Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let the Holiday Season Begin

I'm home for Thanksgiving and was looking at some old family pictures. Check out this picture of my dad celebrating Christmas 1960! (Bill is wearing cowboy boots)

And we can't forget Marge. Here is a picture of her family.

Let the Holiday season begin! Only 24 days until the BIG day!!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Once you feel slightly bored on a Saturday evening...

..and cannot get yourself together to study at least a bit... (like your boyfriend sitting one metre away for instance does ....) you do things like that....

Wie spät ist es jetzt?
23.21 Uhr

1.Wie ist dein Name?

2.Wie ist dein zweiter Name?

3.Wie ist dein Nachname?
ischt zu lang'

4.Hast du Spitznamen?
sogar ziemlich viele - Sonne, Sonnchen, Soncek, Sonny, Słoneczko, Lupo...

Alt genug..22!

weiblich nehm ich mal an

den syttende mai :) 17.05

The best of the best- Stier

9.Wo wohnst du?

10.Warst du schon mal verliebt?
Und wie- just in diesem Moment!

11.Welches ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
schwer zu sagen, aber ich glaube doch dass es gruen ist!

12.Hast du Piercings oder möchtest du welche?

13.Welches ist momentan dein Lieblingslied?
viele, viele- "Human" - The Killers, "Tulips"- Bloc Party, "On the wild side" -Lou Reed u.v.m..

14.Hast du ein Tattoo oder hättest du gerne eins?
Nein..und im Moment habe ich auch keine Idee fuer eins...

15.Wenn ja, was und wo?

16.Wo kaufst du am meisten ein?
Ueberall..ich gebe ueberall viel zu viel aus...

17.Was für eine Farbe hat dein Haar?
irgendein braun. Dunkel ist es

18.Was für eine Farbe haben deine Augen?
dunkelbraun.. so wie bei Dackeln!

19.Nimmst du Drogen?

20.Rauchst du?
nicht mehr

21.Wenn ja, welche Marke?

22.Welche Art von Musik magst du?
HipHop, Indie, Folk (Balkan&Gypsy etc..), good old Rock...

23.Wer sind deine besten Freunde?
viele ;) Aber das wissen die auch!

24.Wer sind deine besten *online*-Freunde?
sowas gibt's????

25.Wenn du ein Mädchen bist, welche Art von Make-up benutzt du?
ich brauch keins :P
Manchmal nur a bissal fluid und lipgloss.. ich kann mich net guat schminken! Bin ne Flasche :D

26.Welches Shampoo benutzt du?
Kommt auf meine Laune drauf an, vorzugsweise John Frieda und L'Oreal

27.Sind deine Haare kurz oder lang?
Mittellang ;)

28.Magst du Shopping?
Ich hasse es!

29.Welche Sportarten machst du?
Aktiv : Reiten, Snowboard, Orienteering und Kanufahren :). Hauptsache draussen!

30.Was ist deine größte Angst?
Jemanden den ich liebe, zu verlieren

31.Was ist dein Lieblingstier?
Alle! Hervorheben kann ich da Hunde und Pferde. Generell finde ich Tiere intelligenter als Menschen!

32.Was machst du, um Spaß zu haben?
Ich bin mit den Menschen zusammen, die mich zum Lachen bringen koennen. Das reicht mir immer vollkommen.

33.Wie viele Telefone hast du zu Hause?
2 Mobiltelefone, Eins in meiner WG, eins bei Mama und eins bei Papa... zaehlt dat so?!

34.Wie viele Fernseher hast du zu Hause?


35.Was ist dein Lieblingsessen?
Ne znam- etwas vegetarisches.. Norwegische Waffeln und Ratatouille by Mama. Ich mag diese gelbe Flachbohnen mit Knoblauch. Ottimo!

36.Siehst du aus, wie eine berühmte Person?
Meinen Freunden nach zu urteilen wie manche - wenn ich blond bin seh ich aus wie Jessica Simpson oder Katherine Heigl. Und wenn dunkler, dann wie Mandy Moore.

Finde ich nicht!

37.Findest du dich attraktiv?

38.Was machst du meistens am Wochenende?
Immer was anderes, hab es nicht mit Routine!

39.Schläfst du auf dem Rücken, Bauch oder auf der Seite?
ich waelz mich viel rum- also sagen wir mal 50 % Bauch, 30 % Ruecken der Rest ist..unklar ;D

40.Schläfst du mit einem Stofftier?
Ja, mit Spongebob!

41.Schläfst du mit Licht an oder aus?
Wenn ich allein bin, mit Licht- ich habe immer noch Angst vor Pennywise, dem Clown etc...

42.Welches ist deine Lieblings-TV-Sendung?
Ich kukk kein TV! Ganz selten, und dann nur Sport, oder Reportagen.

43.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsfilm?
Reservoir Dogs, Au revoir les enfants, No country for old men, Tito and Me, Irina Palm, Braveheart... Filme wie diese...

