else.

    At a glance your statement sounds fine. But that logic can be used for following logics:

    1. I don't care what US does to rest of world as long as I as an american can live nice, prosperous life.

    but i digress...

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson amp; Kristen
  • Robert Pattinson amp; Kristen

  • carmenodie
    Mar 31, 05:53 PM
    Let me tell you the real deal behind this.
    Google gave away the Android OS for free because they wanted Android on as many cell phones as possible so they could capitalize on that whole click an ad sh** that generates Google so much money in the phone space. And of curse the cell phone makers happily got on the bandwagon b/c they didn't have to spend millions making their own effing OS. As long as they followed the licensing agreement they were fine.
    Now Google has pulled the rug from under them. Google knows that hundreds of millions have been spent by the cell makers in their commitment to Android devices. Advertising, new models etc. A whole lot of cash. Now Google wants tighter control as if they OWN these cell phone makers.And who ever doesn't want to play ball can go to hell as far as Google is concerned.

    Right now HTC, LG, Sammy and Moto look like bi***!
    Ha ha! But not Apple.
    Ain't it awesome to row your own damn boat.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson Actors
  • Robert Pattinson Actors

  • bwanac
    Aug 8, 01:05 AM
    Nothing impressive really... top secrets should be good.

    Time Machine is ok. It looks awful for an Apple product, what is up with that background? Ugly. And I really want to know how much disk space it will be taking backing everything up constantly. I would most likely turn it off.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Twilight Premiere. Robert
  • Twilight Premiere. Robert

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 01:52 PM
    Wait, theres other brands of Tablets out there?

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Cast members Robert Pattinson
  • Cast members Robert Pattinson

  • bradc
    Jul 27, 11:19 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4�s 95 watts and Pentium D�s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    Don't ask! Hahahaha, the G5's run hot, I'd hate to know how much they're sucking but with a 600W power's a lot;)

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. New/Old Pictures of Robert
  • New/Old Pictures of Robert

  • DocNo
    Apr 11, 10:18 AM
    Uh, iMovie was botched?

    To people who resist change - which is pretty much everyone, myself included -just to varying degrees depending on how much it affects me.

    The initial reaction will be negative - what a shocker! The key will be that if Apple does nail the new paradigm and it makes sense, the anger, shock and grief will be displaced with enthusiasm and acceptance. There is nothing new here, it's human nature in motion.

    They key is for Apple getting it right. They have a pretty good track record (not perfect, mind you) of anticipating and getting things right.

    And even if you hate every single decision Apple has made, you still can't deny that we all benefit since they are pretty much the only entity pushing any significant innovation - and they have been the primary pusher for some time now.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Robert Pattinson #39;Terrible at
  • Robert Pattinson #39;Terrible at

  • grum
    Sep 19, 10:48 AM
    Again, this string of responses has been talking about the MacBook, not the MacBookPro. Anyone buying a MacBook to do heavy graphics or processor-intensive stuff doesn't know what they're doing.

    Well actually if you were doing processor-intensive music production (which is what I do) the 2.0ghz macbook would be pretty much identical to the 2.0ghz MBP I would imagine.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. robert pattinson A dressed
  • robert pattinson A dressed

  • jmbear
    Nov 29, 12:46 PM
    Great argument, except that OK Go are signed to a major label, Capitol Records, only one of the most histroically great labels!! Please see: The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Nat King Cole, etc.)! :rolleyes: YouTube doesn't sell music; just look at OK Go's numbers, they are mediocre at best. One hugely popular viral video is not going to move that many CDs.

    Also, as an aside, they are not "recording studios," they are "recording labels," or more commonly, "record labels."

    Those bands became what they are in different times my friend.

    And sorry about the recording studios thing, I am not a native english speaker.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Before Robert Pattinson
  • Before Robert Pattinson

  • marksman
    Mar 22, 03:04 PM
    I don't get all the negative ratings/comments.

    1. Competition is good (I know this is hardly an original point)

    People keep saying that but in the smartphone market and now especially in the tablet market we have seen no evidence of that at all.

    In the tablet market Apple has released an iPad and an iPad 2 with literally no competition to impact their design or product and they have both been home runs.

    In the smart phone market, the iPhone came along and 4+ years later the only competition are all iPhone clones. There is no competition pushing or driving the market. Apple drives the market for both these segments and they do it regardless of what the competition is doing... and all the competition is doing in both cases is copying Apple, so that makes no difference at all.

    So besides being cliche and tired, the competition is good mantra is not even accurate or true when it comes to these Apple market segments.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Taken by Vale @ Twilight
  • Taken by Vale @ Twilight

  • bretm
    Apr 25, 03:54 PM
    Ladies Ladies... they are storing information that should be private(yes, indeed), but let's not blow this out of proportion.


    The OS or iOS collects & stores this information like many platforms for specific reasons... Android, does indeed do the very same type of stored information of the 3 cell-tower's estimation of location.

    The really REALLY bad news is that this information is stored in your iPhone & as well as the actual device(Mac or PC) you sync your iPhone too. The information get's logged correctly... but we are talking about Privacy.


    The file should be stored(for technical specific reasons), but not with this lack of diligence on user privacy...

