Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to go from sketch to finished painting – Part 5 – creating the lettering style – yet more masking.

Imagine an empty church hall, with a lonely figure sitting at a large table. On that table is a large blue board. She has been beavering away placing tiny pieces of masking film on  this board. A process which has taken over 5 hours.


She calmly puts down the knife she’s been using. She exits through the main doors at the back…

She climbs the stairs…

She stands in the middle of the balcony overlooking the hall. Fist pummelling the air. And shouts at the top of her voice…

“I want to PAINT!”

OK, I just needed to get that out of my system! Me frustrated? Never!!!! Passion is all very well in art, but sometimes the mundane has to be overcome before the passion can be fully unleashed!

In the past 2 days I’ve spent 5 hours masking and less than 45 minutes actually painting this board thingy. I’m beginning to think I should have painted it freehand. But then with all those circles? They’d be carting me away to the funny farm by now!

As you can see I’ve put some paint to brush to board. Progress should be faster now. The letters are finally taking shape. But there’s more masking ahead. BTW did I say I hate lettering? Anyway, here it is, still with the Water sprite!

Lettering stage 2

I was planning to cross-hatch the “musical stave” lines but I’m thinking I might leave them now.

Lots of playing to do on Saturday. For some reason the church is in use tomorrow as it’s Good Friday and they don’t want me painting then!

Missed any instalments?

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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