44.Welches Parfüm benutzt du?
Im Moment "Flowers" von Kenzo und "Angel Innocent" von Thierry Mugler (my fave!)

45.Hast du ein eigenes Telefon?

46.Wenn ja, wie lautet deine Nummer?
ha ha

47.Was ist das verrückteste, was du je getan hast?
das darf ich nicht sagen, weil meine Eltern mitlesen. Hat aber Spass gemacht!

48.In was für Klamotten schläfst du?
Kommt drauf an, manchmal auch ohne!

49.Welche Marke haben deine Schuhe?
Alles queer beet- von Lacoste, Nike ueber italienische bis zu DocMartens

50.Welches ist dein Lieblingsgetränk?
Cajpur (indischer Tee)

51.Welche Wörter sagst du am häufigsten?
ueberragend :)

52.Bist du ein ernster, lauter, schüchterner oder fröhlicher Typ?

53.Welches Auto hättest du gerne?
Mustang '67

54.Was ist an deiner Schule besonders?
Elite ;P

55.Bist du lustig oder seltsam?
beides :D

56.Welches ist die häßlichste Person die du kennst?
es gibt keine haesslichen Personen!

57.Bist du populär?

58.Was war dein peinlichstes Erlebnis?
Es ergibt sich jeden Tag was neues.. gestern hat an der Uni mein HandyWecker angefangen zu klingeln. Nicht toll...

59.Wenn du drei Wünsche hättest, was würdest du dir wünschen?
Weltmacht wuerde mir reichen..
Ganz im Ernst- dass alle Menschen die ich liebe, immer gesund und gluecklich sind

60.Willst du mal heiraten?

61.Wenn ja, wo?
Wo es nicht regnet :)

62.Glaubst du an Gott?

63.Wenn ja, betest du?

64.Ist das Glas halb-leer oder halb-voll?
kommt drauf an

65.Bist du Rechts- oder Linkshaender?

66.Welcher Spruch trifft auf dich zu?
ta det lugnt!

67.Würdest du jemals jemanden betrügen?

68.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsname für ein Mädchen?
darueber mache ich mir im Moment keinen Gedanken...

69.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsname für einen Jungen?

70.Wenn du etwas an dir ändern könntest, was waere es?
Ich wuerde mir liebend gerne weniger Sorgen um alle und alles machen und mein Hirn mal ausschalten ;D

71.Hast du schon mal versucht, dich umzubringen?

72.Welches ist dein liebstes Fast-Food-Restaurant?
Burger King

73.Wen hasst du richtig?
hassen ist das falsche Wort; ich verachte abgrundtief einen Hochstabler und Betrüger, der mir niemanden

74.Welches sind die schrecklichsten Namen?
Detlef und dergleichen :P

75.Hast du Geschwister?
ja, einen Bruder

76.Wenn ja, wie alt sind sie und wie heißen sie?
Sebastian und fast 30 (muhaha)

77.Hast du einen Pool?
noch nicht...

78.Was war das erste, was du von dem anderen Geschlecht bemerkt hast?
weiß ich nicht mehr

79.Wonach bist du süchtig?
Cola Zero :(

80.Magst du Schmuck?

81.Wer würdest du gerne sein?
nur ich selbst

82.Wer hat es einfacher, Männer oder Frauen?

83.Wärst du lieber groß oder klein?
Ich liebe es gross zu sein!

84.Tanzt du gern?
Ja! GypsyTaenze etc :D

85.Feierst du viel?
nein, nicht mehr ! Ab und zu.

86.Spielst du anderen Leuten gerne Streiche?
Und ob!

87.Wenn ja, was war das verrückteste, das du je getan hast?
Jemanden angezuendet :(

88.Welches ist dein liebstes Schulfach?

89.Wer ist die witzigste Person, die du kennst?

90.Welche Zeit ist jetzt?

91.Möchtest du studieren?
mach ich grad

92.Wenn ja, was?
Politik und Fremdsprachen

93.Welche Schule besuchst du?

94.Fühlst du dich wohl in deiner Klasse?

95.Magst du Video-Spiele?

96.Wenn ja, welches magst du am liebsten?

97.Schläfst du viel?
leider :(

98.Bist du ein Morgen- oder ein Nachtmensch?
Nachtaktiv und nervig und sowieso ..aber ich finde es viel geiler Morgens schon fruehs wach zu sein..

99.Kannst du Liebe definieren?
eine Definition sitzt grad neben mir :D

100.Wie oft duschst du?
selten..mog i nicht ;) 1 mal pro Tag oder so..

101.Kommst du gut mit deinen Eltern klar?

102.Hast du sie schon mal angelogen?

103.Wenn ja, wieso?
sag i net ;)

104.Bist du reich, mittel oder arm?
Es geht mir gut

105.Wieviele Zimmer hat dein Haus/Wohnung?