    APPLE, you need a way to log this info in a much more secure atmosphere if the iOS does truly need this information for specific reasons.

    I don't get this either. If someone can get the file off your computer, then they can get any file off your computer. Email, web browsing history, address book, whatever. My phone is password protected and so is my computer.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Premiere Of quot;The Twilight
  • Premiere Of quot;The Twilight

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 02:45 PM
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    Thanks for posting that Yamcha. Xerox's engineers were seriously brilliant.

    Edit... stripped out the images... no need to show them again. My bad.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. TWILIGHT PREMIERE ROBERT

  • marksman
    Apr 25, 03:04 PM
    Dumb people.

    Case dismissed.

    If Apple was smart they would ban these two idiots from ever buying an Apple product again.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. New Moon premiere. In London
  • New Moon premiere. In London

  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 04:41 PM

    Link (

    The evangelical son of one of America's most famous evangelists says that President Barack Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to become part of the US government and influence administration decisions.

    In an interview last week with, a conservative website (that pushes the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy theory), [see clarification at the end of the article] Franklin Graham, an evangelist like his father, Billy Graham, claimed that the fundamentalist Islamic political group has burrowed into the Obama administration and is shaping US foreign policy. Sounding a bit like Glenn Beck, Graham explained:

    The Muslim Brotherhood is very strong and active in our country. It's infiltrated every level of our government. Right now we have many of these people that are advising the US military and State Department on how to respond in the Middle East, and it's like asking a fox, like a farmer asking a fox, "How do I protect my henhouse from foxes?" We've brought in Muslims to tell us how to make policy toward Muslim countries. And many of these people we've brought in, I'm afraid, are under the Muslim Brotherhood.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. Kristen Stewart and Robert
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 15, 05:11 PM
    Well, we all knew that the G5 isn't a "bad" chip necessarily.. It's older tech, and I think, wasn't really meant for this kind of work (non-server applications).

    Preaching to the choir am I?

    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    Awesome on FileMaker and I can't wait to see how this stuff runs Adobe PS Natively.

    robert pattinson twilight premiere. What if the Twilight series
  • What if the Twilight series

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 02:28 PM
    I don't think that's the market Apple wants. They already have the #1 selling smart phone. They make more profit than all competitors combined off of the iPhone. The Cell phone market is very fluid and Apple knows it just has to keep producing the coolest and more desired phone and they will always have a decent share of the market and make tons of money.

    in the mean time, Moto, Samsung, HTC, LG and others all battle it out with the same OS and dropping prices to get market share. A race to the bottom strategy that I'm not sure will last forever.

    All Apple needs to do is keep the "coolness" coming. Reward us with nice iOS updates and keep us happy with the best support in the market.

    Are you talking about hardware? Because software wise Android is the #1 selling. It has a greater market share than iOS. (only because there are more of them though).

    Jul 27, 03:29 PM
    Actually, the merom in not completely compatible with the yonah chips. There will have to be some redesign on Apple's part that is supposed to delay the new MBPs. This article somewhat explains it:

    I don't know that I buy that, especially considering they have no source, and people have already done merom swaps on shipping machines. If there is an issue, I'd guess it's only an issue in the soldered version.

    As far as the 2nd optical slot goes, don't you think it's a pain to have only a single drive?

    And especially when a second one probably adds less than $50-$75 to the system cost to the customer? (And extra profit potential for Apple?)

    Not really. My last machine had two, and I rarely used both. I think most people in the market for two optical drives are probably going to want the full pro tower anyway, and there's not that much profit from the second slot since most people will add the drive themselves instead of from Apple.

    MS will announce that they are dropping Mac development

    But didn't MS sign a multiyear contract with apple committing to support?

    I'm not sure why you're saying this price is way too low. The specs, so far as I can see, are quite similar to the current bottom-end iMac, which has an integrated screen, and it's price is only $300 more. It seems to me that this price is actually about right.

    Also, I think that the name 'Mac' is a distinct possibility. Not saying I like it (or that I don't), or that it isn't simplistic, but I think that it's not unreasonable. FWIW, 'Mac Express' is nice, too, but I don't see Apple jumping on a name like that as quickly.

    Maybe not way too low, but a bit low, especially when you compare specs to the $799 mini. The problem with MAC by itself as a name is that people will ask "what kind of mac" and the response is "Mac". It's a bad slapstick routine. It's like Ford selling a car called the Ford.

    Jul 21, 04:45 PM
    I have way more than 4 optical dirves. But multiple DVD/CD duplication is not my thing. Moreover, running a bunch of copies of Toast to burn DVDs or CDs is not processor intensive at all and does not recquire more than one core.

    One way to get eight cores is to get 4 Mac Minis (just wait for the lowest model to become dual core), stack them up, and put them on a KVM. You get 8 cores, and 4 optical drives for *cheap*. Just a thought.;)

    Aug 27, 05:20 PM
    I see where you're coming from.

    So does this mean there will be no Powerbook G5s next tuesday?

    Apr 27, 10:17 AM
    Trump is a hero. :rolleyes:

    I listened to the report and I can't understand a word he is saying. He babbles about nothing.

    Apr 6, 05:01 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?


    It could be considered being close minded and afraid of new things.

    Just saying, you know?

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