Sunday, August 9, 2009

All About Pancakes

A pancake is a thin, soft, flat cake made of batter (= a mixture of flour, milk and eggs), cooked in a flat pan , and usually eaten hot, often with a sweet or savoury filling. In American English, the term flapjack or hotcake refers to a similar but thicker cake that is often served in a pile with three or four others, usually for breakfast. Pancakes are eaten with maple syrup, butter of jam.

* Pancake Day

Pancake Day (also Pancake Tuesday) is an informal name for Shrove Tuesday, the day before the beginning of Lent, when British people traditionally eat pancakes. In some parts of the UK there are pancake races, in which the runners carry a pancake in a frying pan. They have to toss the pancake (= throw it into the air from the pan and catch it again) as they run.

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