106.Was willst du werden?
UN-Generalsekraeterin :D

107.Bist du schon mal geflogen?
sehr oft

108.Wenn ja, wie hat es dir gefallen?
geilomat, obwohl ich Angst hoab

109.Hast du einen *online*-Flirt?

110.Fluchst du viel?
Immer weniger :D

111.Hast du schon mal geglaubt, du müßtest sterben?

112.Wenn ja, wo und warum?

113.Hast du schon mal ein UFO gesehen?
Leider nicht :(

114.Bist du kitzelig?
hi hi

115.Welches sind deine Lieblings-Blumen?
Sonnenblumen <3>

116.Wie sieht dein Zimmer aus?
alle zwei sehen toll aus

117.Wie würdest du dich selber beschreiben (Mitläufer, Möchtegern, Freak, Rebell,...)?

118.Glaubst du an Jesus?

119.Welche Religion hast du?
Ich glaube an Gott und nicht Religion

120.Glaubst du an Wiedergeburt?
dazu habe ich keine Meinung. Es kommt mir aber nicht abwegig vor..

121.Glaubst du an schwarze Magie?

122.Hast du es schon mal ausprobiert?
nein! Um Gottes Willen!

123.Glaubst du, dass eine Person für eine Andere bestimmt ist?

124.Glaubst du an Liebe auf den ersten Blick?
JA :)

125.Welche Farbe hat deine Zahnbürste?

126.Wieviel mal pro Tag putzt du dir die Zähne?
3 Mal

127.Wer ist deine Lieblings-Cartoon-Figur?
viele. Scooby Doo und Mutley sind toll

128.Hast du einen Job?
Tochter ;)

129.Welches ist deine Lieblingsfrucht?

130.Welches ist dein Lieblingsgemüse?
Aubergine und Broccoli

131.Welches sind deine Lieblings-Süßigkeiten?
alles ausser Kekse und Lakritz und dunkler Schoki und Rosinen ...

Welches war dein schönster Tag in deinem Leben?
gibt viele davon :) Gott sei Dank..

Weil es so ist

134.Bist du *Vater's kleines Mädchen/Junge*?

135.Bist du *Mama's kleiner Engel*?
Jawohl :)

136.Spielst du ein Instrument?
Tu ich! Klavier und so..

137.Benutzt du Deodorant?

138.Wenn ja, welches?

139.Hast du AOL 4.0?
was ist das?

140.Wer ist das süßeste Mädchen?

141.Wer ist der süßeste Junge?
Mein Freund naturligvis!

142.Wer ist der süßeste berühmte Typ?
Ozzy- ist so ein kleiner Mops .... :)

143.Trägst du gerade jetzt Nagellack?

144.Wenn ja, welche Farbe?
nix Farbe

145.Wie viele Ringe/Armbänder trägst du?

146.Welches ist deine Lieblings-Zahnpasta?
So eine Chinesische, hat so leckere Kraeuter als Inhaltsstoff

147.Bist du müde?
neee, kukk ja gleich noch nen Film

148.Hast du Narben?

149.Hast du jemals wegen jemandem des anderen Geschlechts geweint?

150.Magst du Lolli-Pops?
geht so

151.Wie spät ist es jetzt?

152.An was denkst du gerade jetzt?
dass ich ins Bett will... ;)

153.Ohne zu schauen, was für Unterwäsche trägst du gerade jetzt?
nix, trag sowas nischt ;D

154.Wer bringt dich zum Lachen?
meine Liebsten

155.Wer ist dein Lieblings-Lehrer?
darf ich nicht sagen

156.Hast du den Führerschein?

157.Mit wievielen Kissen schläfst du?
4 :D

158.Was war dein schlimmster Alptraum?
Weltuntergang etc

159.Welches Geheimnis kannst du mir hier verraten?
dann ist es ja kein Geheimnis mehr

160.Was am anderen Geschlecht verstehst du nicht?
muß man sie verstehen?

161.Was am selben Geschlecht verstehst du nicht?
Doppelmoral ...

162.Welches ist deine Lieblingsmarke bei Kleidern/Klamotten?
viele, viele, Roxy, CK

163.Welche Ferien magst du am liebsten?


165.Welche Werbung magst du am liebsten?

166.Welche Werbung kannst du nicht ausstehen?

167.Was hast du letzten Sommer getan?
nur Dummheiten

168.Hast du letzte Woche geweint?

hab ich doch nicht

170.Wo bist du geboren?

171.Hast du jemals woanders gewohnt?
jaaaaa, bin ein Zugvogel

172.Wenn ja, wo gefiel es dir am besten?
kann ich nicht sagen, wenns mir nicht mehr gefällt, ziehe ich um

173.Welcher ist dein liebster Disney-Film?
"König der Löwen"

174.Sammelst du irgendwas?
Briefmarken und Geld :P

175.Wenn ja, was?

176.Welcher ist dein Lieblings-TV-Kanal?

