Friday, October 17, 2008


My first sight on you, could move the heavens.
My first touch of you, could move any mountains.
My first love for you, could revive the fallen.
My first break from you, could never be mend.

Life, is full of surprises. Whether you like it or not, its always surprising you in many ways.
You could get a bounced check, or you could find a cockroach in your tea. Same goes to those working for politicians. Working for them is like working on a thin line between life and death.
One minute, you're celebrating your victory. The other, you're busy complaining about the loss of a campaign.
Seems like life, is full of surprises. And its something we cannot predict or change, but we try to create our own future.
We study our ass's off, hoping to have a good job, and a good life.
We stay clear from drinking tea and coffee to have longer vitality.
But for some, they prefer not to know and change their future. They prefer not to know when their getting married. Or when they might get hit by a car.
But its their past , who make what they will become in the future. Whether they like it or not..

When I knew I was about to have a huge break up, I knew life isn't going to be any easier.
I just lost the girl I deeply love and care about, I knew that she will create a scene where she puts me in a humiliating position, I knew I wouldn't be able to go through life as proper as possible knowing that she doesn't love me from the beginning.
But no matter how pain the cause, I've just got to walk through it slowly, yet patiently.
This is my future for the decision I made in the past.

There's no mending this broken heart.

Au Revoir...

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