Thursday, October 16, 2008


Many thoughts go through an old woman's mind when they are about to die.
Thoughts of maybe she should have painted her house blue, instead of brown.
She then worried if she'll ever meet her beloved husband in heaven.
Yes. These are the many thoughts an elderly person would go through in their final days on Earth.
When asked about hows it feel like about to die, she simply replies, "Well, its not that bad. When you know your time on Earth is getting shorter, you just get the time to think and reflect back on our lives."
Most of them tried to live their lives as best as possible. And hoping God will welcome them with an open arm.
But, for those who committed crimes and hide them away hoping that time will bury all secrets, know that they are not getting any warm welcomes from God. And therefore, they make their last confessions to their loved ones - husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends, partners ,ministers.
Eventually the sinner would be forgiven. Some not.

Unfortunately, for Mrs Lilian Sims, she could not make the confession to her granddaughter about the dark deed that happened to her in her room a few years ago. This is because her daughter strictly forbid the truth to come out, and that all who knew the dark past must die with it.
It was against her conscience, as she can't go to her grave knowing that she still has one last secret to confess.
Her daughter told her on her death bed, "Even if your life is over, it doesn't mean you can go around ruining others."
It soon came to Mrs Lilian Sims mind. That her death could not come any sooner.
This same goes to her niece, as well.

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