177.Was vermisst du beim anderen Geschlecht?
selbstaendiges denken :P

178.Wie viele CD's hast du?
many many maaaaaaaaany

179.Gehst du gerne auf Konzerte?

180.Wenn ja, aufwievielen warst du schon?
kann ich nicht zaehlen ;)

181.Hast du schon mal eine berühmte Person getroffen??
joa kann man so sagen

182.Wer war am nettesten?

183.In welchen Klamotten fühlst du dich am wohlsten?

184.Welches Essen magst du ueberhaupt nicht?
Lakritze und Fleisch und weiss nimma

185.Trägst du eine Brille oder Kontaktlinsen?

186.Magst du lieber Seide oder Baumwolle?

187.Mariah Carey oder Whitney Houston?

188.Welches ist dein Planet?
Venus, he he

189.Welches ist dein Element?
Erde, aber ich finde Wasser is besser

190.Reich und unglücklich oder arm und glücklich?
hauptsache happy wuerd ich mal ganz spontan sagen

191.Welche Zeitschriften magst du?
La Gazzetta dello Sport, Spiegel, Newsweek

192.Coca Cola oder Pepsi?
schmeckt doch beides gleich ey

193.Welche Jahreszeit magst du am liebsten?
Sommer und Mai :P

194.Welches ist dein liebster Wochentag?
Donnerstag ab 20 Uhr

195.Welcher ist dein liebster Monat?

196.Was ist dein größtes Talent?
och ich habe viele, zu viele um eins hervorzuheben

197.Bist du ein guter Zuhörer?

198.Kommen Freunde zu dir wenn sie Probleme haben?

199.Magst du Kettenbriefe?

200.Was war Dein erstes Auto, und welche Farbe hatte es?

201. Was hast Du jetzt für ein Auto?
in meinen Traeumen fahre ich einen Mustang

202. Was für ein Auto willst Du Dir mal holen?
Mustang.. Jaguar evtl auch

203. Hast Du schon mal Bungee- Jumping gemacht?

204. Wie heißt Dein/e erste/r Freund/in?

205. Wie heißt die Person, von der Du Deinen ersten Kuss bekommen hast?

206. Welche verstorbene Person würdest Du gern mal treffen?
meine Oma

207. Was ist die seltsamste Erfindung, die es gibt?
kA... ich!

I just tidied up a bit...

Et voila, a few pics of my (still not fully furnitured) room (plus sleeping hunk...).

Friday, November 28, 2008


Thanks to a teenage girl I've met,
I've experienced things I'd never thought I would experience.
Things about how to love, trust and share.
How to kiss, make and lose.
Somehow, I strongly did loved her, condamned her,
Last but not least, thank her.
For anything, and everything she'd shown me.
That life isn't all about doubt and fear.
And its not about ignorance that is bliss or that life isn't always beneath you.
Its above you. Its just that we don't see it that way.
As she is now forgetting the past,
She heals.
And that we never spoke to one another again.
But for her sake, I am grateful.
The weird part of it all,
Is that it all started, right across my neighborhood.
The day I went to her myself,
Ready to love.

David Beckham

David BeckhamI'm really not happy with the eyes on this one. I've been trying to keep them light as the original picture was in shadow but I think I've succeeded in making him look Demonic! I'm making no comments... I've decided to post it anyway and look for a better photo. I think I'll keep the same background though!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Faith is a belief of something that cannot be proven.
Therefore, we seek reassurance from the people around us.
So we trust the words of the only friend we once knew.
We believe the promises of the girl whom we once shared our love with.
We rely on the examples of dear friends, who help us to be better people.
We all want to believe the people we're most closest to.
But whenever there's doubt, our faith begins to vanish.
And finally, fear rushes in, to take its place..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It has been the loneliest time of my life, for these past few months.
Many of my friends ignore me, and they continue to do so.
I am left with nothing, but my little puppy who seem to understand what I say.
A dog I once used to call it, 'useless' or 'stupid'.
I envy it though. It has such an easy and loving life.
Me? Forget about me having an easy life.
Nor do I have a loving life.
As I've said, when you are all alone, with no one to talk or to spend time with,
We tend to make lots of creative art of words.
And so I have..

" Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints of snow.
I am the sunlight, on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn's rain.
I am in the morning's hush,
I am in the graceful rush.
So, do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die. "

Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler I had a bit of a dilemma with this one. I found a really nice one of her smiling where her teeth were showing but somehow it looked less like her than than the one I finally used where her teeth are hidden. The mischievousness was gone. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to achieve in the background, either. Other than the red carpet I had no other strong convictions about what to include and I think it shows.

Monday, November 24, 2008

About the importance of being idle

I was just thinkin about my promise to myself to write more in Italian and Norwegian or whatever language I posses any skills in. But on the other hand, I do not know many people who are fluent in Italian, Norwegian, German , Polish and Serbian for instance. To be more accurate- I do not know a single person, so I am gonna drop this plan like a hot potatoe and continue in English.
I am sitting in a train at the moment, with my Boyfriend. We had the glorious idea to drive trough the whole region of Lower Saxony and study in the meantime. It's not exactly being put into practice like this but still. We just passed Hannover and our on our way up north. When leaving Gottinga I realised that were most likely missing the NorthDerby (Hamburger SV vs. Werder Bremen, but I guess we will survive?!)
Were at his parents yesterday, and something really curious happened while his father s
tarted a fire in the stack - a few seconds later- suddenly the whole living-room (and it's really big) was black with smoke! It all happened so fast, I did not even have time to realise what really happened in there. It is the second time sth odd happened in this house. Once my Love and me were sleeping in his brother's room, and around three or a bit later his PC just switched itself on! And when Windows started (u know, the sound it makes when it's been driven up?!)- the volume was on the maximum! I am not a freak or whatever, but believe me- I personally switched the PC off before we went to bed, and I am more than sure the boxes were off... I was so sleepy at the very moment it happened that I didn't really know what happened. My Heart just got up to fix it and it was the next morning when I got a bit scared ;).
Anyways, I should really do something for Uni. Or finish reading the Spiegel at l
east ;).

Upadate : We made it til Uelzen and than went back. Had a chat with a housemate (whose name is Marian) til the middle of the night and today we went shopping- my Love bought me the most beautiful shoes ever. Also a lot of other thingies. Now I gotta do something to my hair, I have a meeting with a studying group.

Ant n Dec revisited

Ant n Dec 2

I decided to work up the background a bit more, I think it works better, although as I'm typing this I've spotted something which needs touching up, do I want to post it again? Hmmm....... I'll still do the touch ups though then continue with Liv Tyler, without elf ears!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Once the winds had passed, leaving behind destruction,
It began.
A student shared his humor with a boy in need of joy.
A friend, shared his friendship with others, only to get betrayed later.
A teen, was reunited at long last, by a friend, with her lifelong partner.
It's time like these, where people start doing things.
They perform simple acts of kindness to the victims of the winds.
Although deep down they know, it won't be enough.
Yes. In the wake of a great tragedy, people do what they can to help others.
Although they know, it just won't be enough.

It has been four months since the winds arrived, and changed everything forever.
And in these four months, the people started to gather and pick up on what's left in their lives.
For some, they salvaged broken friendships.
Some, may even uncover colorful histories.
Others, find challenges they haven't expected.
And there's one boy,
Whom he stumbled upon the truth he had long been looking for.
Only,that it would be better,
If he hadn't found out about it, at all.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Ant n Dec"

Ant n Dec Finally finished another picture, black and white, although I might make another attempt in colour. I'm not convinced the tiger is right, added a bit too quickly.

I still fancy doing them with the one body...

You know I love you so...

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah they were all yellow,

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh all the things I've done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh all the things you do
Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know for you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

Its true look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine
look at the stars look how they shine for you

Det snør, det snør tiddeli bom...

Kan du handle det? I almost can't :). Magnificent. Believe me! Yesterday while studying (okay I was more surfing the web but whatever) I noticed tiny little snowflakes swirling outside! I nearly went nuts- I was THAT excited. I guess I scared my hunk like hell, when running around like a crazy addict. But he took it with grace. He really did.

Just finished writting an essay for my Italian Course ( I wrote about an unforgettable journey my best friend Ulla and me made almost three years ago to Andalucia). I must say that I am impressed, I think I am really into writing (or I am talking something in my head, and it's not sense!). Talking about an overdose of self-confidence : Lately it's been getting on my nerves that people, who want us to know (= want to be considered that way) they are intelligent and rich, tell it aloud. Do you really have to?! Don't you know it's classless?! An intelligent person doesn't have to say he or she is, and neither does a rich one. From my point of view it simply indicates a very poor character of yours. It doesn't impress, you do not gain from it and nor does it make you a person of consequence.
A second matter : I hate people who are moaning and whining arou
nd, people who tend to see only clouds on a dark sky, but forget to notice the sun is coming through! People who always see themselves as the poorest, who always foretell the worst case will happen indeed. And the worse is, these sissies end up eventually better than we do.
Just wanna say :)
Amen and peace,
I am back to my papers!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Where does the time go

No new pictures yet. I've been working on another commission - which I can't post until after Christmas. Lots of family things have been keeping me busy and away from drawing. I will try and do something for inclusion tonight. Not sure who as I'm feeling very uninspired at the moment.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cheesed off...

I am so cheesed off, this is why I am not writing in here that frequently. University keeps me busy as hell, so I try to use the little free time I have left for my boyfriend and to catch up with e-mails etc. Apart from that- Novemeber seems, just as July and May to be the month, when most of my friends celebrate their birthdays. It's incredible, but I had to congratulate someone every day! Quite impressive.
I wish you all, one more time- all the very best. With many happy returns of the day!
Anyways (seems to be my favourite word for starters by the way, did you notice?!), I just wanna survive this week and concentrate on my next tasks. I am sitting an exam in political science next week, which is said to be tough. I already hate the fact that the exam will have something to do with science. More theoretic stuff no one really needs.

Today is footie time, and I have a meeting with my girls. I do not know how to keep it short, but I have to,priorities are priorities..... The biggest clash for sure : England versus Germany. Two teams I sincerely do not support and never will. They are just as bad as the Dutch and France!

I am currently reading some really good articles by Rick Stevens about the former Yugoslavia. I love them. If you wish to catch a glimpse as well, here is the link.

Righty right, below a video by Beyonce. It's one of her newest singles, called "If I were a boy".
I love the lyrics, the idea and her voice, perspectively!

This is it,
Loads of hugs!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Best Pizza Ever

Nick and I love to cook. One of our favorite meals is homemade pizza.

The secret to an AMAZING pizza is homemade pizza dough.

Here is the best recipe:
1 Cup Warm Water
1 Packet of Active Dry Yeast (2 1/4 teaspoons)
1 1/4 Teaspoons Sugar
3 1/4 Cups Flour
1 3/4 Teaspoons Kosher Salt
1/4 Cup Olive Oil, Plus More As Needed

Pour the warm water into a bowl. Sprinkle the yeast and sugar over the water and stir. Let stand until the yeast dissolves or swell, about 5 minutes.

Combine 3 cups of flour and the kosher salt into a large bowl Add the yeast mixture and olive oil. Stir with a wooden spoon until the dough comes together. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 15 minutes. If the dough is sticky, add the remaining flour 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough is no longer sticky.

Put the dough in an oiled bowl and turn it at least once to cover all sides with oil. Cover with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for 1 1/2 hours.

New York, New York

Who doesn't love New York in the Fall? I was in the city for work last week and had to take a few pictures. Emily this is for you. My NY trips are not the same now that you and GC are gone! Who else can I share a rum-a-rita with or crash a Fordham alumni event?

Enjoy the pictures.

Tom Cruise meets Ken Dodd

Tom Cruise As I was drawing this it occurred to me that the humour would probably be lost on a few people. Specifically, as about 50% of the traffic to my blog is from the US, roughly 50% worth unless they have spent time in the UK,( in the 1960's and 70's). I'm showing my age here. Despite that, I had to do it.

For those who still don't understand the joke look up "Ken Dodd"and "Diddy men" on google. I did think "off to see cousin Mick" (the marmaliser) might be a good title. The reference is old, I know, but as I was thinking about settings/background all I could think of was "He's short", pantomimes, then the Diddymen... I really must get out more!

This was my second attempt and by far the better likeness. It's A3...see previous posts for my feelings on those. I need to do some touching up - just spotted I need to do a few bits to the eyes- and may add the title then.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well, didn't win anything in the competition. There's still "best in show" but, judging by how the other votes went, that's unlikely. All the winners were architectural pictures. I wasn't too impressed with the top 2 winners -intermediate and experienced. That's not to say they were bad. It's not really sour grapes either, although I was disappointed and would have liked to have won. It's just I thought there were plenty more worthy candidates, ones I would have been happy to lose to! Looking around, I think my entry was too challenging for the style of competition. The winners were fairly safe and obvious interpretations of the theme. I know for next time, do something that's a local view of Buckingham and I'll stand a better chance! Anyway, all part of the learning curve -oh no cliche alert! I must look into some other competitions and get my head down to some serious painting...

I'll be back!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz My latest offering, Cameron Diaz. I've been thinking about doing Cameron for a while and now I have. As always, things could be improved but I don't think I'll ever stop saying that. There is always room for improvement. I'm happy with the likeness in spite of my usual niggles.

Tomorrow I have to submit my painting to the art competition at Akeley Village Hall. It's just on for the weekend but it's a bit of local exposure. Let's see how I do.

I've received another commission, a colour one this time, I don't have the full details yet. I've also agreed to do a fantasy portrait as "lot" in a charity auction on 22nd November which is more exposure.

Now who should I do tomorrow?


They are the ones who lead, make decisions and delegate tasks to their followers.
They are the ones who hold responsibility and integrity within their grasp.
A great leader is distinguished by the followers , not only by their courage, or their intelligence.
But, also by what they choose to say.
For, innovation distinguishes between a leader, and a follower..

Leaders all around the world have outdone themselves, placing themselves on history books and lessons.
Th greatest of leaders are the ones who act,instead of talk.
The ones who think, before they do.
The ones who we count on, and never cease to amaze everyone.
And the ones, who find ways, to always come out the best, of the best..

"..The price of greatness is responsibility." - Sir Winston Churchill.

"...Learn from the mistakes of others, for you can't live long enough to learn them all by yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

".. I start with the premise that the function of leadership, is to produce more leaders. Not more followers." - Ralph Nader.

"..One arrow alone, can be easily broken. But many arrows, are indestructible." - Genghis Khan.

"...My grandfather told me there were two kinds of people : Workers and credit takers. Be a worker, he said. As there is less competition. - Indira Gandhi.

"...We must learn to live together as brothers. Or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"...A leader, is a dealer in hope." - Napoleon Bonaparte.

"..I am not a saint. Unless a saint is a sinner, who keeps on trying." - Nelson Mandela.

"... Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to. But only, to be broken." - Adolf Hitler.

"...The day people stop bringing you their problems, are the days when you have stopped leading them." - Colin Powell, General of the United States Army(2001-2005).

"...Act and you may eat dinner. Think, and you may be dinner." - 'Klingon' Proverb.

"..Leaders, have a harder job to do then just choose sides. They must bring sides together." -Jesse Jackson.

".. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." - John F.Kennedy.

"... We will either find a way, or we'll make one." - Hannibal.

"...If you treat people right, they will treat you right: 90% of the time." -Franklin D .Roosevelt.

"...We few, happy few. Band of brothers. For he, today that sheds, His blood with me. Shall be my brother." - Henry V.

"... The poor needs help. Not sympathy." - Mother Theresa.

And finally,

"... In life, what that doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger." - Jaden Khor.


When life knocks us down, we tend to listen to inspirational quotes by others.
No matter, if their from a famous person, or a humble friend.
These, are my choice of inspirational, yet intelligent quotes/quotations.

"...Someone sent me a postcard picture of Earth. On the back it says, 'Wish you were here'.." - Steven Wright.

"... We must become the change we want to see." -Mahatma Gandhi.

"...If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney.

".. If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it." -William Ward

".. You see things and say 'Why?'. But I dream things that never are and say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw.

"..If you can see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life will change." - Buddha.

"... Someone's sitting under a shade today because someone planted a tree there long time ago. " - Warren Buffet.

"... Anyone who has not made a mistake, has not tried something new. " -Albert Einstein.

".. Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been." - Mark Twain.

".. Discovery consists of looking at the same thing everyone else and thinking something different." -Albert Szent Gyorgi.

".. Success is what you attract by the person you become." -Jim Rohn.

"..No one, in this world can make you feel inferior without your permission." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

".. Experience is what you get when you do not get what you want!" -Anonymous.

"... The biggest mistake in our lives is to think we work for anyone else but ourselves." -Mahatma Gandhi.

''.. Its not what you have. Its what you do with what you have." -Napoleon Hill.

"..It matters not what a person is born. But who they choose to be." -Joanne Kathleen Rowling.

".. Life , knocks you down all the time, which is good. But what's not good, is that you let life keep you down." - James W. Morrison.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It was supposed to be a beautiful year.
Friends cheered, as they know that this friendship will last forever.
Lovers cherished each other. Safe to know that their partners will feel this way, for a lifetime.
It was all going well.
Until the winds came, and changed everything.
And not only the classrooms, to the schools..
But the people, had changed too.
While the year raged on, each of us learned something.
About friendship.
And love.
And redemption.
And some, had learned the hardest lesson of all.
That life, is always fragile, and very often, unfair.
But for some, when they realized their lives are taken away from them forever,
It's already, too late.

"... We can't prevent what we can't predict." - Mary Alice Young. (1965-2004)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


To forgive and forget.
That's what they all say.
As an advice, or a true and humble form of speech.
A simple gesture, or a dark plan for a hidden agenda.
Without forgiveness, our lives will prove tough as we feel uneasy, or guilty.
Without forgiveness, we can never settle the old scores.
When someone has hurt us, we want to hurt them back.
Or when someone has know us wrong , they wish to right us.
Obtaining forgiveness, is sometimes hard.
For some, obtaining it , is as simple as pie.
All we have to do..
Is to hope that they'll forget about it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I am such a f*cktard....

I overslept nearly on purpose! I am hopeless. A hopeless case indeed! Tell me how retarded does a person have to be to act like this?! Just went to the grocery's, at least we have a proper breakfast with my hunk.
Wish you all a nice day.
Remember it's Veteran's Day en Pologne <3

And something for you....

... some beautiful and meaningful music.
Good night


... for these incredible, magical six months
full of love and happiness.
I am so much looking forward for the next ones,
and than for the next ones, and again
and again.
I love you!!!!!

Andrew and Kylie Minogue

Andrew Time to post in earnest. After a week away, another finishing off my commission and another on the competition entry, I'm finally back to my regular caricatures. It's my husband's birthday today so I did this little number for him. He likes canals!

Today I worked on the picture of Kylie, I'm not 100% happy with it so I may have to have another go. The mouth isn't to my liking. I may tweak this one first, iron out the wrinkles. I like the general layout and the tiny body though.Kylie

Party's over / Good bye Mama Africa!

House warming party survived (my liver and throat a bit less), though my hair ironer has disappeared! And I solmenly swear here and now, once I find the darn thief, I am gonna burn him or her a whole in his or her cheek with this very (MY!!!!!) hair ironer! Damn you! How am I supposed to go to University now?! With curly hair?????!!! Are you serious or kidding me? Hmpf!
Party pics to follow, a friend of mine took them, so I have to wait ! All in all it was a good one. I had fun til three or four in the morning- especially because two mid-school friends came over and surprised me (I love you girls!) and than a friend from the Balkan. He brought over yet another guys (also from there and the second one was from India) so it was fun!

Though this bash has shown me something imperative- I am getting old. I am still recovering from it! Can you handle that? Cause I can't! Horrible. I am becoming a no-go!

Well this night a well-kown lady passed away- Miriam Makeba was her name, also known as Mama Africa. She was not only the most know singer from South Africa but also a passionate fighter against the Apartheid ( I supppose everyone knows what that was?!).
Her most popular song (that brought her fame) was "Pata pata" .
Now she is on the better side!

Today it is also six months since we sticked together with my Love. Incredible- time flies by like nothing but on the other hand it feels like I have been knowing my Heart forever!
So this is all my Lovebirds,
Stay as you are

Nothing Compares To You

When we have lots of time in our hands, our minds play tricks on us.
But mine, just made me more creative..
No only to think, but write and do.
*I dedicate this song, to the love, and friendship that is now gone, forever..*

Here it goes..

It's been a bitter four months and fifteen days.
since you took your love away..
I go out every night and sleep all day
since you took your love away..
Since you've been gone I can do whatever I want,
I can see whomever I choose..
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant..
but nothing,
I said nothing can take away these blues..

'Cause nothing compares,
Nothing compares to you.

It's been so lonely without you here.
like a bird without a song.
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling,
tell me baby where did I go wrong?
I could put my arms round every girl I see,
but they'd only remind me of you..
I went to the doctor guess what he told me,
guess what he told me..
He said, boy you better try to have fun.
No matter what you do,
but he's a fool.

'Cause nothing compares,
nothing compares to you..

All the flowers that you planted,
In us,
All died when you went away..
I know that living with you, baby, was sometimes hard,
but I'm willing to give it another try..

Nothing compares,
Nothing compares to you..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Hi Mom, Obama won!"- Kanye West

Long time no see. I feel ashamed again. I assume though it is due to the fact, that I do have the impression, my English is- to the contrary what I have been thinking - bad. Since I am frequenting translation and various other courses held in this wonderful language, I cannot stop wondering about what fool I have been! Especially in translation I do see more and more, that there is still so much I do not know about the English language. Have to work that up I guess?!

Anyways, November has finally arrived (and everyone knows I am not fond of this month!). I must admitt however, that it ain't THIS bad this year, and I even know why ;-P. Today is our house warming party, and I have lost control of whom I invited and whom not. I am the walking chaos, literally!
The best is- even friends, who are currently out of town (Erasmus in Italy or some studies in other German cities) are coming over! This is so ace! Even though I am over the moon because of this fact, someone important is missing, which hurts immensly! My boyfriend had to rush off with his corporation somewhere in Eastern Germany. It is a pity, since a friend of both of us is here, and they can't possibly meet. A pity. Really!!!

Apart from that, every-day business. University, Seid and life. I am more than a happy girl, even though I share the both worries as the majority of us.
I guess this is how it should be!

Of course I can't help but yell out my joy about Obama's victory. I already had hard times in defending my choice. But as I wrote, I fully supported and still do him!

My Sis got married in Octobre in Marocco. From me, one more congrat! I am happy for the both of you! And wish you all the best on your long, long way of a happily married life!

Okay I am getting ready, need some beauty treatment.
Loads of juicy kisses!

P.S - One of my favourite songs by the always incredible KILLERS. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You find it in all the best schools and homes.
Parents rely on it when dealing with inquisitive children.
Women use it to keep secrets, big or small.
Lovers need it to cover up inconvenient accidents.
Why do people resort to deception?
Well, because its a handy tool..
That helps us get, exactly what we're looking for..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We think of our past as if they water under a bridge.
They were mistakes of our past that we've long ago commited.
Like the love,shared but is now gone forever.
Or the old addiction that we've once had, and now given in to.
Or the opportunities that surface, but are wasted and left to drift.
The mistakes of our past have a way of drifting back into our lives.
And when they do..
We'll have to pay the ultimate price for it.


It's something we all want the secrets or deeds we tell to the people around us to be kept safe, and never to be found out.
It could be a friend, who trusted he's partner with a dark agenda.
Or a spouse who trusted their partners to keep a long gone past.
Many people, seek and hope to find someone that is able to keep secrets without jeopardizing our lives.
We share our secrets to the people we share a room, office,classroom or a house with.
But for this to work,we must make sure the secrets we tell the people around us is safe and deeply hidden.
But, how do we avoid getting our secrets spilled out?
Well, the trick is to know who to trust, and whom not to.

*Exams are over! Holidays, and more time thinking about Her! * LoL..